Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Trivia Page


  • This is the third and last appearance of the Striker Z automobile.
  • This is the only time Vicky is not in a Striker Z episode.
  • This is also the only episode which has the Striker Z on the title card.
  • For the duration of Poof's disappearance, this episode mirrors the structure of a 2006 Fairly OddParents episode.
  • This is the second episode which involves Cosmo and Wanda as teens, the first one was during the "Floating With You" musical number in "School's Out!: The Musical". The third will be Cosmonopoly and the fourth will be The Fairy Beginning.
  • Mrs. Turner and Timmy went to the Tibecuador Express when they thought there is nothing else to do. Tibecuador was wished for by Timmy in the episode, "Oh, Brother!" and has apparently become a real country in The Fairly OddParents universe.
  • Apparently at some point, Mr. Turner must have gotten the Striker Z out of the Junkyard and took it for himself since it is shown in this episode.
  • From what is stated in this episode, reverse psychology always beats youthful rebellion (Mr. Turner did this to trick Timmy into washing the car and later Timmy used this to send Cosmo and Wanda into the Wishy Washy to become normal again).
  • The bus horn was La Cucaracha.


  • Wishy Washy - The episode's title comes from the term wishy washy which is when a person acts in a way that's weak or uncertain.

Running Gags

  • People saying "Peace out, yo!"
  • Stating that reverse psychology beats youthful rebellion
  • Threatening to confiscate items (most notably skateboards)


  • Right after Cosmo turns back into an adult, his irises are missing.


Timmy: You two aren't going anywhere until you go back to the car wash so Poof can come back!
Cosmo/Wanda: What's a Poof?
Timmy: Duh, he's your baby!
Wanda: Agh! A baby?!
Cosmo: We're not even married, yo, and she's not my type. I like her with a little more swirl in the curl.
Timmy: You guys go back through that car wash, or else...
Cosmo/Wanda: Or else, what?
Timmy: Or else, I'll take away your skateboard (skateboard Timmy's face), Okay, then I'll take away your music.
Wanda: Here. (drops earplugs and poofs new ones) We needed new ones anyway.
Timmy: Wow. You're good at the "Or I'll" game.
Cosmo/Wanda: Later!

Mrs. Turner: You win this round, Striker Z!

Timmy: They must be here somewhere.

Timmy: Wait! Reverse psychology beats youth rebelry!

Mr. Turner: I think we should see other people.

Mr. Turner: Gentlemen, we have a ring to destroy! [rips off clothes]

Mr. Turner: Did you say to wash my car?
Timmy: Ehm.. No.
Mr. Turner: Great!

Mr. Turner: Go dad! Cake 'N' Bacon! Go dad!
