Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "What's The Difference?" from Season 5, which aired on October 4, 2005.


[The episode opens with Timmy approaching the school building as the bell rings.]

  • Timmy: Same old school...

[Timmy walks down the school hallways.]

  • Timmy: Same old hallways, same old locker. I feel like I'm in a rut. [looks down to see that he is literally in a rut] I do the same thing everyday. I know the perfect way out of this rut. I'll do something I never do: I'll go to the library!
  • Cosmo: AH! I don't know you anymore!

[Cut to school library. Pan to the book Romeo and Juliet, where Cosmo and Wanda are on the cover page, acting as Romeo and Juliet, respectively.]

  • Cosmo: [stares into an empty balcony] Wanda? Wherefore art thou Wanda?
  • Wanda: [from the balcony behind Cosmo] I'm up here, you moron! [throws a flowerpot at Cosmo]
  • Cosmo: AH! Can we skip to Juliet's funeral?

[Pan to Timmy attempting to read a book, only to get bored and toss it to the side]

  • Timmy: This place stinks! Nobody told me this place was full of picture-less books! [Cosmo and Wanda poof out of the Romeo and Juliet book]
  • Wanda: But Timmy! [holds up a copy of The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men] There's plenty of fun books in here. Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath...what could be more fun than wrath or grapes?
  • Cosmo: [holds up a book called Find It!] No! No! This one! This one has pictures in it!
  • Timmy: I'm in! [grabs book] Oooohoohoo! Find Its! The fun puzzle book where everything is hidden... [flips to a page with a pirate] ...right where you can see it, but not where you'd think to look for it. [finds the hidden image]
  • Wanda: Oh, Timmy, this book is for three-year Olds!
  • Timmy: This should be a snap. [glances at another page and points to a scene taking place in a barber shop where several objects have been misplaced] Scissors are a lobster, barber pole is a candy cane, shovel, not a broom.
  • Cosmo: Heey, you're pretty good at this.
  • Wanda: It's for THREE-YEAR OLDS.
  • Timmy: It's pretty simple. All I do is look for things where I'd least expect to find them, and I find them immediately. It's a piece of cake!
  • Cosmo: [points to a picture in the Find It! book] And THERE'S a piece of cake right there! Oh, wait, that's a barber.
  • Mark: [from offscreen] TURNER!

[Cosmo and Wanda poof back in the Romeo and Juliet book, only this time, Wanda is Romeo and Cosmo is Juliet. All of a sudden, Mark Chang in his human form bursts into the library. Screaming and hollering, he turns into a cactus, a horse, a tree trunk, and ultimately back into his Yugopotamian form while running up to Timmy. He finally gets to Timmy.]

  • Mark: You must, like, help me, for my image fake-i-fier is totally malfunctioning! [during his panic, Mark tips over a bookcase which knocks over every other bookcase in the library via domino effect]
  • Timmy: Chill out, Chang! I can totally wish this thing fixed. What's the hurry?
  • Wanda: Well, one, everyone will know there's a space alien in your class...
  • Cosmo: And two, I am now wearing a dress!
  • Mark: And four, without the fake-i-fier, Man-die...[holds up an autographed picture of Princess Mandie] heheh, my super-hot super-murderous fiancé, whom I left at the altar...CAN FIND ME!!
  • Timmy: What are the chances of that?

[Suddenly, Princess Mandie bursts into the library, kicking the doors open.]

  • Cosmo: Wow, the library's more exciting than I thought it would be!

[Timmy quickly grabs Romeo and Juliet and jumps behind a flipped table. Mark tries to run as well but Princess Mandie promptly stomps on his squishy tentacle with her high heels, creating enough force to make Mark bounce back to her. She hugs and squeezes him tightly.]

  • Mandie: Mark, darling, did you miss me? Because this time [holds up a giant bazooka and charges it up] I'm not going to miss you.
  • Timmy: Uh, uh... [looks around and sees his Find It! picture puzzle book] I wish Mark and the whole school was like this book--like my Find Its!

[Cosmo and Wanda raise their wands to grant the wish. Globes become basketballs, atlases become Invader O's cereal boxes, lockers become cartons of milk, doors become gingerbread, clocks become chocolate chip cookies, the knocked over bookshelves become actual dominoes, some intact bookshelves become a hedge maze, and Mark is poofed out of Mandie's clutches.]

  • Mandie: What? He's gone? It's as if the whole school has been transformed into a child's puzzle book...FOR THREE-YEAR OLDS!!
  • Wanda: [to Cosmo] told you.
  • Mandie: [points to Timmy] You'll pay for this. Prepare to meet your doom! [grabs a sausage and aims it at Timmy] Meat?? [realizes that her bazooka has been replaced with salami and smashes it to the ground in frustration]
  • Timmy: Thank you, horribly visual pun!
  • Mandie: [points to Timmy] THIS is your FAULT! You will pay for this! [attempts to attack Timmy with her sharp, retractable claws]
  • Timmy: I, uh...HEY! [points in the opposite direction] Is that Mark asking for your hand in marriage?
  • Mandie: Where? [runs off to find him and Timmy and his fairies quickly hide in the rut Timmy was stuck in earlier. Mandie realizes she was tricked and comes back, angrier than ever.] UURRRRRGGGHH!!
  • Wanda: Uh, Timmy, you know you could have just wished Man-die away...
  • Timmy: I panicked, okay? But now I'm calm. I wish Man-die was back at her home planet and didn't have any idea where Mark Chang was!
  • Cosmo and Wanda: Your wish is our... [realizes that their wands have been replaced with turkey legs] poultry?!
  • Wanda: Oh, great! The finding wish switched our wands with turkey legs!
  • Cosmo: [eating the turkey leg] Mmmm! No wonder my wand tastes so delicious. [to Wanda] Are you gonna finish your wand?
  • Timmy: C'mon! We gotta find your wands before Man-die finds Mark!
  • Wanda: Or worse...before you-know-who catches on!
  • Cosmo: Who-know-who? [Wanda smashes her turkey leg into Cosmo's head]

[Cut to Crocker's classroom where he is sharpening the tip of a metal red 'F.' He tosses the sharpened end at a dartboard with Timmy's face on it. He then stirs his cup of cocoa with a wand but does not realize it, even though it turns his desk into cheese.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Hey! My desk is made of cheese! Hmmm...this is either the work of the Dimmsdale Dairy Council or...FAIRY GOD PARENTS! [does weird poses and collapses to the ground] Oh well! No matter! BACK TO THE F'S!

[Cut to Timmy walking through the school and looking for the wands]

  • Timmy: [looks at a clock with lollipops for hands] Not a wand... [walks past the fire hose which has been replaced with a snake] Not a wand... [walks past lockers] Not a wand! [walks up to A.J.]
  • A.J.: Hey Timmy, does something seem slightly weird about the school to you? As though it were designed by three-year Olds?
  • Timmy: Nope, nah, not at all!
  • A.J.: [opens a locker that has been replaced with a fridge and sees an assortment of delicious sweets.] There's something wrong here...
  • Cosmo: [transformed into Timmy's school book] You're right! There's no turkey in there!

[Cut to Princess Mandie opening a door to a dark room. A cylindrical figure stands in the midst of the room.]

  • Mandie: Oh, Mark? Time to play HIDE-AND-GO DIE! [slashes the round figure with her flaming sword, only for the lights to go on and the shape is revealed to be a water dispenser]
  • Waxelplax: Oooh, hi! You must be the new social studies teacher! Nice flame sword! I keep a medieval flail under MY desk! [looks up to see that the top part of her hair has been replaced with a beehive] OOAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! [screams and runs off]

[Cut back to Crocker's classroom where he is still stirring his cocoa with the wand. He is attempting a crossword puzzle.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Hmmm...a fourteen-letter word for a magical creature that grants wishes with the use of a wand... [lifts the coffee-stirrer/wand and taps his coffee cup with it, turning his cup into a frog, a shoe, a fish, and finally back to a cup] Wand, wand wand wand, wand, wand... JEEPERS today's puzzle is hard!

[Cut to Timmy rushing around in the schoolyard]

  • Timmy: Wands...wands...wands!

[A boy is shooting a bowling ball into a basketball hoop, and it lands on one of two boys seesawing on a ruler, causing the other boy to be launched into the air. Elsewhere, some girls are skip-roping with a snake, and as another boy is running to catch a pizza frisbee, he misses and runs into the fence, which has been turned into a sticky spiderweb. As the boy is stuck in the spiderweb and left to be devoured by the giant spider, Cosmo flies into the air and catches the pizza frisbee in his mouth. Several droplets of his saliva splat down next to Timmy.]

  • Timmy: Man, this is taking forever! Don't you guys have any idea where the wands are?
  • Wanda: No. This is one tough Find-it, Timmy!
  • Cosmo: But if I had to eat through every part of it to find our wands, so be it! [chomps his teeth down on a nearby wiener dog, which then promptly attacks Cosmo viciously] Aaah! That's not a hot dog--it's a dog dog!
  • Timmy: C'mon! We have to find those wands before Man-die finds Mark....or ME!

[Cut to Mandie stalking the hallways for Mark. She fails to notice that Mark is bent into the shape of a trophy and is hidden in the trophy case.]

  • Mandie: [attempts to enter several doors but the doorknobs have been replaced with jelly donuts] Jelly donut... jelly donut... AAH! Is every doorknob in this school made of SUGARY FRIED JELLY-FILLED DOUGH!!!

[Principal Waxelplax enters the scene, her face covered with bee stings]

  • Waxelplax: Oooh! I sure hope so! Chester makes a grab for the jelly donut and Principal Waxelplax lifts her medieval flail] GET AWAY FROM MY JELLY! [Chester makes a run for it as Principal Waxelplax smashes the weapon into the door]

[Cut to the boys' bathroom where Timmy is still trying to find the wands.]

  • Timmy: [looking in the empty stalls] Toilet...toilet...toilet....[opens a closed stall and finds a hippo head] Hippo head!?
  • Hippo Head: If you go in me, you die.
  • Timmy: [closes the stall door] Okay, when a toilet starts talking, it's time to give up. [washes his hands with the candy cane faucet and nonchalantly wipes his hands dry with a cookie]
  • Wanda: Don't give up, Timmy, if this was a Find-it in one of your books, what would you do?
  • Timmy: Look for the thing I'm looking for where I'd least expect to find it!

Timmy and Wanda: [ponders a bit] ...Crocker's room!

[Cut to Crocker's room where he is still figuring out a crossword puzzle.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Ah! An 11-letter word for a student I hate! Last 10 letters are "immy Turner." [taps his head with the wand in thought and turns his head into a gopher's head, the face of a clock, Abraham Lincoln's head, and finally back to his own] Immy? Immy, immy, immy....nope!

[Pan to Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda watching Crocker from the classroom door's window]

  • Timmy: Oh, man! He's in there! How can we search his room?
  • Wanda: Uh, we have other problems, Timmy.
  • Cosmo: Other really voluptuous problems! [Cosmo and Wanda poof into trash cans as Princess Mandie comes into sight.]
  • Mandie: [walks past the trophy case Mark is hiding in and stops for a moment] AHA! [tackles an octopus next to the trophy case and seizes it] GRRRRRRR.... [realizes it's not Mark Chang] ...
  • A.J.: That new social studies teacher sure is crazy.
  • Chester: At least she doesn't have a medieval flail!
  • Mandie: COME OUT, MARK! I know you're here somewhere! AHA!! [eyes a trash can but realizes it's not Mark] DARN IT! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAHHHH!!!!! [seizes trash can and tosses it over her head and it smashes to pieces in front of Timmy]
  • Timmy: Uh oh!

'*Mandie: ' YOU! [somersaults over and grabs Timmy by his collar] tell me where Mark is!

  • Timmy: I-I don't know!
  • Mandie: [slams Timmy's body hard onto the ground] Fine! If I can't find Mark, I'll turn all of Dimmsdale into a crater! [pulls a bomb out]
  • Timmy: A BOMB?!
  • Mandie: It was an apple. [activates the bomb, which is set off to explode in three minutes] Unless, of course, SOMEBODY is willing to sacrifice himself to be my HUSBAND!
  • Cosmo: Well, if I have to. [Salivating, Cosmo charges at Mandie, only for Wanda to smack him real hard]

[ Mr. Bickles and Mr. Birkenbake jump out of nowhere and hug Mandie tightly]

  • Mandie: NOT YOU!!! [pushes Mr. Bickles and Mr. Birkenbake off]

[Mark, overcome by guilt, jumps out of the trophy case and confronts Mandie]

  • Mark: Hideous Man-die! I beseech you! Okay, if I surrender and, like, promise to marry you, will you spare these pitiful humans?
  • Mandie: [quickly grabs Mark by the tentacle] Of course not. But the crater they make will be the perfect honeymoon spot for us! [hugs Mark tightly]
  • Mark: Oh well. I tried.
  • Timmy: OH NO, WE’RE DOOMED! Unless... [looks in Crocker's room]

[Timmy enters Crocker's room.]

  • Timmy: Mr. Crocker, look! [points at Mandie] The totally attractive new social studies teacher just, uh... won a trophy for best hunchbacked teacher who lives with his. Or her mother.
  • Mr. Crocker: What?! That's impossible! I had that category sewn up! My desk may be made of cheese, that locker might be a domino, and those trash cans [points at the transformed Cosmo and Wanda] might have blinking eyes, but if I'm not the best hunchbacked teacher who lives with his or her mother, there's only one logical explanation...

[Pans to inside Crocker's classroom. Outside, we can see Crocker doing his weird poses while screaming "Fairy Godparents!"]

  • Timmy: Quick, find your wands! Look for stars and straight lines!
  • Cosmo: What's a straight line?
  • Wanda: [looking inside each desk] No wand... no wand!
  • Cosmo: [pops out of Crocker's desk of cheese] No turkey! [pulls out his feet]...No cookie!
  • Wanda: No wand!
  • Cosmo: [looks at a T-shirt with the American flag on it] No straight lines! WHERE ARE YOU, STRAIGHT LINES?
  • Timmy: You two search while I stir with this fancy stirring stick! [obliviously stirs Crocker's cocoa with the wand]

[Pan to the classroom door window where we see Crocker and Mandie]

  • Mr. Crocker: [to Mandie] Give me that blinking, slimy, talking green trophy, woman!

[Pan back inside the classroom to the search for the wands]

  • Timmy: Now, find a wand... [taps the wand to his head, transforming it into an apple, a TV, a giant pencil, and ultimately back to normal]

[Pan back to the classroom door window. Crocker and Mandie are both tugging viciously at Mark's curved tentacles.]

  • Mark: Ooooowww! Cease your constant pulling on my shiny handles!
  • Timmy: [sips Crocker's cup of cocoa] Man, this cocoa's so good, it's like magic! [realizes that the "coffee-stirrer" was the wand] Oh, duh... Cosmo, quick! Take this wand and-- oh, what am I thinking? Wanda! [tosses wand to Wanda]
  • Wanda: [catches the wand] I wish Cosmo could find his wand!
  • Cosmo: Still can't find it! [Wanda turns Cosmo's head to his wand] Hey, I found it!
  • Timmy: And I wish Man-die was back on her planet and didn't know where Mark was, and everything wasn't a find-it anymore!

[Cosmo and Wanda raise their wands and grant Timmy's wish. Princess Mandie and Mr. Crocker are still struggling over who gets to keep Mark the "trophy," when all of a sudden Princess Mandie is poofed away, leaving Mark to Crocker.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Ah! I'd like to thank the academy-- [Mark is poofed away] DRAT! ...FAIRIES!!

[The bomb then disappears and the playground and school is restored to its normal design. Pan back to Timmy, standing in his rut again.]

  • Timmy: Ah, back in my rut. It's good to have everything back to normal. [Mark approaches Timmy]
  • Mark: Turner, I cannot thank you enough.
  • Timmy: I'm just glad your image fake-i-fier is working again. What happened to it anyway?
  • Mark: I do not know. But! I promise it will never happen again.

[All of a sudden, Trixie approaches Mark.]

  • Trixie: Hey! You're cute. [blows Mark a kiss which lands on his face]
  • Mark: [fake-i-fier shorts out again, revealing his alien form] AAAAGHH! Kisses! From Earth women! It is happening again! [turns into a balloon, a barber pole, and ultimately a jelly donut]
  • Waxelplax: [pops out from nowhere] Jelly donut! WHOOHOO! [dashes off with Mark the jelly donut] YAY, JELLY! ...GET AWAY FROM MY JELLY!