Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Totally Spaced Out" from Season 2, which aired on July 12, 2002.


[Fade in on the Turners' house. A school bus drops off Timmy]
Timmy: Awright! The weekend! [enters the house] No school, no Vicky baby-sitting, just a nice fun weekend with my parents! [a suitcase falls in front of him. He looks at Mr. and Mrs. Turner] You're leaving?!
Mr. and Mrs. Turner: On a weekend business trip!
Mr. Turner: To Oceanside Resort Springs Beach. They've got golfing, not business, fishing, not business, snorkeling, not business, deep sea not businessing and eight different restaurants!
Timmy: Where's the business?
Mr. Turner: Well, uh, they've got a copier... That makes foofy lulu drinks!
Timmy: You're going for the whole weekend?
Mr. Turner: We're all busted up about it too, son, but you'll be protected by Vicky! [the boat labeled "Hope" in the painting beside him sinks] I hope our fishing boat... I mean, business meeting... doesn't do that. [he and Mrs. Turner wink at each other. Timmy makes a displeased face. Fade to Timmy's room]
Timmy: [to Cosmo and Wanda] Darn it! Vicky's gonna torture me all weekend unless we can figure out a way to get rid of her! Come on, guys. Think of something! Something that'll take Vicky a million million miles from here!
Cosmo: I'm on it! [he gives Timmy a tape measure and starts pulling it away from Earth. Fade to Yugopotamia, where Mark the alien is having a birthday party]
Queen Jipjorrulac: Happy birthday, Mark!
King Grippullon: Open it up, pal! It's from your mom and me! [Mark opens a present, revealing a barrel of radioactive waste]
Erik: Radioactive waste?!
Jeff: Dude, that's the most awesome kinda waste there is! My parents only got me medical waste!
Mark: Whatever. It does not matter how horrifyingly bad these gifts are! Nothing can fill the hole in my heart left by losing my one true love, Vicky of Earth!
Cosmo: [pulling the tape measure up to Mark] One million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand and ninety-nine... One million one million! Whew!
Mark: Who dares to intrude on my pathetic weeping?
Cosmo: Federation Express. I have a message for Mark Chang, from Vicky of Earth. [makes a hologram of Vicky appear]
Vicky: Help me, Mark Chang. You're my only hope. I, like, miss you and stuff! Won't you take me away from this planet forever and ever [disappears] and ever...?
Mark: Jeff... Erik...
Mark, Jeff and Erik: Road trip!/Road trip, yo! [fade to a spaceship touching down in front of Vicky's house. Mark and company deboard it, and Erik rings the doorbell]
Vicky: [opens the door] You! I remember you! You're Timmy's geek friend from Europe with that stupid alien costume! Is there an idiot convention in town?
Jeff: Dude, she's on to us! Do something! [Mark sprays Vicky with knock-out gas]
Vicky: [coughs] Is this some sort of French perfume? I'm sleepy... [faints into Mark's tentacles. Fade to Mr. Turner packing a suitcase]
Mr. Turner: Can't forget the good ol' boogie board!
Timmy: Boogie board?
Mr. Turner: I mean, business boogie board. [Timmy walks up to Wanda, a vase. Cosmo appears in her as a flower]
Wanda: Where have you been?
Cosmo: Wait for it. [the doorbell rings]
Mr. Turner: I'll get it! [opens the front door] Yes?
Mark: [hiding in a bush and holding Vicky in front of Mr. Turner] Uh... hey, Earth guy... I just wanted to let you know... I have to go to, uh... your... Uh... Your...
Mr. Turner: Europe?
Mark: Yeah. Right, that. Okay, later. [Mr. Turner closes the door. Mark moves Vicky's body as if she were walking away]
Timmy: No baby-sitter means you guys can't go on your "business" trip now!
Mr. Turner: Well, you'd think that, son, but when it comes to the safety and welfare of our business trip, we always have a plan B! [cut to outside a day care]
Timmy: Flappy Bob's PeppyHappy Camp Learn-a-torium? That's plan B?
Mr. Turner: Hey, plan C was military school!
Mrs. Turner: We love you, Timmy! [she and Mr. Turner leave. Timmy walks toward the building and sees a ball pit. He jumps toward it]
Betty: [stops Timmy with her hand] Whoa there, special guest! You can't just dive headfirst into the PeppyHappy ball pit!
Gary: And we're going to explain why... in song! [blows a pitch pipe. A shocked Timmy's pupils shrink] ♪ I'm happy peppy Gary! ♪
Betty: ♪ I'm peppy happy Betty! ♪
Gary and Betty: ♪ We're peppy happy happy peppy peppy happy hap! ♪
Betty: ♪ Ask Peppy Happy Gary! ♪
Gary: ♪ That ball pit's kind of scary! ♪
Gary and Betty: [putting the following things on Timmy] ♪ So before you leap, you must put on these helmet, foam and pads! Yay! ♪
Timmy: [jumps into the ball pit] Am I having fun yet? [fade to the ship touching down on Yugopotamia. Mark and company deboard it]
Mark: Beloved, semi-conscious Vicky! Behold Yugopotamia! [chuckles] Most feared planet in the galaxy, thank you very much!
Vicky: Can I have a cookie?
Mark: [to Jeff and Erik] Do you not see why I love her? She is unafraid of one of the most lethal of all poisons found on our planet. She rocks! [cut to the Learn-a-torium]
Timmy: Stupid Gary! [takes off the helmet] Stupid Betty! [he sees an arcade game, Smack-a-Mole] Finally! Something mindless and violent I'm totally excellent at! [a metallic mole pops out of the game. Timmy lifts the mallet]
Gary: [takes the mallet] Stop! [Timmy looks at him] You must learn!
Timmy: How to smack?
Betty: No, silly willy walnut head! About that mole! And how it feels about being smacked!
Chet Ubetcha: [on a TV in the game cabinet] I'm Chet Ubetcha, narrating... The Mole: Smack Me to Extinction. Let's start at the beginning. Six million years ago, the dreaded molasaurus ran rampant across the continent. ["eight hours later", Timmy is tired and drooling] ...which spelled the end for our furry little friend the mole.
Betty: Now—who wants cookies and ice cream?
Timmy: I do!
Gary: No, you don't! They're not approved food groups! Who wants soy cubes?
Betty: I do!
Timmy: Well, I wanna go home!
Betty: You can't! You don't have adult supervision!
Gary: And you're supposed to stay here until your baby-sitter returns from Europe!
Timmy: But she's never coming back!
Gary and Betty: [look at each other] Yay! We're going to be friends forever! [Timmy screams and hides. Gary and Betty run past him. Cosmo and Wanda appear]
Timmy: Guys... I never thought I'd say this, but I wish Vicky were back. [the fairies raise their wands, which only go limp and make a flatulent noise] Oh, man! Lemme guess... That alien kid loves Vicky and...
Wanda: Our magic can't goof up true love.
Cosmo: Exactamundo!
Timmy: I wish we were on Yugopotamia! [the fairies grant the wish. Timmy is now wearing his Crash Nebula costume, and the fairies are dressed similarly. Timmy looks at himself] Why am I in my Crash Nebula space suit?
Cosmo: [stretching his suit] It's spacey and form fitting! [lets go]
Wanda: You wore it last time you were here!
Timmy: You think they'll remember me? [a crowd of Yugopotamians sees him on a big screen]
Yugopotamian Male: It's Timmy Turner! The Earth warrior who eats the dreaded chocolate! [the audience slithers away screaming]
Cosmo: I'd call that a "yes". [cut to the royal palace]
Jipjorrulac: Mark was so disappointed with his gifts. I hope this surprise birthday party cheers him up.
Yugopotamian #1: He's coming! He's coming! [Timmy enters]
Party Guests: Surprise! [they notice Timmy, then slither away screaming]
Grippullon: We left your planet in peace! What do you want with us?
Timmy: I demand the release of the Earth girl, Vicky!
Yugopotamian #1: He's coming! He's coming! [Mark enters holding Vicky. The guests scream, then realize who it is]
Party Guests: Surprise! [they cheer]
Grippullon: You have brought the wrath of Earth upon us! Give him his mate back!
Timmy: Mate?!
Mark: It is my birthday, and I am a man now! I will not relinquish my love! I challenge the Earth punk to De-Chah-Fat!
Timmy: I accept. What kind of chocolate-eating, cookie-crunching, flower-dancing horror is De-Chah-Fat?
Mark: [sniffles] I'm sorry, I sneezed. I meant to say... Death Combat!
Timmy: 'Scuse me?
Palace Guard: Each warrior may choose their own arena of combat. And since it is Mark's birthday, he may choose first!
Mark: Alrighty then. I choose [cut to the following place] the Yugopotamian war arena! [the audience cheers]
Palace Guard: Let the battle begin! [Mark presses a button on his belt. A mecha rises from the ground, and he uses it to shoot electricity at Timmy. Cosmo and Wanda appear]
Timmy: I wish you were amazingly cool hi-tech protective space weapons! [the fairies grant the wish, forming a robotic suit around him] Bring it on, soap scum!
Cosmo: "Alien" scum.
Timmy: Whatever! [he flies toward Mark and fires pillows at him. Mark screams, and a pillow hits him in the face]
Mark: Feathery softness!
Timmy: Pillows?
Wanda: Yugopotamians hate fluffy and nice and good and sweet!
Cosmo: Yeah, Timmy! On this planet, you have to fight fire with fun! [Mark blows up the heap of pillows covering him and shoots Timmy, singing him and the fairies and turning the fairies back to normal. The fairies disappear, and Timmy falls to the ground]
Mark: Checkmate, dude! [he fires a giant laser point blank at Timmy. The audience gasps. Timmy stops cowering. The ground around him has become a crater] Whoa! I missed.
Palace Guard: [to Timmy] That is the end of the first round! You may now choose the battle arena.
Timmy: [thinking] Think, Timmy... Think. Fight fire with fun. They hate good, and nice is icky. Good and nice combined... [cut to Gary and Betty searching through the ball pit. Timmy and Mark appear. Timmy looks at the pit and smiles menacingly]
Mark: [looks around and shouts] Those colors! [backs up to stuffed animals] Those animals... [screams] It's all so fuzzy and nice! [he jumps out of the pit and lands head first]
Timmy: Hey, Mark, I got a surprise for you! [presents him the following] Fat-free soy cubes!
Mark: [screams] Way too healthy! [he slithers away and runs into a giant stuffed bear]
Polar Bear: Huh! I'm Pete, the Polar Bear! Can you save me from extinction? Huh huh! [Mark screams]
Child: Hello there, funny head.
Mark: [screams] No! My head is not funny! [screams]
Children: [laughing and running around Mark] ♪ You have a funny head! You have a funny head! You have a funny head! You have a funny head! You have a funny head! You have a funny head! ♪
Mark: The laughter of children! I cannot take the laughter of children! [his brain bulges out of its glass enclosure and grays. The kids leave] I surrender! You win the De-Chah-Fat! [the King, the Queen, Jeff, Erik and Vicky beam in]
Grippullon: Earth child, once again you have won fair and square. Here. [placing Vicky in front of Timmy] Take your woman and kindly slay our son.
Timmy: [to Mark] Hey, man... She's not my woman, okay? She's my baby-sitter! And once I'm 16, you can have her back for good!
Mark: Six years? This birthday stinks.
Timmy: Well... I do feel bad about spoiling your big day, so I will give you two gifts! One, I will spare your life!
Mark: 'Kay.
Timmy: And two... [cut to the ship flying away from Earth]
Jeff: Dude, that Earth kid isn't so bad. [he and Erik are looking at the arcade game]
Erik: Yeah, check out his awesome present!
Mark: Foolish human! [chuckles] When I am done with this combat training device, I will return for Vicky, yet again! [Gary and Betty pop out of the game and smile. Mark raises the mallet]
Gary and Betty: Soy cube? [Mark screams. Fade to the Turners' living room]
Timmy: Well, Mark's gone, Vicky's back and baby-sitting and I'm not in happy town anymore and everything's right with the world!
Cosmo: And you're not dead!
Vicky: I... Uh... Hey! Where am I? What am I doing here? [to Timmy] And... why aren't you miserable? [a can of knock-out gas comes out of a device on Timmy's wrist] You'd better... [Timmy sprays her, and she faints. He grins. Iris out on his face. The end title card is shown. Fade to black]
