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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Timvisible" from Season 2, which aired on April 26, 2002.
- [Fade in on the Turners' car driving down a road]
- Mr. Turner: Hope you have a great last day of school, Timmy! [Cosmo and Wanda, balloons held by Timmy, show their faces]
- Timmy: How can I not? Today's the day I get my perfect attendance award!
- Mrs. Turner: We're so proud of you!
- Mr. Turner: Ha! You may not have gotten an award for grades or sports, but when it comes to showing up, you sure do show up a lot! [the car lands in front of Dimmsdale Elementary]
- Timmy: [looks outside] Oh no! Francis is outside looking for me!
- Wanda: How do you know he's looking for you?
- Timmy: It's the last day of school! [there is a line of injured boys outside] He celebrates by pounding all the guys! [a boy wearing a wig and a dress walks past Francis]
- Boy: Hey there, Francis! It's just me! Me, the girl! Not the boy that you would pound if I was a boy, which I'm not, 'cause I'm a girl! [Francis takes off the wig] Please, Francis, no! I'm still wearing a dress!
- Mrs. Turner: [as punches connect offscreen] Well, honey, anything else before we drop you off, don't look back, and pay absolutely no mind to that scary, gray child? [the boy goes flying into Timmy's window and slides to the ground]
- Timmy: Yeah. Can you drop me off in school? [his parents look at each other excitedly. Cut to him in Mr. Crocker's classroom] Bye, Mom and Dad. See you later at the awards ceremony!
- Mr. and Mrs. Turner: Bye, Timmy! [they drive off]
- Mr. Crocker: [coughs] Thank you for joining us today, Mister Turner. [Timmy seats himself, and a paper airplane lands on his desk]
- Timmy: [reading the paper] "Turner, you die at 9:30." [he looks at the clock, which reads 9:10, and at another kid, who points to Francis, who waves and chuckles. Another paper airplane lands on his desk; reading the paper] "I think you're... cute"? [he looks at Francis, who points to an attractive girl. Timmy winks and points at her, and she points to a large, unattractive girl who is smiling at him, and he recoils. It becomes 9:30, and the school bell rings. Francis approaches Timmy] Look! Over there! A Rottweiler!
- Francis: I'm not falling for that one, Turner.
- Timmy: You're right. It's just a brick wall.
- Francis: A brick wall? [looks back] Where? [Timmy runs out of the room. Cosmo and Wanda appear in fairy form]
- Wanda: You know, sweetie, running away from your problems never solved anything.
- Francis: Turner! [he punches kids out of his way as he runs toward Timmy]
- Cosmo: But it's great cardio! Run, Timmy! Run! [Timmy runs down a hallway leading nowhere]
- Timmy: A dead end! Aw, man! If Francis sees me, I'm dead! [beat] Wait... Sees me! That's it! I wish I was invisible! [the fairies grant the wish: A magical pencil seemingly erases him] Cool! You can see right through me!
- Wanda: You're ten, sweetie. You're not that hard to figure out. [Francis roars as he runs toward Timmy like an ape]
- Timmy: Oh no! Francis is coming! You two gotta hide! I wish that you looked like school kids! [the fairies grant the wish]
- Francis: Awright, Turner... it's time to... Hey. Where'd Turner go?
- Cosmo: Uh, brown hair? Big teeth?
- Wanda: Short kid? Uh, silly pink hat?
- Francis: Yeah!
- Cosmo and Wanda: Never heard of him. [Timmy chuckles as he walks behind Francis, then gets scissors]
- Francis: [as Timmy uses the scissors offscreen] Well, when you see him, tell him I'm gonna give him my special year-end punch... [picking up Cosmo] or I'll give it to you.
- Cosmo: Oh, cool! I love presents! [Francis drops him, turns around, revealing Timmy cut a hole in his pants, and leaves]
- Wanda: Now, that's one angry puppy. [Timmy follows Francis around a corner and gets taken away by football players] Timmy? Timmy?
- Timmy: Cool! I'm invisible! That means... Well, I get to do invisible stuff. [fade to outside the boys' locker room. Snapping sounds are heard, and jocks wearing towels run out of the room]
- Jock: [screams] Haunted locker room! [Timmy comes out holding a towel and laughs as he twists it and snaps it. Fade to a classroom]
- Teacher: And if you take the sum of the corners, then add them to my salary, you get... that's not a lot. [Timmy starts scratching the chalkboard, irritating the class]
- Kid #1: Aah! That noise!
- Kid #2: It's coming from nowhere!
- Teacher: It's the haunted chalkboard! [he and some students run out of the room screaming]
- Timmy: [laughs] Haunted chalkboard? Ha! [fade to him opening the door to a biology classroom, where Chester and A.J. face a frog on a dissection board]
- Chester: I'm not dissecting it, you dissect it!
- A.J.: No way, man! I'm a vegetarian!
- Francis: [pushing them away] Outta the way, geeks. Heh! This is what I'd do to Turner if he was a frog! [he is holding up scissors. The frog becomes scared]
- Timmy: Nobody does that to my friends as long as I can't be seen defending them! [he takes the frog before Francis can cut into it] Hey! Pick on someone your own species!
- Francis: [as Timmy attacks him with the frog] Ooh! Ow! Ouch! Ow!
- Chester: [to A.J.] Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
- A.J.: The ghost frog beating up Francis? Yeah!
- Chester and A.J.: Awesome! [they look at each other] Ghost frog! The school is haunted! [they run out of the room screaming]
- Crocker: [looks inside the room] Hmm. That child with the overactive pituitary gland is getting beaten up by a floating frog. [beat] Yay. [beat] But wait, frogs don't float. Or beat up children. There's only one logical explanation! Timmy Turner has wished himself invisible with the help of his [spasming] fairy godparents! [fade to the janitor's closet; muttering] Stupid... fairies... exist... crazy... [opening a box labeled "fairy stuff"] I'll show them that fairies do exist! I'll show them all! [he laughs maniacally as he takes devices out of the box. Fade to Timmy running down a hallway]
- Timmy: Wow! Being invisible rocks! [the door in front of him is kicked open, and Crocker, wearing goggles and a metal suit, dives out of it]
- Crocker: With the help of my heat-seeking fairy goggles, I'll be able to find this invisible boy! But where to look? Where to look?
- Principal Waxelplax: Mr. Crocker! What do you think you're doing?
- Crocker: Ah, Principal Waxelplax. I'm just hunting fairies. [the goggles' lenses stick out at her]
- Waxelplax: Knock it off, Crocker! I don't want anything freaking out the children during the awards ceremony!
- Chester and A.J.: [running by screaming] Ghost frog!
- Jock: [running by] Haunted locker room!
- Teacher: [running by] Haunted chalkboard!
- Waxelplax: Too late. [Timmy starts running down the hallway]
- Timmy: Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about the ceremony! If I don't show up in person, I won't get my award! And I can't "show up" if I'm invisible! Gotta find Cosmo and Wanda! [looks inside a Spanish classroom] There they are! [the fairies are wearing sombreros and ponchos] And they're Spaniards!
- Spanish Teacher: ¿Dónde está el queso apestoso? [the chalkboard reads "Where is the smelly cheese?"]
- Cosmo: [holding up a piece of cheese] ¡Aquí! [clears his throat; to Wanda] ¡Tengo un puerco en mis chonies!
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v - e★ Season 2 Transcripts ★ | ||
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10 | ||
#01 Boys in the Band | #02 Hex Games | #03 Boy Toy |
#04 Inspection Detection | #05 Action Packed | #06 Smarty Pants |
#07 Super Bike | #08 A Mile In My Shoes | #09 Timvisible |
#10 That Old Black Magic | #11 Foul Balled | #12 The Boy Who Would Be Queen |
#13 Totally Spaced Out | #14 The Switch Glitch | #15 Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad |
#16 Knighty Knight | #17 Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary | #18 Nectar of the Odds |
#19 Hail To The Chief | #20 Twistory | #21 Fools Day Out |
#22 Deja Vu | #23 Information Stupor Highway | #24 Scary GodParents |