Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Timvisible" from Season 2, which aired on April 26, 2002.


[Fade in on the Turners' car driving down a road]
Mr. Turner: Hope you have a great last day of school, Timmy! [Cosmo and Wanda, balloons held by Timmy, show their faces]
Timmy: How can I not? Today's the day I get my perfect attendance award!
Mrs. Turner: We're so proud of you!
Mr. Turner: Ha! You may not have gotten an award for grades or sports, but when it comes to showing up, you sure do show up a lot! [the car lands in front of Dimmsdale Elementary]
Timmy: [looks outside] Oh no! Francis is outside looking for me!
Wanda: How do you know he's looking for you?
Timmy: It's the last day of school! [there is a line of injured boys outside] He celebrates by pounding all the guys! [a boy wearing a wig and a dress walks past Francis]
Boy: Hey there, Francis! It's just me! Me, the girl! Not the boy that you would pound if I was a boy, which I'm not, 'cause I'm a girl! [Francis takes off the wig] Please, Francis, no! I'm still wearing a dress!
Mrs. Turner: [as punches connect offscreen] Well, honey, anything else before we drop you off, don't look back, and pay absolutely no mind to that scary, gray child? [the boy goes flying into Timmy's window and slides to the ground]
Timmy: Yeah. Can you drop me off in school? [his parents look at each other excitedly. Cut to him in Mr. Crocker's classroom] Bye, Mom and Dad. See you later at the awards ceremony!
Mr. and Mrs. Turner: Bye, Timmy! [they drive off]
Mr. Crocker: [coughs] Thank you for joining us today, Mister Turner. [Timmy seats himself, and a paper airplane lands on his desk]
Timmy: [reading the paper] "Turner, you die at 9:30." [he looks at the clock, which reads 9:10, and at another kid, who points to Francis, who waves and chuckles. Another paper airplane lands on his desk; reading the paper] "I think you're... cute"? [he looks at Francis, who points to an attractive girl. Timmy winks and points at her, and she points to a large, unattractive girl who is smiling at him, and he recoils. It becomes 9:30, and the school bell rings. Francis approaches Timmy] Look! Over there! A Rottweiler!
Francis: I'm not falling for that one, Turner.
Timmy: You're right. It's just a brick wall.
Francis: A brick wall? [looks back] Where? [Timmy runs out of the room. Cosmo and Wanda appear in fairy form]
Wanda: You know, sweetie, running away from your problems never solved anything.
Francis: Turner! [he punches kids out of his way as he runs toward Timmy]
Cosmo: But it's great cardio! Run, Timmy! Run! [Timmy runs down a hallway leading nowhere]
Timmy: A dead end! Aw, man! If Francis sees me, I'm dead! [beat] Wait... Sees me! That's it! I wish I was invisible! [the fairies grant the wish: A magical pencil seemingly erases him] Cool! You can see right through me!
Wanda: You're ten, sweetie. You're not that hard to figure out. [Francis roars as he runs toward Timmy like an ape]
Timmy: Oh no! Francis is coming! You two gotta hide! I wish that you looked like school kids! [the fairies grant the wish]
Francis: Awright, Turner... it's time to... Hey. Where'd Turner go?
Cosmo: Uh, brown hair? Big teeth?
Wanda: Short kid? Uh, silly pink hat?
Francis: Yeah!
Cosmo and Wanda: Never heard of him. [Timmy chuckles as he walks behind Francis, then gets scissors]
Francis: [as Timmy uses the scissors offscreen] Well, when you see him, tell him I'm gonna give him my special year-end punch... [picking up Cosmo] or I'll give it to you.
Cosmo: Oh, cool! I love presents! [Francis drops him, turns around, revealing Timmy cut a hole in his pants, and leaves]
Wanda: Now, that's one angry puppy. [Timmy follows Francis around a corner and gets taken away by football players] Timmy? Timmy?
Timmy: Cool! I'm invisible! That means... Well, I get to do invisible stuff. [fade to outside the boys' locker room. Snapping sounds are heard, and jocks wearing towels run out of the room]
Jock: [screams] Haunted locker room! [Timmy comes out holding a towel and laughs as he twists it and snaps it. Fade to a classroom]
Teacher: And if you take the sum of the corners, then add them to my salary, you get... that's not a lot. [Timmy starts scratching the chalkboard, irritating the class]
Kid #1: Aah! That noise!
Kid #2: It's coming from nowhere!
Teacher: It's the haunted chalkboard! [he and some students run out of the room screaming]
Timmy: [laughs] Haunted chalkboard? Ha! [fade to him opening the door to a biology classroom, where Chester and A.J. face a frog on a dissection board]
Chester: I'm not dissecting it, you dissect it!
A.J.: No way, man! I'm a vegetarian!
Francis: [pushing them away] Outta the way, geeks. Heh! This is what I'd do to Turner if he was a frog! [he is holding up scissors. The frog becomes scared]
Timmy: Nobody does that to my friends as long as I can't be seen defending them! [he takes the frog before Francis can cut into it] Hey! Pick on someone your own species!
Francis: [as Timmy attacks him with the frog] Ooh! Ow! Ouch! Ow!
Chester: [to A.J.] Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
A.J.: The ghost frog beating up Francis? Yeah!
Chester and A.J.: Awesome! [they look at each other] Ghost frog! The school is haunted! [they run out of the room screaming]
Crocker: [looks inside the room] Hmm. That child with the overactive pituitary gland is getting beaten up by a floating frog. [beat] Yay. [beat] But wait, frogs don't float. Or beat up children. There's only one logical explanation! Timmy Turner has wished himself invisible with the help of his [spasming] fairy godparents! [fade to the janitor's closet; muttering] Stupid... fairies... exist... crazy... [opening a box labeled "fairy stuff"] I'll show them that fairies do exist! I'll show them all! [he laughs maniacally as he takes devices out of the box. Fade to Timmy running down a hallway]
Timmy: Wow! Being invisible rocks! [the door in front of him is kicked open, and Crocker, wearing goggles and a metal suit, dives out of it]
Crocker: With the help of my heat-seeking fairy goggles, I'll be able to find this invisible boy! But where to look? Where to look?
Principal Waxelplax: Mr. Crocker! What do you think you're doing?
Crocker: Ah, Principal Waxelplax. I'm just hunting fairies. [the goggles' lenses stick out at her]
Waxelplax: Knock it off, Crocker! I don't want anything freaking out the children during the awards ceremony!
Chester and A.J.: [running by screaming] Ghost frog!
Jock: [running by] Haunted locker room!
Teacher: [running by] Haunted chalkboard!
Waxelplax: Too late. [Timmy starts running down the hallway]
Timmy: Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about the ceremony! If I don't show up in person, I won't get my award! And I can't "show up" if I'm invisible! Gotta find Cosmo and Wanda! [looks inside a Spanish classroom] There they are! [the fairies are wearing sombreros and ponchos] And they're Spaniards!

Spanish Teacher: ¿Dónde está el queso apestoso? [the chalkboard reads "Where is the smelly cheese?"]
Cosmo: [holding up a piece of cheese] ¡Aquí! [clears his throat; to Wanda] ¡Tengo un puerco en mis chonies!

Spanish Teacher: ¿Dónde está el queso de governmente? [the chalkboard reads "Where is the government cheese?"]
Cosmo: [holding up a piece of cheese labeled "U.S."] ¡Aquí! [clears his throat; to Wanda] ¡Tengo un puerco en mis chonies!

Wanda: You have a hog in your pants?
Cosmo: ¡Sí! [takes a pig out of his pants]
Spanish Teacher: Then you get extra credit! [the fairies cheer and shake maracas. Crocker approaches Timmy from behind]
Timmy: Uh-oh! Crocker!
Crocker: Turner!
Timmy: Magic vision goggles! He can see me! [running away] I gotta get outta here!
Crocker: I got you now, Turner! Fairies! Fairies! Fairies! [he starts running after Timmy. He fires plungers at him and misses] Blast! Missed! [Timmy runs around a corner, and the bell rings]
Timmy: [looking at a clock] Oh no! It's 5:30! I'm gonna miss the ceremony! [cut to the auditorium, where the ceremony is being held. The unnerved audience is murmuring]
Woman: ... about this. Do we pay taxes for ghosts? No!
Mrs. Turner: I love awards ceremonies! I've never missed one! Hey! I've got perfect attendance like Timmy!
Mr. Turner: Good thing the ghosts can't reach us in the car! [they laugh]
Wanda: [to Cosmo] Where's Timmy? It's not like him to dodge things. [cut to Timmy and Crocker running into the kitchen]
Crocker: [looks around] You know, once I capture you, you little ghost boy, I will finally be able to prove that fairies do exist! [Timmy peeks out from inside a cabinet and sees him, then jumps to the floor and starts running away]
Timmy: If I can just keep as quiet as a mouse... [he bumps into a drawer, making the dishes on it fall and shatter]
Crocker: Turner!
Timmy: Oh no!
Crocker: Now I have you! [he fires a plunger at Timmy, who deflects it with a dish, and it bounces off a light fixture and hits a bag of flour behind him, bursting it and filling the room with flour]
Timmy: [running out of the room] Gotta get to the awards ceremony! [cut to the auditorium]
Waxelplax: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! And welcome to the awards ceremony! Ooh! [everyone is silent except for someone who clears his throat] Well... let's begin anyway.
Cosmo: I think I'll pick up the best dressed award. What do you think, Steve? [Francis takes Steve, the pig]
Francis: Well, I can't find Turner. You know what that means.
Cosmo: Um... it means you and I are gonna be best friends, and you won't kill me or my pet pig, Steve? [Francis grabs him by the shirt] We gotta find Timmy before it's too late! [Wanda "poofs" onto the stage as a bat and does an echolocation call]
Wanda: With my supersonic bat sonar, I'll be able to find Timmy even though he's invisible. [flies off. Timmy runs into the auditorium backstage and hides behind a crate. Wanda uses echolocation and finds him] Timmy?
Timmy: Wanda! Boy, am I glad to see you!
Wanda: Oh, I wish I could say the same. You're still invisible!
Timmy: I don't know what to do! [peeking through the stage curtains] If I wish myself visible, Francis'll kill me!
Wanda: And if you don't?
Timmy: Then I don't get my award... And Cosmo gets hit because I'm being a coward. And that's not fair. Could today get any worse? [Crocker enters covered in flour]
Crocker: Turner!
Timmy: Oh yeah. There's that.
Waxelplax: And now, for our final award... [Francis stops shaking Cosmo and Steve] the much sought-after perfect attendance award! Whoo!
Mr. Turner: [crossing his fingers] Please be Timmy. Please be Timmy.
Mrs. Turner: Oh, bless his little lungs. He's probably so nervous, he can't even breathe!
Timmy: [being grabbed by Crocker] Can't even breathe!
Crocker: Ha ha! I've got you now, invisible boy! [laughs. Wanda swoops in, making him drop Timmy] What the... A bat?
Wanda: That's right! [turns into a baseball bat and hits him multiple times] I'm sorry, Timmy. Would you like a swing?
Timmy: No, I'm good. Continue. [Wanda continues hitting Crocker] Instead of facing my fears, I've been too busy having fun being invisible. All at the expense of those who really care for me. Ah, who am I kidding? I just want my award. I wish I was visible! [Wanda raises her wand]
Waxelplax: [as Timmy becomes visible] And the winner of the perfect attendance award is... Timmy Turner! [a stage curtain rises, revealing Timmy. The crowd applauds, and Mr. Turner honks the car horn. Francis drops Cosmo and Steve. Wanda appears in fairy form beside Cosmo]
Timmy: Thank you! [Waxelplax hangs a medal around his neck]
Crocker: [picks up Timmy] Behold! Fairy godparents do exist, and as proof, I show you... an invisible boy!
Man: Oh yeah? Invisible boy? Well, this is me clapping my invisible hands! [claps as people laugh]
Waxelplax: [gasps] Crocker! You're the ghost! You covered yourself in flour to scare the students and make us think ghosts and fairies were real! Security! [a security guard grabs Crocker]
Crocker: [as the guard takes him offscreen] No! No! No, please! I'm not crazy! No! He's— No... [as creaking and punching are heard] Wait! Ow! Ow, that doesn't bend that way! [screams. The crowd applauds]
Wanda: I love a good opening act! [Waxelplax shakes Timmy's hand and leaves]
Francis: Congratulations, Turner. Ready for your other award?
Timmy: Sure. Do your worst.
Francis: You're not afraid?
Timmy: Of course I am! I'm just not running away from you anymore. After my adventures today, I've learned to take more responsibility for my actions and face my fears instead of hiding behind my friends.
Francis: Wow. That's pretty noble of you.
Timmy: Yes. Yes, it is.
Francis: I'm still gonna wail on you, though. [Timmy uses the medal to shield against his punch] Ow! My hand! [he swings at Timmy with his other hand and Timmy blocks him again] Ow! My other hand! [tries to hit Timmy with his head; offscreen] Ow! My head! Ow! My spleen! [he is lying dazed on the floor]
Timmy: Well, whaddaya know? It doesn't hurt to have perfect attendance!
Mrs. Turner: We sure are proud of you, Timmy!
Mr. Turner: Yeah! And look at that neat dented medal you got! In my day, all we got were the cruddy un-dented ones!
Mrs. Turner: [as Timmy seats himself in the car] Anything interesting happen on your last day of school?
Timmy: Mmm... not really... [Cosmo and Wanda show up as balloons] In fact, if you didn't know any better... [Mr. Turner drives out of the school; turning invisible] it's like I wasn't even there! [everyone laughs. Iris out. A pig's squeal is heard as the end card is shown. Fade to black]
