Timantha and Trixie in "The Boy Who Would Be Queen".
Timmy and Trixie is one of two popular love interests in Fairly OddParents, which involves two characters, Timmy Turner and Trixie Tang, who was introduced in the first season episode A Wish Too Far. In this episode, she is revealed to be among a group of Popular Kids who look down on Timmy and his friends. Timmy Turner constantly pines for the affection of Trixie Tang, but most of the time, she will not even give him the time of day. In a few cases, she does not even seem to remember his name correctly, although she might be feigning this as she revealed in "Hail to the Chief" that, as school newspaper editor, she has to know the name of all the school's losers. However, many times when Trixie has been given the opportunity to actually speak with Timmy alone, she appears to be a little more interested in him, and often warms up to him after getting to know him (she also shared a direct first kiss with Timmy during the ending of "Wishology: The Exciting Middle Part" before he is sucked into the Darkness. They then have tried multiple times to kiss again, interrupted by another male character sticking their head in the way and taking Timmy's kiss instead. She also lightly kissed his cheek in "A Wish Too Far!" of Season 1). In almost all cases of this though, something using magic related resets any progress Timmy might have made with her, or it is simply disregarded in Trixie's next appearance. In the episode "App Trap", it is mentioned that Trixie invites Timmy to her party, demonstrating that, in the newer episodes, she has more of a friendship with Timmy and the other less popular classmates. At the end of the episode though, Trixie admits respect for Timmy for standing by his friends. Her next appearance was in The Boy Who Would Be Queen. This episode is cited as a favorite among many Trixie and Timmy fans for showing another side to Trixie. However, this side was never shown again.
Trixie also showed a strong but brief friendship with Timantha, Timmy's female alter ego. Timantha was a "girl" that enjoyed boy things, which Trixie's usual friends did not. After malling at the Dimmsdale Mall, Trixie revealed to Timantha that she wished that she knew a boy who enjoyed to do girl things, but when Timmy attempted to win Trixie over with this knowledge, she rejected him because of peer pressure from her friends. It is expected that, up to even now, Trixie has yet to figure out that "Timantha" was really Timmy.
In the sixth season finale "Wishology!", she appears to have fallen in love with Timmy, as they both kiss and she cries a little bit for his sacrifice to the Darkness. However, by the end of the episode, Jorgen wipes everyone's memory, including hers, and so, subsequent episodes do not show this. However, in the Manic Mom-Day episode, Timmy and Trixie become friends.
At the end of the movie Channel Chasers, Timmy's two future children have been shown. Both of them have characteristics of Trixie and Tootie so it was left ambiguous as to which girl eventually married Timmy. The Fairly Odd Movie throws this into question by strongly hinting Timmy ends up with Tootie, while tip-toeing around not mentioning any of Timmy's previous romantic interactions with Trixie. However, The Fairly Odd Movie's future deviates from Channel Chaser's canon by having Timmy remain a fairy forever as shown in the ending of A Fairly Odd Summer. The creators have yet to comment directly on this issue.
Episodes involving Timmy and Trixie[]
- A Wish Too Far
- The Boy Who Would Be Queen
- Hail to the Chief
- Chip Off the Old Chip
- Class Clown
- Just the Two of Us!
- For Emergencies Only
- Wishology!
- Stupid Cupid
- Take and Fake
There are also other episodes that contain brief or questionable Timmy and Trixie scenes:
- Love Struck
- Movie Magic
- Information Stupor Highway
- School's Out!: The Musical
- You Doo
- The Masked Magician
- Fairly Odd Baby
- Manic Mom-Day
- The End of the Universe-ity
- Back to the Norm
- Beach Bummed