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- Cosmo has at least one fan: a fangirl who thinks he's cute.
- It is revealed that Francis is a fan of Britney Britney.

We can read "Friends won't die"
- Friends - In the TV magazine that Cosmo is holding when Timmy was walking through a red carpet, we can clearly read the phrase "'Friends' won't die" which makes a reference to the TV sitcom "Friends" which aired from 1994 to 2004. Ironically, "Friends" ended up concluding a year before this episode aired.
- The Beverly Hillbillies - Throughout the intro of Timmy TV, Cosmo's appearance and moment both are references to the show, mostly how they become rich after striking oil in their land.
- The Brady Bunch - Florence Henderson, whom Simon brings in to replace Mrs. Turner, played Carol Brady on the TV sitcom The Brady Bunch. The part where Mrs. Turner is in a square with other people around in squares is a reference to the intro of the show.
- Leave It To Beaver - The show where Binky starred "Leave It to Binky" is a reference to the show.
- The Truman Show - The plot of the episode is almost identical to that of the film.
- Happy Days - Timmy dresses like a 50's greaser and checks himself out in front of the mirror with a comb in the intro of the show Timmy TV.
- Hogan's Heroes - Throughout the intro of Timmy TV, Mr. Turner's appearance was similar to the doghouse lifting and ending up to the dogs' part of the Hogan's Heroes intro.
- Bubsy - Timmy's new catchphrase "What could possibly go wrong?" is also the protagonist Bubsy's catchphrase from the video game of the same name.
- Hall & Oates - Two street signs in Fairy World reference the musical duo.
Running Gags
- A zipper being poofed over Cosmo's mouth and zipped shut when he says something he oughtn't to.
- Cosmo being trapped in a carbonite box similar to the one in Star Wars.
- Simon making changes to the show to boost the ratings.
- Cosmo making note on when you see the words Timmy and another word next to each other, there is another part of that that is added into it to create a sentence.
- Cosmo keeps asking his "fans" if they still like him or if he's a popular character but gets an unanswered response and cricket noises.
- Some of Timmy's friends and family notice the live audience laughter.
- The women being shrill.
- When Timmy goes to Fairy World, the balding male fairy who says "Look! Its Timmy!" has a female voice. A moment later a redheaded female fairy speaks in a rather boyish voice.
- When Chester and AJ are frozen during the interruption of Timmy TV, the positions of Chester and AJ’s eyebrows are “\ /“ and “/ /“ respectively. However, when Timmy says, “They’re my best friends. I happen to like them.”, the positions of Chester and AJ’s eyebrows change to “/ \” and “/ -“ respectively. Furthermore, before Simon replaces Chester and AJ for monkeys, the position of Chester’s eyebrow remains unchanged and the position of AJ’s eyebrow changes back to “/ /“.
- Cosmo: Don't you know that the cameras are everywhere?
- (Timmy flashbacks to when he is on the toilet with cameras around)
- Timmy: Hmm, now that you mention it, no!
- (Mom burns a bowl. She hears audience laughs.)
- Mom: Timmy, honey, I'm gonna make you a nice, big breakfast.
- Timmy: Gee mom, that sounds-
- (Simon's Crew hold up signs)
- Timmy: Uh, what could possibly go wrong?
- (Audience laughs)
- Mom: I'd just love to know what's so funny about pancakes and eggs.
- (Audience laughs)
- (Dad runs off with a pancake on his head. Audience laughs.)
- Timmy: Heh, what could possibly go wrong?
- (Audience laughs)
- Mom: Well, fix yourself a bowl of cereal then, smarty pants! And for being so rude, you're grounded for a we-! (Mrs. Turner is stopped by magic and then Simon and his crew appear)
- Simon: Big-T, what are you doing? Grounded for a week does not in exciting reality show make.
- Timmy: What are you talking about? I got grounded cause I did exactly what you said to do.
- Simon: You're right. Maybe we replace mom with someone a little less shrill. Find out if Florence Henderson is available.
- Timmy: You can’t do that.
- Simon: Sure, we can. With a little of this...(the wand shines) and a little of this. (poofs up the money)
- Florence Henderson: Timmy, since you're not grounded after all, how 'bout some snacks?
- Timmy: Thanks, Mrs. Brady. I mean- mom.
- Chester: Wow, you're mom sure is a lot less shrill. (Audience laughs) Hey, I'm funny!
- Mother fairy: (watching Timmy TV) Ooh, I love Mom as a blonde!
- Little fairy girl: (about Chester and AJ) But what's with the brace-face and the bald kid?
- Simon: (to Cosmo) A.J. and Chester got to go.
- Cosmo: Well, it's about time!
- Dad: (to Mom when she is replaced by Florence Henderson) Ooh, honey, have you done something new to your hair, face, and body?
- [Chester and A.J. (as monkeys) fell on top of Dad and Florence Henderson]
- Dad AAAHH! Get Timmy's friends off of me!
- Timmy: (in Simon's office) What could possibly go wrong?
- Binky: (to Timmy) Lots of things. Never let your mom be your manager.
- Binky's Mom: You have an audition! Try and look cute!
- Mom: (in the Brady Bunch opening) I don't know any of these people.
- Florence Henderson: (pushes Mom out of the way) You're in my spot!
- Mom: She is so shrill.
Production Notes
- Although this episode premiered in 2005, it was produced in 2004 according to the credits.
- This episode completed production in August 2004.[1]
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v - e★ Season 5 References ★ | ||
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10 | ||
#01 Nega-Timmy | #02 Love at First Height | #03 You Doo |
#04 Just Desserts! | #05 Go Young, West Man! | #06 Birthday Wish! |
#07 Blondas Have More Fun! | #08 Five Days of F.L.A.R.G. | #09 Timmy's 2-D House of Horror |
#10 It's A Wishful Life | #11 Escape From Unwish Island | #12 The Gland Plan |
#13 Back to the Norm | #14 Teeth For Two | #15 Hassle in the Castle |
#16 Remy Rides Again | #17 Talkin' Trash | #18 Timmy TV |
#19 The Masked Magician | #20 The Big Bash | #21 Crash Nebula |
#22 Mooooving Day | #23 Big Wanda | #24 Oh, Brother! |
#25 What's The Difference? | #26 Smart Attack! | #27 Operation F.U.N. |
#28 Something's Fishy! | #29 Presto Change-O | #30 The "Good Old Days!" |
#31 Future Lost | #32 (JTPH2) When Nerds Collide! | #33 Timmy the Barbarian! |
#34 No Substitute For Crazy! | #35 Fairy Idol | #36 (JTPH3) The Jerkinators! |