Timmy's Fairy Family is a joint-family consisting of Timmy Turner, Cosmo Cosma, Wanda Fairywinkle-Cosma, and later Poof Cosma, Sparky and Chloe Carmichael.
Cosmo and Wanda are Fairy Godparents of Timmy Turner. They later become actual parents with Poof in Season 6, who is considered Timmy's godbrother.
Sparky joined the family as their pet fairy-dog in Season 9. However, he was is removed from the cast after 1 season with no in-universe explanation.
In Season 10, Chloe Carmichael joins the family, also having Cosmo and Wanda as godparents and Poof as her godbrother.
Known Members[]
- Cosmo Cosma
- Wanda Fairywinkle-Cosma
- Poof (Season 6-10)
- Sparky (Fairy Pet) (Season 9)
See also[]
- Turner family - Timmy's biological family
- Cosma/Fairywinkle family - Cosmo and Wanda's biological family.
- Carmichael family - Chloe's biological family
- Timmy's Fairy Family (Live Action) - Timmy's Fairy Family in the Live-Action Movies