Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Trivia Page


  • This is the seventh appearance of Foop.
  • By the events of this episode, Foop has learned how to understand Poof -- in all previous episodes, Foop couldn't understand a word of what Poof said but can understand him just fine in this episode.
  • Foop said the python was Burmese, indicating that it was from Myanmar.
  • This is the first episode in Season 9 in which Mr. Turner does not appear in at any moment.
  • Sparky does not have much of a speaking role in this episode.
  • This is, thus far, the only time that Foop has called Cosmo, "Uncle Cosmo."; as, he usually calls him "Uncle Idiot."
  • Foop mentions the title of the episode at one point.
  • Poof used "profanity" twice at Wanda and Foop in the form of his name.
  • While Poof was going through the terrible twos, under his eyes was red.
  • Wanda tells Poof, "Poof, stop blocking the sun or there's no dessert for you!", a reference to the episode, Balance of Flour, in which Wanda was giving pastries from eating to Poof
  • This might count as Poof's first bad day that every fairy has to have every few thousand years.
  • An episode of the Disney Junior series PJ Masks shares the same title.


  • Terrible Twos - It's the name given to a child development stage which normally occurs around the age of two (but can start earlier) and consists of toddlers often saying no and throwing temper tantrums. It is much similar to mood swings.
  • Pac-Man - When Poof chases Timmy and Sparky around the room, he was opening and closing his mouth like Pac-Man, with similar Pac-Man-like music in the background.
  • The Sound of Music - Foop (in his Terrific Twos stage) says his favorite things are whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens, and later snowflakes that fall on his nose and eyelashes. This is a nod to the song "My Favorite Things".
  • Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - Foop says to call him and Poof "Bradgelina" making a reference to the famous couple.

Running Gags

  • Poof laughing at Cosmo hurting himself.
  • Poof and Foop using Mr. Crocker as a test subject.
  • Sparky and Dr. Rip Studwell saying that ladies love what they are doing.
  • Foop acting and doing nice things while going through the terrific twos.
  • Mr. Crocker keeps saying: "I need to bring mother to the park" while Foop and Poof are testing him.



Poof's Anti-Fairy crown

  • When Foop is holding the python, Poof's crown and the star on his rattle.
    The Terrible Twosome 202

    Foop has a white crown.

    turns black similar to an Anti-Fairy.
    • Poof's crown also turns black when he is in the crystal ball that Foop was looking at.
  • When Poof and Foop were laughing at Mr. Crocker getting attacked by scorpions, Poof's crown is missing.
  • Even though this is the first time they meet, neither Foop nor Sparky notice each other.
  • Mr. Turner is mentioned in the credits even though he didn't appear in this episode.
  • When Poof is hugged by Wanda after he shrunk, Foop's crown is white.


Foop: "Think of it: Poof and Foop. Together we will make...POOP!"
Poof: "Poof, poof!"
Foop: "You're right! I heard it when I said it. Not a great name, I know. We'll call ourselves: Brangelina!"
Poof: "POOF, POOF!"
Foop: "The Terrible Twosome? Well, okay! Let's do some training!"

(Cosmo hurts himself)
Poof: "Hehehehehehe!"
Wanda: "The only thing that calms Poof down is laughing at Cosmo hurting himself."
(Cosmo falls into trash bin)
Wanda: "Okay now. That's funny!"

Foop: (in his Terrific Twos stage): "Look! I have a jar of fireflies. It's one of my favorite things, along with whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens, which we're going to need soon. Because Poof is going to freeze the planet."
Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, and Sparky: "WHAT???!!!"
Poof (growing larger in size as he blocks the sun from the Earth): "POOF, POOF!!"
Wanda: "Poof, stop blocking the sun or there's no dessert for you!"

Cosmo: "AAH, I'm scared!"
Wanda: "That's it, Poof! You're on a time out! Go to your room!"
Poof: "Poof, poof!"
Wanda: "How dare you use language like that young man!"

Crocker: "Must get out of the park alive, must get out of the park alive. IT'S AN APARKALYPSE!"

Poof: "Poof, poof!"
Foop: "Bite your tongue! I'm not acting nice! Now, how about we skip the whole ice age thing and (in his Terrific Twos stage) I'll buy you a healthy fruit smoothie! (in normal voice) Aaaah! I am nice! But why?"

Wanda: "There's my baby! And he's with Foop! The most evil influence in Universe!"
Foop: (in his Terrific Twos stage) "Hello uncle Cosmo and auntie Wanda! You're looking well. How about a healthy fruit smoothie on me? It's yummy in your tummy!"
Timmy: "Foop, What's wrong with you?"
Foop: (cries) "I don't know! (in his Terrific Twos stage) Look! A little bunny! Yay! (in normal voice) Dear me! I need a doctor!"

Dr. Rip Studwell: "This better be important".
Wanda:: "What? Did we interrupt an operation?"
Dr. Rip Studwell: "No, you interrupted a close-up. I told you, I play a doctor on TV."
Timmy: "Dr. Studwell, something's wrong with Foop!"
Foop: "(in his Terrific Twos stage) Oh, joy, the calla lilies are an bloom! (in normal voice) For the love of everything that's evil, HELP ME!!!"
Dr. Rip Studwell: "Foop is clearly suffering from the 'Terrific Twos'. It's the Anti-Fairy version of the 'Terrible Twos'."
Foop: (in his Terrific Twos stage) "Oh, snowflakes that fall on my nose and eyelashes. That's another one of my favorite things!"

Foop: (in his Terrific Twos stage) "I brought some lemonade uncle Cosmo! I baked some heart-shaped sugar cookies to go with it! (in normal voice) I despise what I've become!"

Timmy: Sparky, did you chew up my stuff?
Sparky: "Wasn't me. I've been painting. (shows the art Sparky did that is incorrect) The ladies love artists."
Timmy: "So if you didn't chew my stuff, who did?"
(Poof poofs to the background, turns around in the Terrible Twos self, roars, Timmy and Sparky screams and runs as he eats Sparky's art, chases after them and eats Timmy's clothes like Pac-Man)

Mr. Crocker: "Note to self: Bring Mother to the Churro stand, pronto" (Poof and Foop laugh evilly)
