Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "The Hungry Games" from Season 10, which aired on July 12, 2017.


[The episode starts outside Chloe’s house].

  • Narrator: In a future dystopian world, controlled by an evil warlord, ragtag packs of desperate starving people have been forced to live in abject misery.
  • Chloe: I’m so happy! The Hungry Games is on, it’s my favorite movie ever!

[The camera pans to Timmy, who has fallen asleep at Chloe’s couch and is currently snoring. Cosmo & Wanda are also seen flowing over her couch.]

[Chloe is copying the moves of the movie’s main protagonist.]

  • Chloe: Isn’t it exciting, Timmy?
  • Timmy: [continues snoring]
  • Chloe: I’m dressed just like the hero from the movie; Ketchup Everdream. I’ve replicated her look down to the very last detail...including her signature weapon, a turbo-charged ketchup blaster.
  • Cosmo: Oh, this is a good flick. Especially the part where the wicked witch sends her flying monkeys back to the future to steal the Ark of the Covenant from Santa Claus.
  • Chloe: Wow, that is so the wrong movie!

[Wanda’s stomach begins to growl.]

  • Wanda: Oh, watching all these hungry people’s making me hungry.
  • Cosmo: Uh oh, Wanda gets really grumpy when she doesn’t eat. Oh! That reminds me of my favorite character in the movie; the dwarf named Grumpy.
  • Chloe: Again! So...totally the wrong movie!

[Timmy is woken up by Chloe’s scream.]

  • Timmy: Ah! You woke me up during the greatest dream ever. I was on a place called “French Fry Mountain”. “French! Fry! Mountain!” A yummy land with seasoned salts, snow flurries and dipping sauce lakes!
  • Timmy: [Trying to fall back to sleep] Go back to sleep, go back to sleep, go back to sleep.
  • Wanda: Uhm, French Fry Mountain sounds delicious. I’ve got to eat something!

[Wanda poofs up some French fries.]

  • Chloe: Oh! How about some ketchup with those fries?

[Chloe fires with her turbo-charged ketchup blaster, blasting through the wall of the house.]

  • Chloe: Yah!

[Chloe does some action moves.]

  • Timmy: Chill out Crazy McCrazerson, you’re not actually in The Hungry Games.
  • Chloe: But I’ll be soon. I entered the Ketchup Everdream look a-like contest to win a part in the sequel, The Hungrier Games.
  • Wanda: I know I’m getting hungrier. [To Cosmo] What are you looking at, buster?
  • Cosmo: Hungrier and Grumpier.
  • Wanda: [Growls]
  • Cosmo: I mean… you’re pretty!
  • Chloe: I sent the director a picture of me in my Ketchup costume. I’m so going to win!

[The doorbell rings, and a letter is delivered.]

  • Chloe: Oh! It’s the results of the "Hungry Games” contest! Okay, you L-O-S-T! That’s strange, it must’ve been written in another language. I’ve never seen “win” spelled that way.
  • Wanda: Uh, actually it’s just English for “you lost”. Like I lost my French fries. I’m starving!
  • Cosmo: Oh, maybe the letter is meant for Timmy. He loses things all the time.
  • Chloe: No, it is mine. I did, in fact, do the thing that means the opposite of win. [Visibly crying] This has never happened to me before. But I’m okay. It’s not like my soul has been crushed into a million pieces or anything. Would you excuse me for a moment?

[Chloe goes to her closet.]

  • Chloe: [Wailing] WHY? WHY?
  • Timmy: Okay, there’re two things I can do. One, let her scream in the closet all day…
  • Cosmo: Or make a wish to help her?
  • Timmy: I was thinking of going to French fry mountain where I can’t hear her, but that’s another way to go. Cosmo! Wanda! I wish that for one day Chloe could be Ketchup Everdream and live out The Hungry Games right here in Dimmsdale.
  • Wanda: [Holding Cosmo by his shirt] I need cheese!
  • Cosmo: Done! Not the cheese, the "Hungry Games" thing.

[Wish Granted.]

[The camera pans to the TV, then transitions to the dystopian world.]

  • Chloe: Am I dreaming or has Dimmsdale transformed into the dystopian world of the Hungry Games?
  • Timmy: Oh, it’s real. I saw how sad you were and wished this up for you. I can already see it was a huge mistake.
  • Chloe: Oh Timmy, it’s so bleak and hopeless. I love it! Thank you so much!

[Chloe hugs Timmy.]

  • Chloe: Oh! It’s time for Ketchup Everdream (AKA me) to rise up and lead the starving people to redemption.
  • Wanda: How about you lead us to a food truck? I could eat a bucket of eggrolls. Or even just the bucket.
  • Chloe: Oh, no, Wanda; the exciting thing about The Hungry Games is there’s no food.
  • Timmy: I never would've made the wish if I knew this place was so depressing. Can we go back to Chloe crying in the closet?
  • Cosmo: No can do, Timmy. You wished us here for the whole day.

[The Warlord’s Guards come in.]

  • Guard 1#: Hungry citizens, grovel at the feet of Lord Crockpot.

[People bow down en masse and Lord Crockpot appears.]

  • Timmy: Mr. Crocker?
  • Chloe: He’s Lord Crockpot in this world, Timmy, and my archenemy. He hoards all the food while the common people starve.

[Lord Crockpot starts eating.]

  • Lord Crockpot: Greeting, hungry people! Sorry, I know it’s rude to talk with my mouth full, but my mouth is always full. [Burps] Unlike yours, ha! Now, bring me the eats!

[People bring the food. Then, growling is heard.]

  • Timmy: Uhm, Wanda, is that your stomach growling?
  • Cosmo: No, it’s just Wanda growling. It happens just before she starts to hallucinate and sees us all as giant turkey legs.

[Wanda growls even more and everyone turns into giant turkey legs.]

  • Cosmo: Right, Wanda?
  • Wanda: [Growls]
  • Timmy: I could be at French Fry Mountain right now.
  • Mr. Turner: Oh, Timmy! I’m a starving citizen. Wait, is that you or a giant turkey leg?
  • Mrs. Turner: Don’t be silly, he’s not a turkey leg. He’s a chocolate sundae with sprinkles!
  • Mr. Bickles: Did someone say sprinkles?

[Mr. Bickles throws some sprinkles.]

  • Mr. Bickles: I’m the leader of the Donut zone! I’m starving, but I get to throw sprinkles all day. So, I’m living my new dream!
  • Mr. Turner: Oh, you’re so lucky to get to be the donut leader. And Timmy’s mom gets to be the pizza leader. I got stuck with the stupid veggies zone.
  • Lord Crockpot: Starving citizens! I’m impressed with the haul today and since I’m feeling generous, I’ll allow you to keep a single piece of your food.
  • Starving People: Yay?

[The guards start collecting the food.]

  • Lord Crockpot: See you later, unless you starve. In which case, you won’t be around. Hehe. Oh, I love hunger-based humor, but I guess you’re too weak to laugh. Hehe. I’m evil and hilarious! Ha-ha! [He throws up a piece of chicken] Oh, bonus food!

[Lord Crockpot eats the piece of food and, as he is leaving, Chloe tries to stop him.]

  • Chloe: Stop right there, Lord Crockpot! We’ve got some ketchup-ing up to do. It’s a clever condiment pun.
  • Lord Crockpot: I don’t get it.
  • Chloe: Well, you’re about to. You’re so going to get it.

[Chloe tries to fire, but her ketchup blaster doesn’t work.]

  • Lord Crockpot: Well, I "mayo" may not. Now, that’s a clever condiment pun!

[Chloe’s ketchup blaster explodes.]

  • Timmy: I hate everything about this wish.
  • Lord Crockpot: Put a fork in them, guards! They’re done!

[The Guards start throwing their forks at Timmy, Chloe, Cosmo & Wanda, who run away.]

[Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Chloe, Timmy's Parents, and Mr. Bickles (the Team) are now seen huddled around a trash can.]

  • Timmy: Why are we huddled around a trash can fire? It’s the middle of the day and it’s 90°. Or is it just because this wish stinks!?
  • Chloe: It’s in keeping with the bleak dystopian world that I love so much! Now it’s time for the real fun.
  • Timmy: Fun? When was there fun?
  • Mr. Bickles: Eating is fun, even if it’s followed by a long period of starving again.
  • Mr. Turner: Oh, that’s easy for you to say. You’ve got a sprinkling donut.
  • Wanda: [Growls]

[Wanda jumps to get Mrs. Turner’s pizza slice, but Cosmo catches her in a sack.]

  • Cosmo: Sorry, Wanda. It’s for your own good, girl.
  • Chloe: So, stay with me, people! I just hatched a plan. We’re going to use our food as weapons to bring down Lord Crockpot. Just follow me. To the Castle!

[Everyone starts to walk to the Castle, albeit slowly.]

  • Chloe: I know that you guys are hungry, but you got to pick up the pace.

[Outside Lord Crockpot’s castle, Timmy, Chloe, Cosmo, with Wanda in a sack, and the other three are standing behind a bush.]

  • Chloe: Finally, time to fire our weapons.

[Chloe throws at the Guards the donut and the pizza, which the guards collect in order to eat them.]

  • Timmy: That’s your plan? Giving away what little food we have?
  • Chloe: It’s only part one of my plan, because I have a secret weapon. [Chloe grabs the sack that Wanda is in.] And her name is Wanda. Dinner’s served, girl!

[Chloe throws the sack that Wanda is inside to the guards.]

  • Wanda: [Growls and throws the Guards away.]
  • Chloe: There’s more food inside, go get it, girl.

[Wanda throws the rest of the guards away and the team enters into the castle.]

  • Chloe: [She is throwing a veggie arrow.] Time for your veggies!

[After a short fight, the in-castle guards are laying defeated. Wanda leads the team to the throne room, which is filled with food.]

  • Lord Crockpot: Oh; hello, skinny losers! Get them, Guards!
  • Chloe: Attack!
  • Timmy: With what? We don’t have any weapons.
  • Mr. Turner: Use the veggies! It’s not like we’re going to eat them. I hate them so much!

[The team starts throwing the veggies to the Guards.]

[Chloe opens the window, leaving the smell of food to spread to the city.]

  • Chloe: Take that, Lord Crockpot!
  • Lord Crockpot: Take what, a mild cross-breeze?
  • Chloe: Wait for it.

[Hungry people storm in the throne room.]

  • Chloe: Food fight!

[The starving people start throwing food to the Guards.]

  • Lord Crockpot: I’m just going to sneak out of here and start another dystopian society somewhere else. Maybe Bakersfield! They’ve got a good head start.
  • Wanda: [Growls at Lord Crockpot.]
  • Lord Crockpot: [He takes a turkey leg and tries to throw it away to distract Wanda.] Nice, weird crazy lady, fetch the turkey leg!
  • Wanda: [Burps and throws Lord Crockpot away.]
  • Lord Crockpot: Oh! Mother!
  • Chloe: We are, victorious! Let the feast begin! I’m so Ketchup Everdream right now.
  • Starving People: All hail Ketchup Everdream! Woohoo!
  • Chloe: Ah, I lived my delightfully dystopian movie fantasy, Timmy. And it’s all thanks to you!
  • Timmy: Yeah, yeah, day’s over and so is the wish. Cosmo! Poof us out of here!

[Everything goes back to normal.]

  • Chloe: That was the best day ever! [She is hugging everyone.] Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Timmy: You’re welcome, Chloe. I hated every minute of it, but the giant food fight was pretty cool.
  • Chloe: You know what else is pretty cool?

[Chloe starts whispering to Cosmo & Wanda.]

[Wish granted.]

  • Timmy: Yes, French Fry Mountain!
  • Cosmo: Now all we need is ketchup.
  • Chloe: Coming right up.
  • Timmy, Cosmo & Wanda: No!

[Chloe fires the ketchup gun, but it explodes.]

[The screen fades to black.]

  • Mr. Bickles (from off-screen): Sprinkles!

[The episode ends.]
