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Teeth for Two is the fourteenth episode of Season 5.


Timmy's front teeth are finally loose and Jorgen Von Strangle wants to use them to propose to the Tooth Fairy. Before he has the chance to, the Tooth Fairy breaks up with Jorgen for trying to pull Timmy's teeth out, and he becomes severely depressed and clings to Cosmo and Wanda, who are apparently his closest friends, preventing them from granting any of Timmy's wishes. Timmy has to find a way to reunite the Jorgen and Tooth Fairy, or Jorgen may never let them go.


Mrs. Turner calls for Timmy's help with gardening, which consists of him being used as a plow to make rows in Mrs. Turner's garden. After they're done, Mrs. Turner thanks her son for his help -- Timmy (after spitting out all the dirt and other garden gunk from his mouth) admits that while gardening isn't his favorite chore, he considers preferable to mucking out the gutters of their house (we're then treated to a flashback of Timmy doing said chore with his dad, but Timmy keeps puking during the process).

Mrs. Turner then notices that all of her garden rows are crooked and freaks out upon seeing this -- but then she notices that Timmys unusually large front teeth are finally loose. She's happy that her son's growing up, but then freaks out upon realizing that it also means that she's growing older -- to make herself feel young, Timmy's mom drives off in Mrs. Dinkleberg's car (which causes the neighbor to start rapidly aging for some reason).

Timmy goes to his bedroom and says to Cosmo and Wanda how he's so glad to know that his teeth are finally loose, because nobody again will call him stuff like "Buck Finn," "The Tooth-a-nator" or any kind of joke relating to his teeth. Jorgen then suddenly appears in Timmy's room, oddly excited to hear that Timmy's front teeth are finally loose -- he invites Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda (who he calls his closest friends, much to their surprise, particularly Cosmo's) to the Pointy Crown (a fancy restaurant in Fairy World) later that night, claiming that he has a very important. While at the restaurant later on, Jorgen reveals his big announcement: he's planning on proposing to the Tooth Fairy (his girlfriend) and wants to propose to her with Timmy's "freakishly huge baby teeth," especially since the Tooth Fairy's had her eyes on them for quite some time.

While Timmy's teeth may be loose, Wanda explains that they're still not quite ready to come out yet -- hearing this, Jorgen (who really wants to give them to the Tooth Fairy that night) resolves to pull them out with his bare hands. Eventually, however, the Tooth Fairy sees Jorgen trying to pull out Timmy's teeth--not realizing why Jorgen's doing it, she dumps him as her boyfriend. Jorgen, for once, loses all of his confidence and takes hold of Cosmo and Wanda, hugging them to the point of which they are choking. Wanda feels bad for Jorgen while Cosmo can't take being hugged anymore, and Timmy has to go through everything he had to before he had fairy Godparents for the next week, as they are hugged so much that they can't escape.

Eventually, Timmy resolves to make things right between Jorgen and the Tooth Fairy -- he goes to Dr. Bender to have his front teeth pulled out, and the dentist uses the old "string attached to a doorknob" trick to get Timmy's teeth out. This ends up working, although Timmy gets a blackeye when the tooth hits him in the face (and is forced to wear an eyepatch for the rest of the episode) -- later that night, Timmy puts the tooth under his pillow and the Tooth Fairy soon arrives to finally get Timmy's abnormally large teeth. But Timmy then captures her in a butterfly net so she can't escape -- this angers her but Timmy's finally able to explain the reasoning behind Jorgen's actions at the Pointy Crown: Jorgen wasn't trying to "do [the Tooth Fairy's] job" or to be a bully or anything like that, he wanted to use Timmy's teeth to propose to her. Jorgen (now with a full beard and having lost all his muscle mass) comes in and confirms this is true -- he also finally lets go of Cosmo and Wanda and proposes to the Tooth Fairy (who happily accepts). Jorgen immediately starts working out again and, to repay Timmy, the Tooth Fairy immediately gives him his permanent adult teeth. But much to Timmy's dismay, his new teeth are not only identical to his old teeth but are apparently bigger (at least according to the Tooth Fairy).

In the end, Jorgen (now shaved and has his full muscles again) and the Tooth Fairy finally get married, with Timmy and his godparents in attendance. During the wedding the priest asks if anyone has a reason why Jorgen and Tooth Fairy should not be wed. Cosmo nearly says something but is interrupted by Wanda who threatens to hurt him if he answers that question. Nervous, Cosmo turns into a clam, yet cries "I still miss her!" as the episode ends.

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