Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

The 1955 Stryker Z is a classic automobile model that has appeared multiple times throughout the series. The car is flashy and worth lots of money, but is also considered a "screaming metal death trap" because of its lack of modern safety features.


It is a red convertible with silver lining and a design typical of a 1950s automobile, bearing a particular resemblance to the 1958 Plymouth Fury, which happens to be the same model used in the 1983 film adaptation of Stephen King's novel Christine (a possible inspiration for Mr. Turner's obsession). It also has a turbocharged V12 engine.[1]


The Stryker Z first appears in "Engine Blocked". Mr. Turner spots this car on a roadside with Vicky standing next to it. He assumes the car belongs to Vicky and she sells it to him for $100. However, shortly after Mr. Turner leaves, Doug Dimmadome arrives and tells Vicky that he will pay her 10,000 "Dimma-dollars" if she can retrieve the car and bring it to his cliffside estate. Meanwhile, Mr. Turner begins to spend more time with his new car than Timmy, causing Timmy to feel left out. Timmy wishes to become the Stryker Z himself, but later is stolen by Vicky. Mr. Turner manages to catch up to Vicky, who nearly drives over the cliff trying to escape him. She buys the Stryker Z back from Mr. Turner with the intent of selling it to Dimmadome, but then the car falls off the cliff and is destroyed. Mr. Turner explains that the main reason he would not let Timmy ride in it was because of how dangerous the car was, given "its lack of air bags, rope seat belts and pointy, metal body".

The car appears a second time in "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", when Vicky uses it to drive Jimmy Neutron to Dimmsdale Elementary.

In "Wishy Washy", Mr. Turner again has a Stryker Z, which he makes Timmy repair so that he can take it to a classic car show and take Mrs. Turner on a date. After Timmy magically makes the car brand new, Mr. Turner becomes so enamored with it that he cancels the date to spend romantic time with the car, which leads to Mrs. Turner trying and failing to destroy it. Timmy finally helps her out by having cavemen smash the car.


