Poof insists on not wearing a suit to school
Cosmo driving? This can only end badly...
A sprite on Wanda's finger
Wanda saying goodbye to Poof
"I never went to parenting school either"
"Why can't you get along with people?"
Mrs. Powers introducing herself.
Foop zapping a butterfly with his eye beams.
Foop plotting against Poof during recess
Foop striking a pose before attempting to pass through a basketball net
Poof after disarming the warheads
Poof's classmates cheering for him
Foop giving his campaign speech
Poof's classmates cheer after he gives his campaign speech
Foop laughing evilly after changing the votes
"And the winner is Foop...spelt backwards!"
"Actually Poof won me over with his speech so I changed our vote"
Foop changing the school into Smellementary school
Poof looks as his classmates get tied up by Foop
Poof and Foop fighting with lightsticks
"The force is strong with you, Poof"
Foop laughing while Smellementary School gets sucked into the black hole
Poof decided to give Foop presidential pardon
Foop and Poof at the end of the school day.
Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy coming to greet Poof after school
Foop looking at a sprite on his nose