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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Something's Fishy!" from Season 5, which aired on October 6, 2005.
- Fish School: Hi Timmy and Wanda!
- Timmy: And this is Cosmo.
- Fish: Wait a minute. I know those soulless green eyes anywhere.
- Fish School: Aah! The accursed one returns! (They form a skull and crossbones then swim away screaming)
- Timmy: The accursed one?
- Cosmo: Accursed one! Wow. That's a name I haven't heard in a while. I mean, uh, look! A sunken pirate ship!
- Timmy: Neat! A sunken pirate ship!
- Cosmo: Really? A sunken pirate ship? Neat! My lie worked! Thank you movie critic gene shallot!
- Wanda: (sighs) Ooh.
- Timmy: Sunken treasure, sunken pirates. Man, this is so much cooler than snorkeling. (crashes into a shark) Ugh!
- Group of Sharks: (Growl viciously)
- Wanda: And... now it's not.
- Timmy: That's ok. Remember, I can talk to fish now. I'll make friends with these sharks telepathically. (using his powers) Savage hunters of the deep, we are not your enemies. I'm Timmy Turntrout, and this is Wanda.
- Group of Sharks: We're pleased to eat you.
- Wanda: Don't you mean "meet"?
- Group of Sharks: No. (Cosmo and Wanda swim behind Timmy)
- Timmy: (nervously) And this is Cosmo. (Cosmo waves to the sharks, smiling nervously)
- Shark: Wait. Soulless green eyes? Floaty crowny thing?
- Group of Sharks: Aah! The accursed one returns! (The sharks quickly swim away, screaming)
- Timmy: Jeez, that was convenient.
- Wanda: What's this "accursed one" thing?
- Cosmo: I don't know, but I haven't been called that since... I mean, look! It's the undersea kingdom of Atlantis!
- Timmy: Don't try to distract me with...(crashes into a metal sign) Ugh! (looks up at the sign then gasps) Oh, my gosh. It is. It's the undersea kingdom of Atlantis.
- Cosmo: Really? Where? Oh, my gosh! It's the undersea kingdom of Atlantis!
- Wanda: (sighs) Ohh.
- King Greg: New accursed one, new accursed one! Let's the new hunt begins!