Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Smart Attack!" from Season 5, which aired on October 5, 2005.


[The episode starts with Timmy working frustratingly on his geography homework]

  • Timmy: Man, this geography homework is impossible. Where's America?! All I can find in this stupid globe is USA!!

[Pronounces U.S.A. as a single word rather than an acronym]

  • Cosmo: Why don't you just wish for a super brain!
  • Wanda: Uh, I wouldn't do that, sport. Remember the last time?

[Flashback to a school day, Mr. Crocker hands out test sheets to the students]

  • Mr. Crocker: Okay, children, you have 12 minutes to finish that pop quiz. FAIRIES!!
  • Timmy: Man, I can't fail this test. I wish I had a super brain!

[Timmy's wish has been granted -- SUPER-BRAIN!]

  • Cosmo: Hey, isn't that the brain signal?

[The "brain signal" is a picture of a brain in a beacon light shining in the sky. The top of Timmy's head opens like a hatch, revealing a superhero brain.]

  • Super-Brain: This looks like a job for... SUPER-BRAIN!!

[Super-Brain flies away, leaving Timmy just lying his head on his desk and drooling with a stupid look on his face]

  • Wanda: I'll get a drool mop.

[Back to the present....]

  • Timmy: Darn it! I hate geography. (crumbles up a piece of paper and tries to throw it into the garbage)
  • Mr. Turner: Ohh! Did you say geography? I love shapes! (Draws a triangle on a chalkboard and spells "parallelothingy") This is a "parallelothingy".
  • Timmy: Dad, that's geometry, sort of. I'm studying geography.
  • Mr. Turner: I'm on it! (goes right next to Timmy and holds a ring). This is cubic Zirconium! It’s really inexpensive even though it looks like a real diamond! But don’t tell your mother.
  • Mrs. Turner: Don’t tell me what?
  • Mr. Turner: Uh, How much I love you?

[Mrs. Turner smiles and then walks away.]

  • Timmy: Studying rocks is geology. Not geography.
  • Cosmo: Geometry, geology, geography, I don't know what the problem is, they all start with "J".
  • Wanda: Here's another "J" word for you: "jidiot".
  • Timmy: Uh dad? If it's okay, I think I'll call somebody smarter to help. Like A.J, or mom, or this puppet of a short guy. (holds up a puppet)
  • Mr. Turner: What!? I'm not going to sit here and be insulted like this. I'm out of here! (walks into Timmy's closet and then there are crashing sounds) I mean, now I'm out of here. (walks into the bathroom and there are more crashing sounds) I mean, NOW I'm out of here! (walks out the window) Ah, now I'm out. (crying) I can't help my only son! (he tries to fit a cube into a circle slot) I'm such a jidiot!
  • Timmy: I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, or his spine. I just need someone smarter than dad. Or a smarter dad! I wish my dad was the smartest dad in the world!
  • Wanda: You got it!
  • Cosmo: Jippee!

[Cosmo and Wanda make Timmy's dad smarter. Knowledge is going into Mr. Turner's brain. He gets while hair and it stick up. He also wears a suit. Mr. Turner then puts the cube into the square hole.]

  • Mr. Turner: Eureka! (as he writes on a chalk board) Which isn't just an exclamation of discovery, it's a town in both California and Kansas.
  • Timmy: So Wanda, isn't this about the time you warn me about how this wish could go horribly wrong?
  • Wanda: Actually, I sorta like this one. In fact, isn't there anybody else you'd like to make smarter?
  • Cosmo: (as he tries to fit a cube into the round hole) Curse you, round hole!
  • Wanda: Anybody? At all? That rhymes with "Josmo"?
  • Mr. Turner: Greetings, genetic combination of your mother and myself.
  • Cosmo and Wanda: Ahhhhh! (poof into the fish bowl)
  • Mr. Turner: (kicks the crumbled paper and unfolds it) Did you say you need help with your homework? (Timmy smiles, then Mr. Turner writes the answers on Timmy's homework)
  • Timmy: Awesome! You're the smartest dad ever! (hugs his dad) I love you...now!
  • Mr. Turner: Now son, super geniuses like me don't have time for emotions. (pushes Timmy off) Besides, we have to get this test to Mr. Crocker. (folds the homework into a fancy paper airplane then flies to Mr. Crocker's house.)
  • Mr. Crocker: (while relaxing in the tub) Ah, warm tub, soft bubbles and the sweet smell of peppermint candles. What is this perfect bath missing? (the homework paper airplane arrives) Of course! A child to fail! (prepares to write) Wait a minute, these answers are all correct. But I don't care! F! (a rocket deploys from the paper airplane) And now I do! A! (writes "A" on the rocket, it launches on Mr. Crocker) Plus!