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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Sleepover and Over" from Season 3, which aired on May 17, 2003.
Timmy: Television!
Timmy: Chips, dip, and soda.
Timmy: And lots of sugary sweets to ensure there's no sleeping at my sleepover! Oh, yeah, and huge beanbag chairs. That's everything I need for tonight's big sleepover. Thanks.
Wanda: Well, we want everything perfect when Chester and A.J. Come over to watch Crash Nebula Meets the Crimson Chin.
Cosmo: You bet. And I'm totally focused. I'm totally here for you, man. Neat! An ant! I'm going to call you "Carl." Carl! Carl, wait up!
Chester and A.J.: Timmy, we're here.
Timmy: (gasps) It's Chester and A.J. Hide!
Cosmo: Aah!
Cosmo: Carl!
Wanda: Oh, come on.
Chester and A.J.: Awesome!
A.J.: I'm totally pumped for the greatest sleepover ever! Check out my new high-tech Crash Nebula slumber suit. Mine has a space gum ball shoot... [Boing] Space horn... And a space canteen.
Chester: Second in coolness to my new chin-powered, Crimson Chin slumber suit. Mine has this chin-shaped, confetti blaster, Inflatable bouncy butt... And a handy dimple for snack storage. The Crimson Chin rules!
A.J.: Crash rules! The chin stinks!
Chester: Take that back, you eggheaded creep!
A.J.: Why don't you make me?
Chester: Whooo-wah!
A.J.: Whooo-eeeh!
Timmy: Guys, guys. Break it up! Can't you do something?
Cosmo: Can't you see I'm grieving? If only Carl were here, he'd have the answer.
Timmy: Guys, they both rule! Look out!
Both: Whoa! (They fall out of the treehouse and land hard on the ground) Oof!
A.J.: That's it! (walks toward Chester who is upside down) I'm having a sleepover at my house and you're not invited!
Chester: Well, I'm having a sleepover at my mobile home and you're not invited!
Both: And if you're not there, you're not my friend anymore!
Timmy: Aw, man. Now my two best friends are both having sleepovers.
Cosmo: I remember when Carl and I fought- (gasps) We never made up. Time moves so fast. Carl, I loved you.
Wanda: What are you going to do, Timmy? You can't be in two places at once.
Timmy: Or can I?
Cosmo: (offscreen) Carl can't.
Timmy: You guys' just poof me back and forth between each sleepover. That way, everybody's happy. Got it?
Wanda: Got it.
Cosmo: And, because I've accepted the fact that Carl's gone, I am totally focused on helping you to have-
(A bee flies by)
Cosmo: Hey, a bee. I'm going to call you Cindy. Cindy! Wait up!
Cindy the Bee: [flies off and then gets eaten by a bird]
Cosmo: Cindy!!! NOOOOOOOO! (sobs) It's too SOOOOOONNN!
Timmy: I wish we were at A.J.'s. Ready, guys?
A.J.: Ah, my good friend, not-Chester. Come on in. I knew you'd come to my sleepover.
Timmy: Well, sure, A.J. You're my best friend ever.
A.J.: Lobster quiche?
Timmy: Don't mind if I do. Can I use the bathroom?
A.J.: (correcting Timmy's grammar) May I use the bathroom.
Timmy: Hey, I asked first! What's his problem?
Cosmo: (holding a picture of Cindy the bee) Even though I knew her for 12 seconds, I'll miss Cindy forever!
Wanda: (to Timmy) Watch this. (to Cosmo) How's Cindy?
Cosmo: Who's Cindy?
Timmy: Uh, if I can interrupt. I wish I was at Chester's!
Chester: My good buddy, Timmy. I just knew you'd come to my sleepover.
Timmy: Sure, Chester. You're my best friend ever. Ew! Where's the TV?
Chester: This is the TV!
Announcer: Don't miss Crash Nebula Meets the Crimson Chin tonight at-
Chester: Darn it! (banging on television) This thing stinks!
Timmy: Which reminds me, can I use the bathroom?
Chester: I'd be insulted if you didn't!
A.J.: What is taking him so long?
Timmy: Aah, much better.
A.J.: Ooh! Oh, that's it on the seafood hors d'oeuvres.
A.J.: Welcome to sleepover paradise.
Timmy: Wow!
A.J.'s Dad: Guess what. I just blocked every program except for the High Educational MA.J.or Geek Channel. Look, Antelopes! Huh huh!
Timmy: But how are we supposed to watch Crash Nebula Meets the Crimson Chin?
A.J.: Well, at least we'll get to see some animal violence.
A.J.'s Dad: Which reminds me, I forgot to block the animal violence.
TV: Block Block Block Block...
Timmy: Uh, bladders suddenly full. Be right back. Aw, man. The show's going to start soon. I wish we were at Chester's.
Chester: Hey, Timmy. Hurry up. I'm making my special dip, tuna smelt surprise.
Bucky: The surprise is... it tastes like cat food!
Timmy: A.J.'s, please.
TV: Block Block Block...
Wanda: Well, It's official. Both of their sleepovers stink!
Timmy: If only there were some way, I could figure out how to get Chester and A.J. To be friends again, I could go back to my place for the sleepover.
TV Announcer: Note how the smart antelope and the poor antelope forget their petty differences and band together to defend their pink-antlered best friend.
Timmy:Hey... educational TV has given me a weirdly specific idea!
Cosmo: Which is odd, because usually it just makes me sleepy.
Timmy: To the Dimmsdale Dump!
TV: Block Block...
A.J.: Hello?
Timmy: A.J., Help me!
A.J.: Timmy, where are you?
Timmy: The old junkyard. I went back home to get my "Chester stinks" t-shirt, and now I've been trapped here by vicious junkyard dogs. Save me!
A.J.: Timmy!
Chester: Hello?
Timmy: Chester, help. I've been trapped in the old junkyard by vicious dogs, and I need help. Save me! Save me!
Chester: Timmy, I'll be right there.
Timmy: Once they're here, they'll forget their differences and protect me from the two vicious junkyard dogs. That would be you two.
Wanda: Oh, right.
Timmy: Stay focused and wait till I call you.
Cosmo: No longer grieving, I am an unbreakable girder of attention.
Cosmo: (as a dog) Oh, a kitty! I'm going to call you Jimmy, and make sure nothing bad ever happens to you. [barking] Ruff! Ruff ruff ruff, ruff!
[Jimmy the Cat runs away]
Cosmo: Wait up! Jimmy! Why is he running from me? Don't run, Jimmy! Bad things happen to my friends when they run!
Wanda: Cosmo, come back.
[Both Dogs growling]
Chester and A.J.: What are you doing here? Saving my best friend.
Timmy: Where are they?
[Both Dogs growling]
Timmy: Not yet, you guys. Although, I've got to say, you totally look vicious and dangerous...
[Both Dogs growling] [Meows]
Cosmo: Ha ha ha!
[Both Dogs growling]
Timmy: Because you are vicious and dangerous! Ok, easy. Don't provoke them. At least if I'm on top of this big pile, they can't reach me. Yaaaa! Oh, no. A cat suit! Oh, no. A vat of gravy. Oh, no. A box of air fresheners. (sniffs) Scent of mailman?
[Both Dogs growling]
Timmy: Yaaaa! Cosmo! Wanda! Somebody help!
Chester: Nice shoot, old chum.
A.J.: Get 'em, pal.
[Both Dogs growls]
Timmy: Chester, A.J., Watch out!
[Barking and growling]
A.J.: May I?
Chester: I'd be insulted if you didn't!
[Air horn blasts] [Whimpering]
Timmy: You did it. You saved me- together.
Chester: We couldn't let you get eaten by dogs because of some stupid fight.
A.J.: Yeah, it's just too bad we missed the big show.
Timmy: Who cares? Did you guys see the way you two teamed up in the junkyard? That was the show. Crash and the chin fighting side by side.
All: Yeah!
Chester: Dip, anyone?
Timmy: Yaaaaa!
Chester: Hey, whatever. More for me. Heh-hoo!
Timmy: Yeah, your suits were cool. I wonder what amazing powers my kitty slumber suit has.
A.J.: Let's find out.
[Both Dogs growling]
Kids: Aah!!
Wanda: Aw, Timmy, Chester, and A.J. Are friends again, and they're finally having their sleepover.
Cosmo: Jimmy, come back. I promise I won't bark any- Bark! Bark! I'm sorry, it just slipped out.
[Cat yowls]
Cosmo: Jimmy-y-y-y! Well, he's got lives left.
Cosmo: Uh,.
Cosmo: Aw, the heck with it. Who wants dip?
Cosmo: May I have a bandage?
Wanda: I'd be insulted if you didn't!
Cosmo: I'd be bleeding if I didn't like Carl. Carl! I want my records back!
v - e★ Season 3 Transcripts ★ | ||
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10 | ||
#01 Ruled Out | #02 That's Life! | #03 Shiny Teeth |
#04 Odd, Odd West | #05 MicroPhony | #06 So Totally Spaced Out |
#07 Love Struck! | #08 Cosmo Con | #09 Wanda's Day Off! |
#10 Odd Jobs | #11 Movie Magic | #12 Abra-Catastrophe! |
#13 Sleepover and Over | #14 Mother Nature | #15 Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom & Dyno Dad |
#16 Engine Blocked | #17 Most Wanted Wish | #18 This Is Your Wish |
#19 Beddy Bye | #20 The Grass is Greener | #21 Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker! |
#22 Kung Timmy | #23 Which Witch Is Which? | #24 Pipe Down! |
#25 The Big Scoop! | #26 Crime Wave | #27 Odd Ball |
#28 Where's Wanda? | #29 Imaginary Gary | #30 Chip Off The Old Chip |
#31 Snow Bound |