v - e★ Season 4 Images ★
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10
#01 Miss Dimmsdale
#02 Mind Over Magic
#03 Shelf Life (1★2)
#04 Hard Copy
#05 Parent Hoods
#06 Lights...Camera...Adam!
#07 A Bad Case Of Diary-Uh!
#08 (JTPH) Jimmy Timmy Power Hour (1★2★3)
#09 Baby Face
#10 Mr. Right!
#11 Vicky Loses Her Icky
#12 Pixies Inc.
#13 The Odd Couple
#14 Class Clown
#15 The Big Superhero Wish! (1★2)
#16 Power Pals!
#17 Emotion Commotion!
#18 Fairy Friends & Neighbors!
#19 Just the Two of Us!
#20 Who's Your Daddy?
#21 Homewrecker
#22 New Squid In Town!
#23 Wish Fixers
#24 Truth Or Cosmoquences
#25 Beach Bummed!
#26 Channel Chasers (1★2★3★4★5★6)
#27 Catman Meets The Crimson Chin
#28 Genie Meanie Minie Mo
#29 School's Out!: The Musical (1★2★3★4★5★6)