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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents video game "Shadow Showdown", which was released on September 8, 2004.
(Cosmo and Wanda sleeping in their fishbowl and Timmy Turner being impatient) Timmy Turner: Come on! Come on!
TV Announcer: And now - what you've all been waiting for! The season finale of Crash Nebula!
Timmy Turner: Oh boy! This is going to be the best Crash Nebula ever!
TV Announcer: Previously on Crash Nebula.
Timmy Turner: I know what happened! Get on with it! (At the unknown television station the magic energy from the antenna came out)
TV Announcer: And now, the conclusion.
Timmy Turner: Oh boy! Huh? Noooooooooooo!
Cosmo: I was having a horrible nightmare!
Wanda: What is it, Timmy?
Timmy Turner: The TV's broken! And I was just about to watch the season finale of Crash Nebula!
Cosmo: That was my nightmare! Plus wolves and bats...
Wanda: Don't worry, Timmy! We'll fix the TV! After you wish it, of course.
Timmy Turner: I wish the TV was fixed!
Cosmo: Oooops.
Timmy Turner: What is it, guys? What's wrong?
Wanda: Our wands aren't working, Tommy. I can't imagine why!
Cosmo: They've got bats in them! Bats and wolves! Aieee!
Wanda: I doubt it, Cosmo. Luckily I have my Emergency Wand!
Timmy Turner: What's that, Wanda? It says 'in case of emergency, break glass'!
Cosmo: This is an emergency!
Wanda: All fairies have an Emergency Wand! I've never used mine, though. I wonder what will happen?
Cosmo: Oooh! A movie! I need a popcorn!
Wanda: Shhhh!
Oberon: Um, Oh, have you started? You're filming?
Titania: Hello common fairy subjects. My husband and I welcome you to this interactive training film.
Oberon: New-fangled magic. We had to rely on our wits in my day!
Titania: If one is viewing this film, one must be suffering a lack of magic. One should follow the on-screen instructions to learn how to use emergency magic wish stars. That is all.
Oberon: Um, yes, very good. Very good indeed. Carry on!
Timmy Turner: Hey! What's happening!
Wanda: We're in the training movie! I think it's going to teach us to use emergency magic reserves!
Cosmo: Wow! That was King Oberon and Queen Titania!
Timmy Turner: I didn't know fairies had a king and queen!
Wanda: We haven't for a long time. This must be a really old movie!
Timmy Turner: We can't stay here! We've got to fix my TV! How do we get it back?
Wanda: I guess we'll just have to follow the instructions. Come on Timmy!
Timmy Turner: What am I supposed to be learning?
Wanda: Let's start with the basics! And of major importance - you can talk to me and Cosmo whatever you want!
Como: Shouldn't that be Cosmo and I?
Wanda: Try talking to us, sweetie! Hi Timmy! It's great to talk, so do it whenever you want!
Cosmo: Talk, talk, talk! Can't a fairy get any peace? I'm only kidding! I love to talk! Look! It's Oberon! He used to be the fairy kind! Let's get his autograph!
Timmy Turner: Hello! My Godparents tell me you used to be royalty!
Oberon: Did you fairies bring your Godchild into the training film?
Cosmo: That's right, your ex-majesty!
Wanda: We're trying to fix Timmy's TV so he can watch Crash Nebula!
Oberon: Humprf, very well. Pay attention, Timmy! Now what was my line? Oh yes, there are times when wings just get tired. In these situations, you may need to jump. Let's find out how!! Now then, jumping is vital to getting around! Let's tackle this staircase! Good work! Now cross these treacherous bookcases! Treacherous bookcases? Who writes this nonsense? For bigger leaps, jump in the air! That's right, ignore the rules of physics and jump twice!
Cosmo: That's right, show us what you've got! This strange contraption is called a 'ladder'!
Wanda: Timmy knows that, Cosmo. Just run into it to climb!
Cosmo: Wow! It's Titania! That means I've completed my eye-spy book of ex-fairy-royalty!
Wanda: Let's go see if she's in a bad mood like Oberon was!
Timmy Turner: Hi there, ex-fairy-queen Titania! Teach me stuff!
Titania: Well! One is shocked! Do children no longer have manners?
Cosmo: Not any more! TV has taught them that manners just waste time!
Wanda: Sorry, your fairy-ship. Maybe you could teach us about emergency wish stars anyway?
Titania: Humpf. If one more must. But one will complain to the appropriate authorities! Ahem! Collect three stars to gain one wish! It's as simple as that!
Cosmo: I don't see any stars!
Titania: Wish stars can be frisky! You may have to sprint to catch them! Off you go, filthy little child!
Cosmo: I thought it was a chocolate star. Oh well!
Wanda: There's a second star! Being in a training film is strange - I feel as though I'm being watched!
Titania: Wish star out of reach? Try standing on something!
Wanda: That box looks movable!
Cosmo: Grab on , then push or pull to move the block!
Wanda: Grab the star, Timmy! Two down, one to go!
Cosmo: I don't see a star, but that switch looks interesting! We're almost there! Not much more to learn!
Titania: Can you find your star? Search everywhere, and bounce any switch you see! What's the worst thing that could happen?
Cosmo: That's my motto!
Wanda: Switches do all kinds of things, Timmy, such as opening doors or moving objects. To press a switch, bounce it from the air!
Cosmo: That worked! A bookcase moved revealing a star!
Timmy Turner: I have three stars! How do I wish?
Wanda: In the usual way, Timmy!
Cosmo: Yeah, move your mouth to make 'words'!
Timmy Turner: Well, okay, I wish that I was back in front of a working TV, watching Crash Nebula!
Wanda: Oh dear, I'm sorry, Timmy, but wish stars simply aren't that powerful!
Cosmo: Think everyday wish, not Sunday best wish!
Timmy Turner: Um, so what can I wish for?
Titania: You must wish for a magical catapult, with which to activate the magic targets. When activated, these targets allow the pupil to leave the training arena.
Cosmo: Wow, she's so bossy.
Timmy Turner: If that's the only way out of here - I wish for a magic catapult.
Wanda: Good work, Timmy! You can have up to three wishes at once, but you can only use them one at a time! Remember that!
Cosmo: Now punish these targets so we can get out of here! It's like a final exam, only fun!
Wanda: Wishes are great - but remember, wishes take star power!
Oberon: Well done, fairy fellow! I mean, fellow fairy! You have passed basic training!
Wanda: Well done, Timmy! You passed training!
Cosmo: Now to find out what's up with out magic and your TV!
Timmy Turner: Can emergency wish stars fix my TV? I've only missed half of Crash Nebula!
Wanda: We really have to find out why our magic isn't working, Timmy! We should visit Fairy World!
Cosmo: But the TV listing says that Crash Nebula is on again tomorrow!
Timmy Turner: Great! I've got twenty four hours to fix my TV!
Wanda: There's no time to lose! To Fairy World!
Timmy Turner: Um... This looks like Fairy World, but it's even stranger than usual!
Cosmo: Oh no! Something's wrong!
Wanda: Shhh! You don't want Jorgen Von Strangle to hear you! Just in case this is our fault!
Cosmo: I'm not scared of Jorgen Von Strangle!
Jorgen Von Strangle: Are you sure, puny fairy?
Cosmo: Eeek!
Timmy Turner: Hey, we didn't do anything this time!
Jorgen Von Strangle: I'm considering blaming you anyway, tiny Timmy Turner. But you are lucky - I already have a suspect.
Wanda: Mr. Von Strangle, sir, we've lost our wish granting powers. We came here to find out why.
Jorgen Von Strangle: All fairies are without their powers. My muscular intellect suspects that it has something to do with the missing Royal Jewel.
Cosmo: That's okay then. Oh no, wait - that's the worst thing that could happen!
Wanda: Oh dear. Cosmo's fused.
Timmy Turner: Royal Jewel? Stolen? Why's that so bad?
Jorgen Von Strangle: The Royal Jewel has tremendous magical power. It is the second most powerful magic known to fairies.
Timmy Turner: And am I guess that it's fallen into the wrong hands?
Jorgen Von Strangle: This is embarrassing, but I must ask for your help, tiny Timmy Turner.
Timmy Turner: Well, okay. Anything to fix my TV. What do you want?
Jorgen Von Strangle: You must first rescue Fairy World from a devious peril. Come with me and I will show you. stolen magic gem.
Jorgen Von Strangle : My prime suspect is a Jester named Quince. He worked for Oberon and Titania, our old king and queen. They recently fired him.
Wanda: So Quince stole the jewel as revenge for losing his job?
Jorgen Von Strangle: He took his jesting very seriously. Now he is causing havoc in Fairy World, demanding his old job back.
Timmy Turner: So we have to fix the stuff in Fairy World, find the jester, and stop him!
Jorgen Von Strangle: With my expert management skills, even your puny trio should succeed.
Timmy Turner: ow exactly is Jorgen 'managing' us?
Wanda: By leaving us to manage by ourselves, sweetie!
Cosmo: I didn't get any of that! Let's do stuff and see what happens! This fountain spouts clubs! Weird!
Wanda: Quince must have stolen these clubs from some helpless playing cards - the fiend!
Timmy Turner: Then we should find a way to get those cards their clubs back.
Wanda: Look, there! An emergency wish star! One star down! Two more and we can grant a wish!
Cosmo: Two stars! That's one each, except for Wanda! I see a wish star on top of that house! Wait - I see a wish star!
Timmy Turner: Okay! I've got three wish stars - fairies, do your stuff!
Wanda: We need a little more information than that, Timmy!
Cosmo: I need a lot more!
Timmy Turner: If we're going to rescue all those poor club-free cards, we'll need something for transporting suits...
Cosmo: Like a suitcase.
Wanda: Maybe some sort of playing card suit restoration gizmo-thingy?
Timmy Turner: Okay! I wish for some sort of playing card restoration gizmo-thingy!
Cosmo: I had one of those when I was a little fairy!
Wanda: Now you're a lot of fairy! Now you can carry playing card suits from suit fountains!
Cosmo: Duh! How else would a playing card restoration gizmo-thingy work?
Timmy Turner: Check it out! If I use my card spray gizmo here, I can stock it with clubs!
Wanda: Then you'll have to take the clubs to blank cards!
Cosmo: But the gizmo can only hold so many clubs! If you run out, refill a a mountain!
Wanda: There are the clubless cards! The poor dears!
Cosmo: Voila - Bridge! Four no trumps! I like the way this jester thinks!
Wanda: There's the Moo-nicipal town hall!
Cosmo: It's for cows only, so we don't need to go inside. But be sure to look at it, because it look someone ages to build! We need parallelograms! I mean diamonds!
Wanda: That card needs diamonds!
Cosmo: Ooh! Ooh! We have diamonds!
Timmy Turner: What's this place, guys?
Wanda: This is the Square Market, Timmy.
Cosmo: Where are all the fairies shopping for the latest squares?
Timmy Turner: I guess the Moo-nicipal cows must have evacuated everyone after Quince went crazy...
Cosmo: What kind of jester stops people from shopping?
Wanda: A sticker! They don't do anything, but they're fun to collect!
Cosmo: I'm sure something used to be behind this gate...
Wanda: There used to be some rainbow stepping stones and bridges!
Timmy Turner: And I'll bet that insane jester Quince is on the other side, right?
Wanda: He must be, Timmy - this is the action of fiendish vandal!
Cosmo: He'll suck my blood.
Timmy Turner: That's a vampire, Cosmo.
Cosmo: An insane vampire vandal jester fiend from the other side?
Timmy Turner: Come on - let's find a way to fix the stepping stones before Cosmo uses up his entire vocabulary. (Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda are going to fairy dairy)
Wanda: If I remember right, this path leads to the fairy dairy!
Cosmo: Yay! More cows Oh, let's go say hi to the cows!
Wanda: Elves! Call the elf-sterminator!
Timmy Turner: So this is the fairy dairy! Who's this guy?
Dairy Fairy: Mooooo!
Cosmo: Hey says he's the Dairy Fairy!
Wanda: He worked with the cows for so long, he speaks like they do!
Timmy Turner: That's not too weird...
Dairy Fairy: Moo!
Cosmo: Moo?
Dairy Fairy: Moo!
Wanda: He says his three cows are missing from the cow shed!
Timmy Turner: I assume that he wants our help, then.
Dairy Fairy: Moo!
Cosmo: The cows have been squared away from their shed by Quince?
Wanda: And the cow shed activities the rainbow bridges?
Timmy Turner: 'Moo' means all that?
Cosmo: It's all in the context. Context and nuance. There is no escape, little star! Oooh, this star's really pointy! It must be new!
Wanda: These floating cards are strange, but they sure can be useful! Two stars down, one to go! You've collected three stars, so we can grant a wish!
Timmy Turner: I wish I was a cowboy!
Cosmo: I'll do this one! I'm a cow expert!
Timmy Turner: Cosmo, haven't you ever seen a cowboy movie?
Cosmo: Oh yeah! I watch the Bovine Adventure channel all the time!
Wanda: I think it's perfect! Fairy cows are very safety conscious, and always look after their calves!
Timmy Turner: So they'll follow me when I wear this ridiculous outfit? Well okay...
Cosmo: I did good again! Go Team Cosmo!
Wanda: If you wear your Cow-Boy suit, the cow will follow you!
Cosmo: You should wear it anyway! It's cool!
Wanda: This looks like a switch! But how does it work?
Cosmo: I've seen these on TV! Cow activated switches! A cow elevator! Te Dairy Fairy thinks of everything!
Wanda: You can transport cows by leading them onto the platform, then bouncing the switch!
Cosmo: There you go, Dairy Fairy! One slightly confused cow!
Dairy Fairy: Moo!
Wanda: Yes, that should restore a rainbow stepping stone!
Timmy Turner: Come on guys, we've got two more cows to herd!
Cosmo: Here's a cow!
Wanda: She looks homesick!
Diary Fairy: Moo!
Timmy Turner: Yes, yes, we know you're happy.
Cosmo: One more cow to go!
Wanda: A cow on a barn! What's next?
Cosmo: Stay calm! We are here to help!
Wanda: Our lack of magic must be related to Quince's meddling in some way…
Cosmo: Another cow switch!
Timmy Turner: That's all the cows!
Cosmo: And look! A weird sparkly trail of magic! That happens all the time in Fairy World.
Wanda: It's fixing the rainbow! I guess we did good!
Dairy Fairy: Moo!
Wanda: That's okay, Dairy Fairy!
Cosmo: We like to help people! And fairies! And cows!
Wanda: A sticker! They don't do anything, but they're fun to collect.
Shadow Showdown VG Guide |