Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
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  • This episode is included on the DVD and VHS of the same name.
  • This was the final episode where Ibrahim Haneef Muhammad voiced A.J. Starting with season 3, Gary Leroi Gray would take over the role for the remainder of the show.
  • The Pumpkinator would later return in Escape from Unwish Island.
  • Trixie and Veronica are not seen morphing into their costumes.
  • This is the only Halloween special of the series.
  • This episode is a rare instance in which Trixie appears without any mention of Timmy's crush on her. Likely, he was too upset at Trixie and her friends for bribing their way into winning the Jack-O-Bot costume contest and getting all the good treats.
  • This is the only episode where Mr. Buxaplenty is seen without Mrs. Buxaplenty and Remy Buxaplenty.
  • Moral: A Halloween costume doesn't have to be real and scary, and we shouldn't judge others by the way they look.



the Jack-O-Bots

  • Transformers - The Jack-O-Bots name is a play on the "Autobots", although the Jack-O-Bots themselves are evil while the Autobots are good. (This makes them more similar to the Autobots' enemies, The Decepticons)
  • Toys Я Us - Vicky's insult, "Where did you get the stupid European costumes, Dorks R Us?" contains a play on the chain's name.
  • Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - The music at the end when it rains candy is strikingly similar to the song, Pure Imagination.



Veronica's incorrect eye color.


Cosmo and Wanda have apparently switched colors.

  • When the rich kids appear on Timmy's doorstep, Veronica's pupils are mistakenly colored pink. After Trixie tells her to polish her costume, Veronica's pupils return to their normal blue.
  • When Cosmo and Wanda initially appear as cats during the scene where Timmy meets with Mark Chang, Wanda is colored green and Cosmo is pink. In the next shot, their colors swap back to normal.
  • Although the Jack-O-Bot costumes are wished back into normal, inanimate objects, they later appear on Unwish Island as sentient beings.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Buxaplenty appear in this episode; however, they crashed on a deserted island with Remy in "Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary" and shouldn't have returned until "Remy Rides Again (though there is nothing saying that this episode doesn't actually taken place before "Remy Rides Again").
  • When the Pumpkinator prepares for detonation after morphing into its' doomsday device shape, it begins audibly counting down the final minute in a bored tone ("59, 58, 57...") But when Timmy starts speaking, it remains silent for the rest of the countdown.
  • Although Timmy loses one of his vampire fangs during his battle against the Pumpkinator, he has two fangs again soon after Wanda manages to turn back into a fairy.
  • When Timmy has the combined costumes, the Crimson Chin mask he's wearing has yellow eyes. However, when he bites the Pumpkinator, his eyes are blue.
  • When Cosmo and Wanda sit on the green monster, they’re going backwards instead of forward.
  • When it rains candy, it loops the same animation for the rest of the scene, resulting in the candy not actually landing on the ground.
  • For a few seconds before Cosmo sleeps on the landing of the spaceship, the shorter pink alien is green.

Production Notes

  • Although this episode aired on October 29, 2002, in the United States, it was actually produced in 2001 according to the credits. It was also the final episode to be made in 2001.
  • The episode's script contains several scenes that were cut for time from the finished episode:[1]
    • The episode originally had a completely different opening scene, which starts with Timmy wearing a monster costume and then Cosmo and Wanda poof up various costumes for him, each of which he rejects. Timmy then pulls his Crash Nebula vs. the Pumpkinator DVD and points out the Jack-o-bots on the cover, right before wishing he had one of the costumes.
    • Right after the scene at the Buxaplentys' mansion, A.J. asks Vicky why she's not also extorting candy from the rich kids. Vicky responds that it's because the rich kids can always get more candy because of their cool costumes, whereas taking Timmy and friends' candy will leave them with nothing (A.J.: "Well, you can't argue with that evil."). Nearby the rich kids decide to split up so they can get more candy and money from the rest of the houses (hence why they're not all together when Timmy's wish takes effect).
    • When Cosmo and Wanda grant Timmy's wish, we originally saw more of its effects. The script mentions Sanjay and Mike, who are respectively dressed as a baseball player and a police officer, becoming scary monster versions of their costumes, a transformed kid in a George Washington costume chasing after a transformed kid in a tree costume, and Mr. and Mrs. Turner turning into monster versions of each other.
    • Right after the commercial break, four transformed kids in Crimson Chin costumes battle a Big Bad Wolf but are then scared off by a Monster Red Riding Hood.
    • After Mark and his friends go down to Earth, King Grippulon's computer tells him there are 25 minutes before the Pumpkinator destroys Earth, but it will take Mark 26 minutes to get Vicky off the planet.
    • In the script, Timmy falling apart (right after his "awesome mummy powers" line) was because Tad and Chad, as the Jack-o-bots, blasted him with eye beams. After he sends Cosmo to go distract Mark, Wanda asks Timmy if he's trying to get the Yugopotamians to help stop the Jack-o-bots, but Timmy replies that he was just getting Cosmo out of the way.
    • After Cosmo falls asleep on the entry ramp for Mark's ship, Vicky promptly forces Mark and his friends to start trick-or-treating.
    • When Timmy and Wanda arrive at the costume emporium, they briefly encounter a kid in a monster tumbleweed costume named Craig.
    • At one point while battling the Pumpkinator, Timmy crashes into his house, and Mr. Turner gives him a slip of paper saying, "Look out; that big robot is arming itself with a missile." (Timmy: "Wow! That was actually helpful!")
    • Wanda taking Wendell's fairy crown and wand causes him to revert to normal, and he runs off with the giant tooth ("I am so going to get more than a quarter for this!").
    • After the rich kids revert to normal, Timmy grabs the bag with his stuff, he finds it also has a single gum drop. A minute later, when he declares war on Yugopotamia, Jeff scoffs that he can't really do that; Timmy responds by throwing the gum drop at Jeff.
    • When Mark arrives back on his parents' mothership, his parents send his clone (mentioned earlier in the finished episode) to be re-frozen. A minute later, after the Yugopotamians launch the pinata, Mark's Vicky clone rejects him and then hooks up with his clone... who, ironically, doesn't want her.
  • Cosmo's one-liner at the end was not in the original script.


Mr. Turner: (puts on a Mrs. Turner costume) I'm going as your mom!
Mrs. Turner: (puts on a Mr. Turner costume) And I'm going as your dad!
Timmy Turner: And I'm going straight to therapy.
Mr. Turner: The heck you are, you're going trick-or-treating whether you're crazy or not!

Wendell: [To Dr. Bender] You're the reason I don't have any friends!

Cosmo: You can't spell 'Halloween' without 'ow' in the middle. (eats lollipop and breaks his teeth) Ow!

Mark Chang:: Vicky! My beloved, 'tis I, Mark, your rocking princely love from-
Erik: [referring to her candy bag and Timmy's arm holding onto it] Look out, dude, she's armed!

      [swats bag out of her hand causing it to fly into the air and have candy fall]       

     Jeff: Ah! The sky, it rains death!

King Gripullon: [watching Vicky and kids trick or treat] Wait, wait. [gasps] You were right, my queen. It is a conspiracy. The Earthlings are arming themselves for war with the substance most lethal to we Yugopotamians... candy! Defense demands a royal response of an even higher order. I shall... [pulls a level that causes a metal spear to appear, which opens up to reveal a piece of paper and a pen] write an angry letter! [vigorously writes a letter, which is shown to be a "Q"] Somebody mail this.

Timmy:: Reflective tape?
Principal Waxelplax:: That's right! I'm reflective, you're reflective! This year, I'm giving away safety! [As she says this, Chester whispers to A.J and pulls out a roll of toilet paper] And if you TP my house, I'll hold all of you back a year.

      [slams door]

Chester:: I'm being held back a year anyway. [cheers and runs off]

Mark:: Come, Vicky, let us board my princely pod and blow this rock! [uses remote to open the door and lower ramp]
Cosmo:: [runs up] Ah, ah, ah! Hold it right there! I'm afraid I can't let you gentlemen leave just yet. [pulls out clipboard] I'm here to inspect your vehicle, but first it's time for my break. [throws clipboard and pulls out a pillow, falls asleep on ramp]

Timmy: He's going to blow! Wanda, help!
Wanda: But I'm not a fairy anymore! Without my fairy powers, I'm as useless as that tooth! Wait a minute. If you become whatever you're wearing, that's it! [takes Cosmo's pillow] Sweetie, wake up! [climbs up and puts pillow on the giant tooth, Bender appears]
Wendell: Holy molar! I'm going to have to give this kid more than a quarter! (struggles to pull the tooth and falls backwards, losing his wand and crown)
Wanda: (catches both) Let me hold that for you. And that. If you become whatever costume you're wearing, [changes back into a fairy] Yes! Make a wish! Make any wish!
Timmy: I don't want everything real and scary! I want Halloween the way it's supposed to be! Fake and safe! (Wanda grants the wish and everything returns to normal)
Cosmo: Yay! I'm a fairy again! Aah, 5 more minutes (snores)

