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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Playdate of Doom" from Season 7, which aired on April 7, 2010.
[Fade in on Abracatraz. Jorgen tightens his bootlaces; puts on gloves, goggles, and eye black; and ties a headband around his forehead]
- Jorgen: [holding a covered dish and a block of ice] Time to deal with the most dangerous, evil, and vile prisoner here at Abracatraz.
[Jorgen walks through glass doors, a metal door, and a beaded curtain to Foop's cell]
- Foop: Hello, Clarice. I mean, Jorgen. That better not be more strained beets. I asked for the pureed surf and turf.
- Jorgen: [giving him the beets] You will eat the beets and like them!
- Foop: Yes, Jorgen. I will eat the beets and like them. See how agreeable I am? Why don't you call Wanda and Cosmo to schedule a playdate with my nemesis? Uh, I mean, that delightful rapscallion Poof? [he is gesturing to a drawing of Poof] I think I'm completely rehabilitated. [chuckles]
- Jorgen: [turns on the lights] Ha! You, Foop?
[It becomes apparent that the Poof drawing has facial hair like Foop's and the room's walls are covered with insulting drawings of and messages about Poof]
- Jorgen: Completely rehabilitated and ready for a playdate with Poof? Fat chance. Cosmo, Wanda, and I will never allow you near Poof again! Now, here is that huge block of ice you asked for no apparent reason.
- Foop: Thank you, um... Who are you, again? Just to be clear.
- Jorgen: I am Jorgen Von Strangle. Don't be a dummy! [turns off the lights and leaves]
- Foop: No, Jorgen, it is you who are the dummy. You've played right into my hand, or should I say... [takes a tape recorder out of his diaper] diapey? Smuggling in Baby's 1st Evil Recorder was a genius idea! I'm so amazing, sometimes I scare myself. [looking in a mirror] Oh! There I am! [looks away] Now, to edit this on Baby's 1st Evil Laptop and use Jorgen's own words against him!
[Foop connects the recorder to the laptop, then types on the laptop and calls Wanda on Baby's 1st Evil Cell Phone. At the Turners' house, Wanda's phone rings and its screen displays "Calling: Jorgen"]
- Wanda: [answers the call] Hello? [Foop brings the recorder up to his phone]
- Jorgen's Voice: [from the recorder] Cosmo... and... Wanda... I am Jorgen Von Strangle! Foop... is... completely rehabilitated and ready for a playdate with Poof? [Foop releases the recorder's "play" button]
- Wanda: Really, Jorgen? Do you think that's a good idea?
- Jorgen's Voice: [as Foop pushes down the button] Don't be a dummy!
- Wanda: Hey, there's no reason to take that tone with—
- Jorgen's Voice: [as Foop pushes down the button] You will eat the beets and like them!
- Wanda: What?
- Foop: [presses the button multiple times and closes his phone] The fool! She suspects nothing! That was so easy, it was like taking candy from myself! [laughs evilly]
[Fade to the Turners' house]
- Timmy: Toot-toot! Here comes the veggie train! [feeds Cosmo and Poof carrots]
- Wanda: That was Jorgen. He said we have to eat beets and have Foop over for a playdate. [Poof and Cosmo spit out carrot juice on Timmy]
- Timmy and Cosmo: What?
- Cosmo: We have to eat beets? Nooo!
- Timmy: Foop, the evil anti-fairy who tried to destroy two magical realms and a fast food chain, is coming to play?
- Poof: Poof poof!
- Timmy: Poof's right. This is a bad idea.
- Cosmo: You said it, Timmy! Beets are the tubers of evil!
- Wanda: Well, Jorgen did say Foop's rehabilitated. And every baby deserves a second chance.
- Timmy: They can't all be as good as you, Poof. Look, you ate all your vegetables. That means you get another gold star on your "good baby" chart.
[Timmy adds another star to the already filled chart. Beets appear in front of Poof, and Wanda poofs up beets in front of Cosmo]
- Cosmo: Dah! Beets! Curse you, tubers of evil!
[Cut to Foop drawing his face on a paper bound to the ice block]
- Foop: There. It's square like me and cold like my heart. [puts a carrot on top of the block] Jorgen will never even know I'm gone. [puts the block in a cage] Foop, you're such a genius! I am, aren't I? Yes, quite. Perhaps I've been in here alone too long. Thank goodness for diapers with hidden compartments. They may not stop leaks, but they made my escape so easy! As will this! [takes out a giant drill] Baby's First Evil Tunneling Tool!
[Foop laughs evilly as he drills into the floor and covers the hole with the cage. He drills out of the ground outside Abracatraz]
- Foop: Time for a playdate with Poof. A playdate... of doom! [laughs evilly, then hiccups] Hiccups. [hiccups]
[Foop laughs evilly as he flies in his spacecraft. Fade to the Turners' house. Wanda puts up a banner reading "Welcome Foop!"]
- Cosmo: [dumping beets in a flowerpot] Great job! [the plant in the pot withers]
- Timmy: Guys!
- Cosmo: I wasn't pouring my beets into a plant! [poofs the pot away]
- Timmy: What if Jorgen's wrong and Foop hasn't changed? What if he's coming to destroy Poof again?
- Wanda: Now, Timmy, you have to trust Jorgen. He's on top of everything.
[Cut to Jorgen sleeping in a security room and resting his feet on a control panel. His foot hits a button that releases the prisoners]
- Prisoners: We're free!
[Prisoners fly out of Abracatraz cheering. Cut to Timmy's room]
- Timmy: Yyyeah. Just in case, I wish for a super cool disguise so I can spy on Foop when he gets here.
- Cosmo: You got it! [he poofs Timmy into a French maid outfit and poofs up a mop and bucket beside him]
- Timmy: A cleaning lady? I was thinking "ninja".
- Cosmo: That's funny; so was I. We'll call you Mrs. Sparklebottom!
- Mrs. Turner: [knocking on the door offscreen] Oh, Timmy?
[The fairies disappear. The door opens]
- Mrs. Turner: Ooh, an ugly little cleaning lady. I bet Timmy's dad hired you so I could go to the spa. You can go up in the attic and deal with that vicious hornets' nest.
- Timmy: What? Wait!
[Mrs. Turner drags Timmy away. A door appears in the air, and a doorbell rings. Wanda opens the door, revealing Foop]
- Foop: Hello, Auntie Wanda and Uncle Idiot. I mean, Cosmo. [holding up flowers] Thank you so much for allowing me to visit.
- Wanda: [taking the flowers] Aw, thank you, Foop! We hope you're ready to be a good boy for a change.
- Foop: Oh, I most certainly am, Auntie Wanda. [taking out his beets] And this is for you, uncle.
- Cosmo: Beets? Why does everyone hate me?
- Foop: And I even brought a gift for my new friend, Poof. [Poof growls] It's a special new portal to oblivion. I mean, playpen!
- Wanda: That's very kind of you, Foop. You boys can play in it and...
- Foop: No! Don't put me in there!
[Foop throws the playpen on the floor. It starts spinning]
- Foop: I mean... [clears his throat] I mean, I've been in solitary confinement for so long. [chuckles nervously] Yes. Closed spaces make me crazy. No, they don't! Yes, they do! Oh, be quiet! [beat]
- Wanda: Okay... Uh, Poof, why don't you give Foop a hug, sweetie?
- Poof: [hides behind Wanda] Poof poof!
- Foop: Oh, I'm afraid he just doesn't like me, auntie. Weep-weep, crying sounds, weep-weep.
- Wanda: Poof, Foop is trying to be nice. You have to learn how to forgive people after they try and destroy you. For making Foop cry, you lose a star on your "good boy" chart. [poofs a star away]
- Poof: Ugh. [he trembles as he floats over to Foop and hugs him]
- Foop: You're going down, you bulbous little brat.
- Timmy: Aha! I heard that with my hornet-stung, super swollen ear! Foop is... [a swarm of hornets shows up] Ah! More hornets!
[Timmy screams as he runs away and falls out the window. The hornets follow]
- Foop: What an odd, ugly cleaning lady.
- Timmy: [offscreen] I'm a ninja!
- Wanda: [poofing up modeling clay] You boys play while I give Cosmo his lunch. [disappears]
[Cosmo sweeps beets under a carpet in the fishbowl]
- Wanda: Here's your lunch, Cosmo. [poofs up beets]
- Cosmo: Aw, you gotta be kidding me!
- Foop: [making a clay model of Poof] ♪ La da da da... ♪ Poof, I fear I might have been vague earlier when I said you're going down. Allow me to clarify.
[Foop tosses the model into the playpen. The playpen's posts shoot lasers at the model, which then falls into a portal]
- Foop: The playpen contains an interdimensional vortex that will transport you to the outer reaches of the universe... forever! [laughs evilly, then hiccups] Hiccups. [hiccups]
- Timmy: Aha! I heard that! [Wanda appears with beets] Wanda, listen to this! Foop is planning to—
- Mr. Turner: [offscreen] Oh, Timmy? [Foop, Wanda, and Poof disappear] Ooh, a ninja! Great! I need you to make a man named Dinkleberg "go away".
[Mr. Turner drags Timmy away. Foop, Wanda, and Poof reappear]
- Poof: Poof poof poof!
- Wanda: Don't be silly, Poof. Foop's not going to send you to an alternate universe. [giving the two of them beets] Now be good and have fun. [disappears]
- Foop: Yes, Poof. Let's have fun. [uses his baby bottle to put Poof's beets on his own head] Weep, weep! Cry! Sob! [Cosmo and Wanda appear]
- Wanda: Oh, what happened?
- Foop: Poof tried to harm me with beets!
- Cosmo: [to Wanda] I told you beets were dangerous!
- Wanda: Poof, that was not nice. You lose another star. [she poofs one star away, then poofs herself and Cosmo away]
- Foop: Yes, you're going in that playpen. Your idiot parents are going to send you to another dimension, and I'm going to watch! Ready, friend? Let's play! [drags him away]
[Fade to Foop spelling out "Poof stinks" with alphabet blocks. Wanda appears. Poof points to the blocks, which Foop changes to spell out "Foop stinks". Foop cries. Wanda looks at the blocks and glares at Poof. A star disappears. Foop hits his face with a cupcake and cries. Cosmo glares at Poof. Another star disappears. Cosmo whistles as he tosses beets into the playpen. Foop punches himself with a boxing glove and poofs it to Poof's hand. Cosmo and Wanda glare at Poof. Twenty-four stars disappear. Cosmo tosses beets into the playpen. Foop puts drops in his eyes and cries. Thirty-one stars disappear, then seventeen, then three. Only one remains. Foop sets down what appears to be a jack-in-the-box]
- Foop: This is my favorite toy. Mine too. I don't even know you anymore! [blinks] We think you'll find it's a real blast. [Poof cranks the box, which explodes] Weep-weep. [Cosmo and Wanda appear] More convincing crying.
- Wanda: Poof, that's it. I'm taking away your last gold star.
- Cosmo: Yeah! You get a time-out in the wonderful playpen that makes beets disappear!
[Lightning strikes. Poof screams and flies away. Wanda grabs him]
- Poof: Poof poof poof poof poof poof poof poof poof poof poof poof!
- Wanda: Nonsense, Poof. The playpen is not an interdimensional vortex of doom.
- Timmy: Wanda, stop! Stop, Foop! I know what you're up to.
- Foop: Boy, you are one annoying cleaning lady! [zaps Wanda and Cosmo away]
- Wanda: Oh, no! The playpen really is a vortex of doom! Poof was telling the truth!
[Foop raises Poof over the playpen. Poof screams]
- Foop: Goodbye, Poof! [laughs evilly]
- Timmy: I told you... I'm a ninja!
[Timmy throws a mop at Foop, knocking Poof out of his hands. Timmy catches Poof. The playpen shoots lasers at Foop and opens a portal]
- Foop: [screams as he falls into the portal] This is all your fault! Really? I blame you! Well, you would. That's so like you! I'll get you, Poof! Eventually! [the portal disappears]
- Wanda: Poof, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. Can you forgive me?
- Poof: [hugging her] Poof poof.
- Timmy: All in a day's work for Timmy Sparklebottom, cleaning ninja. And the best part is...
- Cosmo: No more beets? [dumps beets in the playpen]
- Timmy: And we don't have to worry about Foop anymore.
[Fade to outer space. Foop and beets spin as though trapped inside glass panes]
- Foop: You haven't seen the last of me, Poof. Or me either. I know that; I'm right here. I was talking to them. Oh, pipe down! You're the one who got us into this in the first place! We'll be back. Stop looking at me! I hate beets!
[Iris out on Foop. The end title card is shown]
- Foop: [in voice-over] So do I!
[Fade to black]
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v - e★ Season 7 Transcripts ★ | ||
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10 | ||
#01 Anti-Poof | #02 Add-a-Dad | #03 Squirrely Puffs |
#04 Mice Capades | #05 Formula For Disaster | #06 Bad Heir Day |
#07 Freaks & Greeks | #08 Fly Boy | #09 Temporary Fairy |
#10 Crocker Shocker | #11 Super Zero | #12 Dadbra-Cadabra |
#13 Timmy Turnip | #14 One Man Banned | #15 Frenemy Mine |
#16 Chicken Poofs | #17 Stupid Cupid | #18 Double-Oh Schnozmo! |
#19 Planet Poof | #20 The Boss Of Me | #21 He Poofs He Scores |
#22 Playdate of Doom | #23 Teacher's Pet | #24 Manic Mom-Day |
#25 Crocker of Gold | #26 Beach Blanket Bozos | #27 Poltergeeks |
#28 Old Man and the C- | #29 Balance of Flour | #30 Food Fight |
#31 Please Don't Feed The Turners | #32 Take and Fake | #33 Cosmo Rules |
#34 Lights Out | #35 Dad Overboard | #36 Farm Pit |
#37 Crock Talk | #38 Spellementary School | #39 Operation Dinkleberg |