Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

Pixie Magic is the ability of pixies to do things that humans cannot do. As noted by Wanda, pixies are (technically-speaking) just as magically-powerful as fairies--but unlike fairies (who treat magic as something that's fun/free-spirited), pixies treat magic more as business and mostly use for stuff that's dull/boring. They can also fly and poof like other fairies do.



H.P. and Sanderson using their cellphone.

The Pixie equivalent to The Big Wand is unknown. The Pixies themselves seem to draw power from their cellphones and do not have a centralized source of power like the Fairies and Anti-Fairies. However, the typical pixie doesn't seem to have free access to most of its potential as all of their magic usage must be approved first by either H.P., Sanderson, or any other high ranking pixies.

It is currently unknown how pixies generate their magic.

Abilities and Usages[]

Pinging (Teleportation)[]


"Pinging" is the name given to the Pixies' ability to teleport themselves, people, and objects to and from locations using their magic. But this ability doesn't seem to work when a pixie currently sustain heavy injuries as shown in School's Out!: The Musical where H.P. and Sanderson are forced to drive back home.



Timmy's rejected wish.

Just like fairies, pixies can grant wishes of their godkid, though they are quite selective with it as they will reject any wishes they deem as too fun. The waiting period depends on how fast can a wish be approved, if a godchild obtained a high ranking pixie, their wishes are granted almost instantly as the pixie can self-approve the wish themselves. For others, they must submit the wishes in writing and work on it until it either gets approved or rejected.

There's not much known rules set around wishes other than to reject any wish they deem as fun and enjoyable, anything else might get approved. Pixies can even give their godkid money [1], something fairies aren't allowed to do.

Transformation and Restoration[]

H.P.'s favorite thing to do to Fairy World, transforming it into another division of Pixie World. Pixies can also transform Earth if their contract allows it. As powerful as this sounds, this ability is not to be abused as it heavily ties down to whatever contract H.P. managed to trick someone into agreeing to. If the contract backfires and forces him to restore Fairy World back to normal, he is obligated to do so.




As evil as pixies can get, they are limited to the rules set within their contracts, even when the outcome isn't favorable to them. Rules within these contracts are permanent until the deal is done, they are unchangeable even by H.P. It is fully up to them to leave as little wiggle room as possible to prevent their victim from finding any loophole in the contract.

Limited access to magic[]

As most pixies doesn't do much but work in offices, they don't require much use of magic other than to float and occasionally teleport. A more advanced use of magic will have to go through H.P. or Sanderson first via their cellphones.


  • While pixies reject all wishes they deem as too fun, they are willing to generate fun items (especially the destructive kind) as long as it helps them accomplish their evil plans.

See also[]

