Fairies disguised as Dice-Decoration
Here it is, gang! The beautiful Dimmsdale Flats!
This is just a Western ghost town.
I can't wait to see a real cowboy!
Hmmm, how about more like, "Always use a saddle when horseback ridin'"?
Hey! The Masked Stranger looks like ME!
Sorry, sir, but we're clearing this ghost town to make room for a mall.
We think that's a great idea!!!
Hello! I'm an Indian girl!
Way to go, Chester! Your braces made a great pickaxe to help us tunnel out of that cell!
And your body made a most marvelous shield to keep the coyote away from us!
I'll take my "Eaten By Coyotes" badge now!
"Nobody reads the manual!"
Mr. Turner accepts handing Doug Dimmadome the deed for eight bucks.