Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Trivia Page


  • This episode was ranked #55 in the 100 Greatest Nicktoon Episodes countdown.
  • Apparently the Da Rules state that if every fairy in the universe wants the same godchild then it is settled in a Texas cage match where you must be the only fairy to not have your buttocks blasted by anyone else to be the godparent of that child (anyone blasted in the buttocks is eliminated from the challenge and forced to watch the rest of the match on the stands with everyone else that was eliminated).
  • The scene where snail Cosmo tries to get to rock, but moving very slowly is similar to Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary when Cosmo is a turtle and tries to get his wand and says "REVENGE, REVENGE!!!".
  • Despite being implied love interests of Timmy, neither Tootie nor Veronica are seen among the girls in school wanting Timmy after he makes the wish.
  • Almost every single fairy was in the rage in the cage fighting over Timmy.
  • This is the second time someone moves slow with dramatic music the first was The Same Game.

    Running Gags

  • Timmy being wanted by everyone after the wish is placed into effect even the authorities because he was on the most wanted list.
  • A rock with Timmy's hat is chosen over Timmy himself at the beginning of the episode.
  • The mentioning of a travel pod that goes somewhere and Timmy and/or Cosmo noting that it was a good idea with their statement usually being said to Wanda.


  • A Hard Day's Night - When Timmy is being chased by the girls, it parodies one scene of the movie.
  • WWE - "Rage in a Cage" is a spoof of the "Hell in a Cell".


  • Trixie's height is shorter than normal comparable to Timmy.
  • Some of the fairies in the battle have Anti-Fairies wings.
  • Mrs. Turner shows a Bingo ball with I8 on it. In Bingo, it would be B8.


Mr. Crocker: Well, Miss Tang, it appears Turner is the only living thing available. So you'll be paired with... (Mr. Crocker brandishes a rock with Timmy's hat on it) this rock!
Trixie: Hee-hee! (Trixie takes the rock and snuggles it)

Timmy: What are you talking about? Being attacked by girls is both cool and creepy. But being wanted is awesome!

Jorgen: Timmy Turner, I want you to be my godchild!
Fairy #1: I want him to be my godchild!
Fairy #2: No! Mine!
All fairies: We want him to be our godchild!
Cosmo: Hey, back off!
Wanda: He's our godchild!
Jorgen: Tough tinkies! (poofs up the rules book) According to the rules, if every godparent in the universe wants to have the same godchild, there's only one supernatural way to settle the issue: a butt-kicking, rip-snorting, Texas cage match! ALL FAIRIES TO TEXAS!

Wanda: (appears as snails in a French restaurant with Cosmo) We're ignoring Timmy in France?
Cosmo: (laughs) And you said the escape pod to Paris was a bad idea. (gets sprinkled on by salt) AHH!! Let's get outta here! (he and Wanda slowly slither away)

Production Notes

  • Although this episode premiered in 2003, it was produced in 2002 according to the credits.
    • This episode completed production in June 2002.[1]

