Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Trivia Page


  • Mrs. Turner can speak Russian. It's likely that her parents were from Europe.
  • Mrs. Turner was a secret agent and a double agent before Timmy was born.
  • Britney Britney likes to swim in the ice, and also had plastic surgery (nose job).
    • This marks Britney Britney's final physical appearance, as Nickelodeon retired the character because of the negative reputation of her real-life counterpart, Britney Spears, back in the mid 2000s.
  • Sylvester Calzone likes coconuts as revealed in his only speaking part in this episode. "eeygfeyfetdfedfedtfet Coconuts".
    • Sylvester Calzone's second and last appearance.
  • Chip Skylark likes to disco.
    • Chip Skylark's final non-spoken physical appearance. Although pictures and mentioning continue on until "Scary GodCouple".
  • This is considered along with Birthday Bashed the unofficial season finale, the official being Wishology.
  • This marks the first appearance of a Timmy Turner robot, the second and last will be The Big Fairy Share Scare.
  • The episode name is a pun on Omnipresent, which means being everywhere at the same time, the thing Timmy was trying to do.
  • This is the last 11-minute episode of season 6.
  • Moral: It's important to tell your parents how you feel and While it's important to spend time with your parents, it's good for parents to do things that the kid wants to do.


  • Also sprach Zarathustra - The background music played on the episode title card is similar to the 1897's Richard Strauss orchestra.
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey  - The background music played on the episode title card is also similar to the theme song of the 1968 film.
  • Oktoberfest: The name Septemberfest is a reference to Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival, held annually in Munich, Germany.
  • Pablo Picasso - The sculptor Wanda hired to make the ice sculpture is none other than the famous artist, Pablo Picasso.

Running Gags

  • Timmy trying to avoid his mother while also getting something he needs for the party, but his mother somehow finds him due to something from her past.
  • Characters talking about man skirts.
  • Cosmo destroying the ice sculpture.


  • In the title card, Mrs. Turner's hair is looked different as it looks similar to Jimmy Neutron's mom's hair.
  • Juandissimo physically appears by Calzone and is punched by him, despite the rule that fairies are not supposed to be seen by real people.
  • Sylvester Calzone is supposed to be a critic puncher, but he instead is given the title of a famous performer by Christy unless Calzone has more than one occupation.


Cosmo: He said giant sandworm, right?

Wanda: Oh no! It's the dadcam!

Cosmo: I'm sorry, I couldn't see with the North Pole stuck on my face!

Timmy: Ack! I'm wearing a skirt!
Mrs. Turner: It's called a kilt! I'm wearing a skirt! And I think that kilt looks cute on you.

Cosmo: Blah blah blah man with skirts!

Russian Agent: We received your secret code, Timmy's Mom-ski!

Dark Laser: Flipsie! We're going to Septimberfest!

Mrs. Turner: I wish I could take you to a exciting place like Septimberfest, but I can't!
Timmy: Did you just say "Septimberfest"?

Mr. Turner: Now that's what I call crashing a party, son with blasting laser arms that I never knew you had.
TimmyBot-9000: Man skirts rule!

Britney Britney: Oh no, my new nose!

Mr. Turner: You look different, are you a robot?
TimmyBot-9000: Negative!

Mr. Turner: Timmy, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Cosmo: Fire! I'll put it out! I'LL PUT IT OUT!
