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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Mice Capades" from Season 7, which aired on July 8, 2009.
[Fade in on a TV screen]
- Cartoon Announcer: Hey, kids!
[Truck out to reveal Poof and Timmy watching this via Timmy's TV]
- Cartoon Announcer: And really immature adults!
- Cosmo: I'm licking the popcorn... [licks popcorn] so I don't have to share it! [licks more]
- Cartoon Announcer: Do you know what time it is?
- Timmy and Cosmo: It's time for the Sleazy and Cheezy Show!
- Cartoon Announcer: And now for Sleazy and Cheezy in... "Apocalypse Meow".
[Sleazy hits Cheezy with a mallet, and Cheezy hits him with a frying pan]
- Sleazy: Ow! Ow! Ow!
- Cosmo: This show is so funny!
[Poof hits Cosmo in the head with a frying pan]
- Cosmo: You laugh until you get double vision! [he sees double] Cool! Timmy has two TVs!
[Sleazy swats Cheezy's pan away and steps on Cheezy's tail before he can run away, then opens a fork drawer. Cheezy pulls his tail out from under Sleazy's foot, puts the lit fuse of a firework in its place, and zips away. Sleazy picks up the firework with a fork and eats it. Steam blows out his ears, and he is launched screaming to the moon. Cheezy is about to leave the house when a smoldering Sleazy kick the door down, comes in, and protracts his claws. Cheezy screams]
- Timmy: It's time for Cheezy's signature move: He'll blow his whistle, and some randomly heavy object'll fall on Sleazy!
[Cheezy blows the whistle, and an anvil falls on Sleazy. The show ends. Timmy, Cosmo, and Poof cheer]
- Wanda: Poof is too young to watch this violent show. It's a bad influence.
- Timmy: He's fine, Wanda. Trust me.
- Mr. Turner: Oh, Timmy!
[Poof hits Mr. Turner in the face with his pan, and he sees double]
- Mr. Turner: Ooh, you have two TVs. [falls over]
- Cosmo: See?
[Cosmo gives Poof a baby bottle. Poof puts it behind his back and gives Cosmo a lit firework. The fuse burns up, and Cosmo screams as he and the firework fly out the window. Mr. Turner gets up and moans in pain. Wanda and Poof turn into goldfish]
- Mr. Turner: Timmy, I have a terrible headache and exciting news! I finally won the employee-of-the-month award! [holding up a slice of cheese] A membership in the coveted cheese-of-the-month club. For one month!
- Timmy: It's got hair in it.
- Mr. Turner: It's Saskatchewan sasquatch cheese! There's a little bit of sasquatch in every bite!
[Mr. Turner feeds Timmy a piece of the cheese, and Timmy nauseously swallows it]
- Mr. Turner: Well, I'm off to the ball game!
- Timmy: I thought you were taking me and Mom!
- Mr. Turner: Ooh, I was until I got this nifty sasquatch cheese! [to the cheese] I think I'll call you Sassy. [leaves]
- Mrs. Turner: Bye, dear! Bye, Sassy!
- Timmy: Mom, does it bother you that Dad jilted us for some cheese?
- Mrs. Turner: No, because I'll be watching the Home Spending Channel with your father's credit card. [to the card] I think I'll call you Chargie.
- Timmy: What am I supposed to do?
- Mrs. Turner: You're going to have a super fun day with your babysitter! I think we call her... Vicky! [leaves]
- Timmy: Vicky? This stinks!
- Wanda: Speaking of stinking, I need to buy more diapers at the fairy mall.
[Cosmo screams as he and the firework fly back into the room and crash]
- Wanda: And since I can't trust you two, no Sleazy and Cheezy until I get back! In fact, no TV at all!
[Cheezy hits Sleazy with his frying pan]
- Sleazy: Ow!
[Wanda poofs the TV away. Cosmo and Timmy scream]
- Cosmo: [shouts] Both TVs are gone!
- Wanda: Toodles! [poofs away]
- Cosmo: It's okay, guys. Wanda's not the only one around here with magic. Poofing up TVs is my specialty. Watch! [poofs up a tipi] Whoops. That's a tipi. Eh, [poofs up toilet paper] another kind of TP. RV. [poofs one up] Um... this may take a while.
- Poof: [pointing to a Sleazy and Cheezy poster] Poof poof?
- Timmy: Sorry, Poof. If you want to watch Sleazy and Cheezy, I guess you'll have to work a little magic of your own.
- Vicky: [offscreen] Oh, twerp! [holding up a mallet] I brought you a toy!
[Timmy hits her face with Poof's pan. She sees double]
- Vicky: Wow. You have two RVs? [falls over and comes to her senses] You're doomed, twerp! Doomed!
[Vicky and Timmy start hitting each other]
- Poof: Ooh. Ooh?
[Poof sees Vicky and Timmy are posed as Sleazy and Cheezy are on the poster]
- Poof: Poof poof!
[A lightbulb appears above Poof. He giggles and turns Vicky and Timmy into Sleazy and Cheezy. Vicky swats Timmy away, and he lands in front of a mirror]
- Timmy: [looking at his reflection] Cool! I mean, oh, no! Poof changed me into Cheezy!
[Vicky jumps to him and raises the mallet but then sees her reflection]
- Vicky: What? Oh, I get it. The twerp knocked me out with the frying pan, and now I'm having a dream where I'm a cat and he's a mouse. Weird dream. But I still get to annihilate Timmy! [hisses at him] You're doomed, dream twerp!
[Vicky tries to pounce on Timmy, and he runs away]
- Vicky: I mean, meow! [laughs]
[Poof giggles and watches as Vicky chases Timmy. Timmy screams]
- Poof: Poof poof!
- Timmy: Change me back, Poof! Hello? What part of "change me back" don't you understand? Hello?!
[Angle on Poof looking at Timmy]
- Timmy: Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!
[Timmy sees Vicky running toward him]
- Timmy: Think, Turner. What would Cheezy do at a time like this? Wait a minute. Cheezy's whistle!
[Timmy blows a whistle. A piano falls on Vicky. Poof laughs]
- Timmy: Okay, that was kind of awesome.
[Vicky comes out of the piano with keys in her mouth. Timmy plays the keys]
- Timmy: Wow, with this whistle, I'm invincible!
[Vicky takes the whistle and swallows it]
- Timmy: I mean, totally doomed!
- Vicky: That was just an appetizer. But the main course is twerp kabobs!
[Timmy zips away, and Vicky chases him past Cosmo]
- Cosmo: [poofs up an SUV] SUV. [poofs up a BLT] BLT. [poofs in Kenny G playing the saxophone] Kenny G. [beat] Ah! No Kenny G!
[Wanda appears with a big bag of diapers]
- Wanda: Boy, shopping sure is tiring. There's got to be an easier way to buy things. [looks around] Where are Poof and Timmy?
- Cosmo: I don't know.
- Wanda: [looks at Kenny G] Have you been trying to poof up a TV?
- Cosmo: [beat] I don't know.
[Cut to Vicky chasing Timmy down the hallway. Timmy screams and rides in a roller skate. Vicky steps into another and loses her balance. As Timmy rides down the staircase railing, Vicky falls down the stairs screaming. Timmy bounces off her, and she runs after him. Poof follows]
- Wanda: Timmy? Poof? [looks in the living room]
- Home Spending Channel Emcee: The Home Spending Channel, where you can blow your son's college fund without ever leaving the comfort of your home.
- Wanda: Shopping without going to the fairy mall? That's better than magic! [poofs away]
- Mrs. Turner: [on the phone] I'll take the diamond-studded spatula, the diamond-studded popcorn maker, and the diamond-studded diamonds. And of course, I'll need a parrot with that.
[Wanda turns into a parrot, and Mrs. Turner sees her]
- Mrs. Turner: My parrot's already arrived! Now, that's speedy delivery.
- Wanda: Home... Spending... Channel. [shakes her head] Focus, Wanda. [flying away] Keep looking for Timmy and Poof.
- Home Spending Channel Emcee: Up next, the Unicurler, a hair care system for ladies with one giant curl on top of their heads.
[Wanda returns]
- Wanda: [squawks] Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!
- Mrs. Turner: Oh, a talking parrot. I think I'll call you... Talkie.
[Cut to Timmy running into a room and hiding behind a wall]
- Timmy: Dad's sewing room! I'll be safe in here!
[Vicky sees Timmy, and he runs away screaming. She throws knitting needles at him, pinning him to a wall]
- Timmy: Or not.
[Vicky is running toward Timmy]
- Timmy: Wait. Vicky's a cat. And no stupid cat can resist the stringy allure of yarn! [throws a yarn ball past Vicky]
- Vicky: Must... chase... [running after the ball] yarn!
[Vicky catches the ball and finds a lit bomb inside]
- Vicky: [groans] I hate dream twerp.
[The bomb explodes offscreen]
- Timmy: Cartoon mice rule! [runs into a mouse hole in the kitchen]
[Cut to the living room. Various objects surround the couch]
- Wanda: [squawks] Buy it! Buy it! Buy it!
- Mrs. Turner: I will! I will! I will!
- Mr. Turner: Hi, honey! We had a great time at the game! Sassy caught a foul ball! Timmy never did that. [puts Sassy in the kitchen] Now, you wait here, Sassy. I'm going to put this ball on the mantle where Timmy's picture used to be! [leaves]
- Vicky: Say cheese, [fanning the cheese] dream Timmy!
[The smell of the cheese wafts toward the mouse hole]
- Timmy: Ha! Cats are so dumb. We mice would never fall for something stupid like yarn! [smells the cheese] Cheese...
[Timmy floats toward the cheese and into a small restaurant named Chez Timmy. Cut to him eating cheese in the restaurant]
- Timmy: So hairy. So delicious.
[The restaurant's walls fall, revealing that Timmy is in Vicky's mouth]
- Timmy: So doomed.
- Mr. Turner: Here, Sassy! I got this new bike for Timmy, but you can have it instead! [shouts] an evil cat with a bistro in her mouth! Stay away from my cheese!
[Mr. Turner squeezes Vicky's chest, making her spit out Timmy and the whistle]
- Timmy: Awesome!
[Vicky takes the whistle with her tongue]
- Timmy: Not awesome! [zips away]
[Vicky swallows the whistle]
- Vicky: [jumps after Timmy] Ha-ha!
- Mr. Turner: It's okay, Sassy. You're with Daddy now. I have just the thing to stop that cat: my emergency bulldog! [to the dog] I think I'll call you Barky! [puts Barky down] Sic 'em!
[Barky bites Mr. Turner in the buttocks, and he shouts]
- Mr. Turner: Curse you, Barkie! Honey, buy some dog food, fast!
- Mrs. Turner: Already did, sweetie. It's next to the universal rodent-to-English translator.
- Timmy: [running] Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! [passing by the translator megaphone] Help! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!
[Vicky runs after Timmy]
- Wanda: That sounds like Timmy! [sees him] A mouse with a pink hat? A cat with a ponytail? Oh, that can only mean one thing.
[Poof laughs]
- Wanda: Poof, did you turn Timmy and Vicky into Sleazy and Cheezy because I took the TV away?
- Poof: Poof poof.
- Wanda: I know you're sorry, but that was very dangerous, young man. Timmy could have really gotten hurt.
[Timmy screams as Vicky eats him. Wanda hits Vicky with a frying pan, making her spit out Timmy]
- Wanda: Bad kitty! Bad!
[Vicky eats Wanda]
- Timmy: [screams] Wanda!
[Timmy and Poof hit Vicky with the frying pan and the mallet, making her spit out Wanda]
- Wanda: Great. Now I smell like tuna. But I did find a cool whistle.
[Wanda blows the whistle. A safe falls on Vicky]
- Timmy: Phew. [sees Vicky trying to unlock the safe]
- Wanda: Just say the words, sport, and I'll get you out of this mess.
- Timmy: Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!
- Wanda: Uh, that's not exactly a word.
[Vicky unlocks the safe, revealing her head inside. She growls at Timmy, and he runs away]
- Wanda: Quick! Squeak into this!
[Wanda poofs the translator away. Vicky leaps at Timmy. The translator appears in his hands]
- Timmy: [into the translator] I wish everything was back to normal!
[Wanda grants the wish. Vicky goes flying out a window and into trash cans]
- Vicky: Huh. That was a weird dream. How'd I get outside? [coughs up pink feathers] And why am I coughing up pink feathers? [sees a milk truck pass by] And why do I crave milk? [running after the truck on all fours] Meow!
- Mr. Turner: Bye, Vicky! Sassy, say goodbye to the babysitter! [turns around, revealing Barky still biting him] Note to self: Buy butt-flavored dog food.
[Cut to Timmy's room]
- Wanda: Well, I hope you boys learned your lesson.
- Timmy: We sure did, Wanda. Poof and I will never watch Sleazy and Cheezy again.
- Cosmo: [poofs up a TV] Ah! A TV! I did it!
- Cartoon Announcer: Hey, kids! It's time for The Punchie and Munchie Show!
[Punchie punches Munchie as Munchie bites him]
- Wanda: Oh, no. You are not watching that! [poofs the TV away]
- Timmy: Aww.
[Poof turns Wanda and Cosmo into Punchie and Munchie. Wanda punches Cosmo as Cosmo bites her. The SUV drives past them]
- Cosmo: Hey! Kenny G's got my BLT and the SUV!
- Wanda: Get him! [blows the whistle. A train falls on Kenny G]
- Cosmo: This show is fun for the whole family!
[Iris out on Cosmo. The end title card is shown. Fade to black]
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v - e★ Season 7 Transcripts ★ | ||
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10 | ||
#01 Anti-Poof | #02 Add-a-Dad | #03 Squirrely Puffs |
#04 Mice Capades | #05 Formula For Disaster | #06 Bad Heir Day |
#07 Freaks & Greeks | #08 Fly Boy | #09 Temporary Fairy |
#10 Crocker Shocker | #11 Super Zero | #12 Dadbra-Cadabra |
#13 Timmy Turnip | #14 One Man Banned | #15 Frenemy Mine |
#16 Chicken Poofs | #17 Stupid Cupid | #18 Double-Oh Schnozmo! |
#19 Planet Poof | #20 The Boss Of Me | #21 He Poofs He Scores |
#22 Playdate of Doom | #23 Teacher's Pet | #24 Manic Mom-Day |
#25 Crocker of Gold | #26 Beach Blanket Bozos | #27 Poltergeeks |
#28 Old Man and the C- | #29 Balance of Flour | #30 Food Fight |
#31 Please Don't Feed The Turners | #32 Take and Fake | #33 Cosmo Rules |
#34 Lights Out | #35 Dad Overboard | #36 Farm Pit |
#37 Crock Talk | #38 Spellementary School | #39 Operation Dinkleberg |