Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Mice Capades" from Season 7, which aired on July 8, 2009.


  • Announcer: Hey kids, and really immature adults.
  • Cosmo: I'm licking the popcorn, so I don't have to share it!
  • Announcer: Do you know what time it is?
  • [The scene starts with Sleazy and Cheezy bonking together with a mallet and a pan.]
  • Cosmo: This show is so funny. [Poof bangs Cosmo hard with a pan] You laugh until you get double vision. [shows double vision with kazoo music] Cool! Timmy has two TV's!
  • [Another scene when Sleazy throws the pan away and stomps on Cheezy's tail. When Sleazy opens the drawer with six forks. Cheezy puts the firework and runs away. Sleazy was about to eat the firework and steams into ears. Turns red. And floats away. Cheezy walks into the door, Sleazy slams the door, pops up claws. Cheezy screaming.]
  • Timmy: It's time for Cheezy's signature move, he'll blow his whistle and some randomly heavy object to fall in Sleazy!
  • [Cheezy blows a whistle. Then an anvil falls into Sleazy.]
  • Timmy, Poof and Cozmo: [cheering]
