Timmy and his friends are going to Andrenaland!
Chester and A.J. are asleep...
Even Dad, who is driving, is asleep!
Whoa! They made it when all of them were asleep during the time being?
Timmy and his friends run so fast that they leave the parents behind!
Starts out to be fun at first....
But it ends as boring, too!
Mrs. Turner getting a pedicure.
Child? I don't have a child!
I'm Kenny Kidney. Everyone loves Kenny Kidney!
Some fans notice Cosmo dressed up as Kenny Kidney.
Cosmo attracts some attention...
But they scoff at Wanda's role, Penny Pancreas.
Oops, I dropped my mustache!
Oh no! Vicky is my partner!
Are you a Norwegian supermodel?
Buck teeth and pink hat on a kid? Eew!
Buck teeth and pink hat on a Norwegian male super-model? Yay!
Cosmo! You've gotta help me!
I'm not Cosmo! I'm just a guy in a silly costume!
We got a runner in Quadrant 7. The old fake mustache, sit on each other's shoulders, hide in a trench coat trick
Ok, time to go back to the other park and find your kids.
Did we mention Gah is in the park?
Now the adults are into Gah! This won't end well......
Vicky realizing that Gah was Timmy all along.
Where's Gah? You twerp! Where did you leave him?
"Uhh..He had to go back to.."
Wait, he went back to Norway?
Mush! On you huskies! North to Norway!
The parents are upset that they never got to see Gah.
What a day! I got to ride the heart stopper, experience puberty, and get rid of Vicky!
Vicky tries to find Gah in Norway.
Gah? Where are you? I've lost my supermodel!
"And that’s the password!"
Vicky falls through a hole.