"Oh, I love Valentine's Day!"
"Me too. Valentine's Day is the only day I can..."
"...try to get a kiss from Trixie Tang..."
"...and not violate the restraining order!"
A blurry image. Likely gonna be Tootie.
"Please be Trixie! Please be Trixie!"
It doesn't look like it is Trixie.
Now she's going to have to replace that doll.
"Maybe she'll be your first Valentine's Day kiss."
"I want it to be Trixie!"
"...with your name on it!"
"...I'm using it any way I want!"
"I gotta convince Cupid that Trixie's my special someone!"
Elmer and his girlfriend hugging
Chester! What are you doing in my locker?
"I'm making old love new again."
"I can't give this to Trixie!"
"Remember what happened last year?"
Oh, this oughta be good...
"...a crudely-drawn card!"
Trixie's bodyguard pulls that lever.
She's not gonna kiss you, dude.
Women like me who carve their names into trees.
Well, I want to torture him and singe him to death!
(insert evil maniac laugh here)
"Well at least things can't get any worse!"
"Who'd want to be his Valentine?"
Tootie's declaration causes the girls to laugh even harder.
Timmy shoves Tootie away because he doesn't want her to be his valentine.
Timmy yells at the girls to stop laughing at him.
Timmy runs away from Tootie as fast as he can.
Tootie fails at hide-and-seek.
"Maybe you should just let Tootie be your Valentine."
Timmy blames Wanda for getting him humiliated in front of the girls from his school.
Timmy sees what Tootie and Trixie wrote about him on the tree.
"He loves me not, he loves me not..."
"I love him not, I love him not..."
A huge wall now separates the boys and the girls from each other.
Hersville is beautiful, isn't it?
Cupid is shocked the boys and girls have been magically separated by a wall.
Cupid likes the taste of the coffee.
"Yay! all the girls went away!"
"Wait a minute! I'm a girl!"