Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

Character Guide - Original Series

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Main Characters[]

These characters are the central focus of the series, they appear in nearly every episode after their debut, and play a major and/or supporting role.

Picture Name
Timmy Turner
Timmy Turner
Timmy Turner is the main character of the show. As the title song states, he is "an average kid that no one understands" and that his neglectful parents leave him under the care of an evil babysitter named Vicky. However, one day a pair of magical wish granting fairies named Cosmo and Wanda came to him to cheer him up, and so began his many adventures.
First Appearance: The Fairly OddParents!
Last Appearance: Beast of Friends
Cosmo Cosma
Cosmo is one of Timmy's two fairy godparents. Along with his spouse, Wanda, he watches over Timmy and grants him wishes. He is quite dumb however, and often gives the wrong advice to Timmy when suggesting what to wish for.
First Appearance: The Fairly OddParents!
Last Appearance: Beast of Friends
Wanda Fairywinkle-Cosma
Wanda is Timmy's other fairy godparent, and one of the most important characters on the show. She watches over Timmy, and oftentimes Cosmo as well, preventing them from getting into danger and hurting themselves. She is sometimes called a nag for this, but in times of need Timmy values her advice above all else.
First Appearance: The Fairly OddParents!
Last Appearance: Beast of Friends
Poof is the fairy baby of Cosmo and Wanda, whom they had together when Timmy wished for them to have one. Cosmo was the one to give birth to Poof. Even though he is just a baby, his magic is powerful yet uncontrolled, which is why the Anti-Fairies and Pixies wanted to capture Poof for their own purposes. Although he can only say his name, Poof is still quite the charmer, and everyone seems to love him except for biggest rival: Foop.
He appears in nearly every episode from Season 6 to Season 9. However, he is absent for most of Season 10, and only appeared once this season (His absence is explained in-universe)
First Appearance: Fairly OddBaby
Last Appearance: Certifiable Super Sitter
Sparky is a mischievous fairy dog, who was adopted by Timmy, because Timmy realized that everyone in Dimmsdale had a pet, except him.
Due to negative reception by fans and Nick executives, he has been removed from the show, making Man's Worst Friend his final appearance. He appears to have been retconned out of the series starting in Season 10, as no in-universe explanation was given for his disappearance.
First Appearance: Fairly OddPet

Last Appearance: Man's Worst Friend

Chloe carmichael character list
Chloe Carmichael
Chloe Carmichael is a new neighbor of Timmy's that he shares his fairies with. This is due to a shortage of fairies available to be Fairy God Parents at Fairy World. Seen as a polar opposite of Timmy, she is very talented and has a go getter attitude, often getting excited at the prospect of helping people or doing productive work. She often gets ahead of herself and may cause more harm than good, or push people away with her high energy attitude.
She's the deuteragonist of Season 10 and appears in every episode that season.
First Appearance: The Big Fairy Share Scare
Last Appearance: Fancy Schmancy

Major Characters[]

These characters often play major roles in episodes, oftentimes having several episodes that focus on them. Some may not be relevant and/or appear in every season.

Picture Name
Mr. Turner
Mr. Turner is Timmy Turner's father, and like his wife his first name is not known, he is usually called Timmy's dad or simply "Dad". He is not too bright, and works at a pencil factory. His workplace is shown in "The Boss of Me".
First Appearance: The Fairly OddParents!
Last Appearance: Beast of Friends
Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Turner, oftentimes called Timmy's mom or simply "Mom", is the often neglectful mother of Timmy Turner. Though she cares about her son a lot, sometimes almost too much, she is too dimwitted to see through Vicky's lying and leaves her son in the evil babysitter's care so she can go off to do adult things.
First Appearance: The Fairly OddParents!
Last Appearance: Beast of Friends
Vicky the Babysitter
Vicky the Babysitter
Vicky is an evil babysitter who lies to parents by pretending to be nice, while bullying and tormenting their children while they are gone. She has a tendency to use made up blackmail to force "twerps" like Timmy into doing her chores. In a bad future caused by an irresponsible wish by Timmy, Vicky becomes the iron-fisted ruler of the world, but after the future was returned to normal, grown up Vicky instead is the iron-fisted ruler of toddlers at her own day care center.
First Appearance: The Fairly OddParents!

Last Appearance: Certifiable Super Sitter

Denzel Crocker
Mr. Crocker
Mr. Crocker, full name Denzel Q. Crocker, is Timmy's fifth grade teacher who is obsessed proving that fairy godparents exist. He is well aware that Timmy has godparents, but has yet to find a way to prove it to his peers, who consider him nothing short of crazy. When he says "Fairy Godparents", he goes crazy.
First Appearance: TransParents
Last Appearance: Beast of Friends
Jorgen Von Strangle
Jorgen Von Strangle
Jorgen Von Strangle is the self-proclaimed toughest fairy in the universe, and the enforcer of Da Rules. Whenever Timmy messes something up, he and his fairies usually feel his wrath when he poofs in to stop them, usually in the form of a violent explosion. Although he has shown dislike and frustration toward Cosmo and Wanda, he once admitted that they were his closest friends... since he punches everyone else away.
First Appearance: The Temp!
Last Appearance: The Kale Patch Caper
Chester McBadbat
Chester McBadbat
Chester is a kid at Timmy Turner's school who is considered one of his best friends. He is the son of a disgrace baseball player, and lives with his father in a trailer park. In the future, Chester remains friends with A.J. and becomes a security guard.
First Appearance: The Big Problem!

Last Appearance: Spring Break-Up (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): Dimmsdale Tales

A.J. is one of Timmy Turner's two best friends. He is a super genius that excels at his schoolwork, and he secretly keeps a lab inside his bedroom. He and Chester remain friends well into the future.
First Appearance: The Big Problem!

Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent? (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): Dimmsdale Tales

Trixie Tang
Trixie Tang
Trixie Tang is the prettiest and most popular girl at Timmy's school, and he wants to win her heart. However, Trixie is usually too concerned with her popular image to give a "loser" like Timmy a chance, and even with fairies his attempts to win her over usually always result in failure, although his heroics do occasionally impress her enough to earn a kiss, or at the very least her remembering his name correctly.
First Appearance: A Wish Too Far!

Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent? (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): Cosmo Rules

Tootie is Vicky's little sister who has a huge crush on Timmy. Although he normally avoids her and dislikes her overly affection behavior, he has been shown to care for her since she too suffers from Vicky's cruelty.
First Appearance: The Fairy Flu!

Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent? (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): Lights Out

Crimson Chin
The Crimson Chin
The Crimson Chin is a comic book hero from a series of comic books that Timmy Turner collects. He can fly, has a number of "chintastic" powers, and shouts weird catch phrases when charging into battle.
First Appearance: Super Humor

Last Appearance: Timmy's Secret Wish!

Francis is the school bully, and one of Timmy Turner's daily enemies that he must face. A gray skinned twelve year old thug that is too old to even be in Timmy's class, but was apparently held back because he is not too bright. He is shown to secretly be a fan of Britney Britney.
First Appearance: The Big Problem!

Last Appearance: Dad Overboard

Mark Chang
Mark Chang
Mark Chang is an alien prince from the planet Yugopotamia. Mark and his species hate everything that humans love and vice versa, so Mark considers garbage to be a delicacy, candy to be poisonous, and the vile babysitter Vicky to be the love of his life. Mark's parents want him to marry the beautiful (but ugly to Mark) Princess Mandie instead though, so he flees Yugopotamia and resides on Earth for a while until she is defeated.
First Appearance: Spaced Out
Last Appearance:Marked Man
Anti-Cosmo is the Anti-Fairy counterpart of Cosmo. As Anti-Fairies are opposite of their original in every way, Anti-Cosmo is an evil super genius since Cosmo is a nice idiot.
First Appearance: That Old Black Magic

Last Appearance: Balance of Flour

Anti-Wanda is Wanda's Anti-Fairy counterpart, who is opposite of her in every way. She is really stupid, mean, and eats with her feet.
First Appearance: That Old Black Magic

Last Appearance: Balance of Flour

Foop is Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda's son, and thus the "Anti-Poof". He is extremely jealous of Poof for being born before he was and thus getting all the attention of being the first fairy baby born in eons.
First Appearance: Anti-Poof
Last Appearance: Certifiable Super Sitter
Catman is the superhero alter-ego of Adam West. In most cases, Catman seems like a very lame an incompetent villain, coming around to hang out with Timmy and usually getting them both in trouble with his "heroic acts", forcing Timmy and his fairies to become lawyers to defend Catman in court. Surprisingly, when Catman was wished into the Crimson Chin-verse, he was a better superhero for a while than Crimson Chin was.
First Appearance: Miss Dimmsdale
Last Appearance:Knitwits
Dark Laser
Dark Laser
Dark Laser was a toy that was brought to life by Timmy Turner's magic copier machine that Cosmo and Wanda left him one day. Timmy unwisely used the "life-size" option the copier, turning the small toy into an adult-sized villain that came to life and used the copier machine to create an army of minions to terrorize Dimmsdale with. Although Dark Laser was stopped, and presumably unwished, by Timmy Turner, he reappeared on Unwish Island with other villains that Timmy has vanquished over the years. After the birth of Poof, Dark Laser reappeared again as a recurring villain, threatening the Earth from space in his Death Ball. Dark Laser has an obsession with Flipsie, a simple flipping toy dog, and considers Flipsie to be an actual living being and his right hand man.
First Appearance: Hard Copy
Last Appearance: Crockin' The House

Arc Characters[]

These characters only make a few appearances, but play a major role in those episodes. Subsequent appearances are often "sequels" to their debut, or closely connected. (Ex. A wish of Timmy's comes back for revenge in a later episode). They rarely appear unless a central focus, though some have a few cameos.

Arc Characters
Picture Name
Chip Skylark
Chip Skylark
Chip Skylark is a singing sensation from Dimmsdale who has performed a number of songs on the show. He is based after his voice actor, Chris Kirkpatrick, and is a parody of boy band singers.
First Appearance: Boys in the Band

Last Appearance: Birthday Bashed

Remy Buxaplenty
Remy Buxaplenty
Remy Buxaplenty is an extremely rich, snobby young boy that is one of Timmy Turner's enemies. Despite his extreme wealth, he still manages to get a fairy because his parents neglect him even worse than Timmy's. He is jealous of Timmy because Remy only has one fairy, Juandissimo, while Timmy has two godparents.
First Appearance: Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary

Last Appearance: Country Clubbed

Head Pixie
Head Pixie
Head Pixie is the leader of a race of dull and boring magic granters called Pixies. H.P. wants to take over Fairy World and Earth, making everything as boring and corporate as possible.
First Appearance: Pixies Inc.

Last Appearance: The Fairly Oddlympics

Sanderson is the Head Pixie's assistant. It seems like every member of the Pixie race except H.P. looks exactly like Sanderson does, and is named the same name as well. Their voices, and H.P.'s, are all exactly the same as they are all voiced by Ben Stein.
First Appearance: Pixies Inc.

Last Appearance: The Fairly Oddlympics

Norm the Genie
Norm the Genie
Norm the Genie is a trickster who above all else wants to be freed from his genie lava lamp that he has been trapped in for years. Although Norm is able to grant rule-free wishes, they usually come with a catch that almost always results in the wisher getting harmed.
First Appearance: Genie Meanie Minie Mo

Last Appearance: Fairy Idol

Princess Mandie
Princess Mandie
Princess Mandie is an alien princess from the planet Boudacia that was to be married to Mark Chang, but he fled the planet because he found Mandie's beautiful appearance to be disgusting to him, not to mention that she seemed quite homicidal. Mark's suspicions about her turned out to be correct, for when he finally did marry her, she immediately cast him aside and took over the planet, setting her sights on Earth next. She was eventually stopped by the one female in the universe more terrible than her: Vicky.
First Appearance: New Squid In Town!

Last Appearance: King Chang

Nega Chin
Nega Chin
The Crimson Chin's evil twin from a parallel universe. Unlike most other villains, the Nega Chin was smart enough to realize that it was Timmy's fairies that was causing him problems, and managed to capture them for his own evil purposes, but Timmy and his friends were able to put a stop to him. He was last seen confronting the Crimson Chin Author in real life over making him lose all the time.
First Appearance: The Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad

Last Appearance Timmy's Secret Wish! (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): The Jerkinators!

Santa Claus
Santa Claus
Santa Claus has appeared a number of different times, almost each and every time with a completely different interpretation of his character. In his first appearance, he came to reclaim Jeff the Elf from Timmy, and he had an oddly nice aura around him: almost too nice it seem, as Jeff begged Timmy to let him stay while the other elves seemed mindlessly under Santa's control. In his next appearance, Santa Claus is like a skinny businessman all of the time until Christmas gives him "power" and turns him into the iconic fat Santa Claus, which is how he usually appears throughout the series from then on regardless of whether its Christmas or not.
First Appearance: The Temp!

Last Appearance: A Fairly Odd Christmas (Live Action) / Dad Overboard (Cartoon)

Imaginary Gary
Gary is Timmy Turner's imaginary friend from before he met Cosmo and Wanda. Timmy wished for Gary to be real, but Gary ended up trying to get revenge on Timmy for locking him away in his mind for years. Gary appeared again on Unwish Island where he masterminded his fellow unwished wishes in a plot against Timmy Turner.
First Appearance: Imaginary Gary

Last Appearance: Escape From Unwish Island

Big Daddy
Big Daddy
Big Daddy is Wanda's father who is in charge of disposing of magical garbage that is created by wishes. He resembles a mobster boss but is actually very kind, although Jorgen still fears him.
First Appearance: Talkin' Trash

Last Appearance: Big Wanda

Truancy Officer Shallowgrave
Shallowgrave is a man with a missing hand that is replaced with a hook. The hook can transform into a number of different gadgets or weapons. He was a truancy officer at first, before Timmy caused him to get fired. He became a drill instructor at the F.U.N. Academy afterward.
First Appearance: Go Young, West Man!

Last Appearance Tons of Timmys

Mr. Ed Leadly
Mr. Leadly is the owner of Pencil Nexus, the company that Mr. Turner works for. He does not like Mr. Turner at all, constantly calls him by the wrong names, and wants to fire him. However, Leadly warms up to Timmy during a "bring your son to work day", and soon appoints Timmy as the vice president of the company... on the condition that he fire his dad. Timmy reluctantly obliges, but soon intentionally makes mistakes to get himself fired by Mr. Leadly and his father rehired again.
First Appearance: The Boss Of Me

Last Appearance: A Fairly Odd Summer (Live Action) / A Perfect Nightmare (Cartoon)

The Fair Bears The Fair Bears (characters)
The Fair Bears are the members of Chloe Carmichael's favorite TV show. They wished to life by her, but they then brainwash Timmy and Wanda. Chloe and Cosmo are able to thwart them and free Timmy and Wanda. The Fair Bears then swear to get revenge.
First Appearance: The Fair Bears

Last Appearance: Goldi-Crocks and the Three Fair Bears

BoobyTrapped 292
Connie Carmichael

First Appearance: Booby Trapped
Last Appearance:Fancy Schmancy
BoobyTrapped 048
Clark Carmichael

First Appearance: Booby Trapped
Last Appearance:Fancy Schmancy

Supporting Characters[]

These recurring characters appear in a handful of episodes, but rarely have a major effect on the plot. They typically appear for bits and/or serve as background/group shot fodder. They may occasionally play a major role in an episode, with the more relevant ones often having an episode or two of such.

Supporting Characters
Picture Name
Sheldon Dinkleberg
Sheldon Dinkleberg is a neighbor of the Turner family who Mr. Turner despises. In many episodes he is seen being nice, or doing things in which he does not have a son. For instance, he has been shown buying things with money that he will need if he had a son. He even pretended to be mean to make Mr. Turner happy, seen in Operation Dinkleberg.
First Appearance: Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad
Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent? (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): Nuts & Dangerous
Chet Ubetcha
Chet Ubetcha
Chet Ubetcha is a news reporter from the Dimmsdale local news station that frequently seen making news broadcasts about the disastrous wishes Timmy is causing. He always tells the viewer his name when he begins his news cast.
First Appearance: Christmas Everyday!
Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent?
Doug Dimmadome
Doug Dimmadome
Doug Dimmadome is a stereotypical Texas business man with a ten gallon hat that is so tall the top is almost always off screen. He always introduces himself as the owner of the Dimmadome and a whole lot of other venues around Dimmsdale that carry his name. Doug himself doesn't even know whether he is a villain or good guy on this show, as he has both helped and hindered Timmy Turner in the past.
First Appearance: Nectar of the Odds
Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent?
Dolores-Day Crocker
Dolores-Day Crocker
Dolores-Day is Mr. Crocker's elderly mother. She was once very tall in her youth, but as she grew old she became very short. She is always complaining about her son wasting her life with his obsession with fairies.
First Appearance: Information Stupor Highway
Last Appearance:Crockin' The House
The Mayor of Dimmsdale
The Mayor of Dimmsdale
The Mayor of Dimmsdale is a short, balding man who was elected mayor-for-life because the people in Dimmsdale were too dumb to read the ballots before voting. He is good friends with Chompy the Goat.
First Appearance: Dream Goat!
Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent?
Juandissimo Magnifico
Juandissimo is Remy Buxaplenty's fairy godfather, and Wanda's ex-boyfriend. He speaks with a Spanish accent and is always showing off his muscles. After he was defeated by Timmy and forced to give up his fairy, Remy was allowed to keep Juandissimo as long as he eats his horrible cooking.
First Appearance: Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary
Last Appearance:Knitwits
Sanjay is a nerdy boy at Timmy Turner's school who enjoys school work unlike his classmates. He also has a creepy liking toward Timmy, going as far as to consider him his "knight in shining white armor".
First Appearance: Hail To The Chief
Last Appearance: Spring Break-Up (cameo)
Mama Cosma
Mama Cosma
Cosmo's overbearing and protective mother, who lives in Fairy World. She once sent Cosmo to the store to get some milk, and he never came back, having ran off to marry Wanda. Because of this, Mama Cosma hates Wanda and will do anything to get rid of her.
First Appearance: Apartnership!

Last Appearance: Odd Squad

A fairy who is in charge of all things love related. He carries a bow and arrow which can be used to make anyone fall in love with the first thing they see. Cupid is powered by love, and if men and women on Earth were to stop loving each other, he will shrivel up and die.
First Appearance: Apartnership!
Last Appearance: Fairy Con (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): Fairly Odd Fairy Tales
Elmer is a boy at Timmy's school who is so unpopular that even Timmy and his friends don't want to sit with him. He appears as part of Timmy's group of friends in most episodes though, and is considered one of Timmy's "back up friends" along with Sanjay. He is named after show creator Elmer "Butch" Hartman, and the boil on his face is named Bob, after art director Bob Boyle.
First Appearance: A Wish Too Far!

Last Appearance: One Flu Over the Crocker's Nest (cameo)

Chompy the Goat
Chompy the Goat
Chompy is a goat who is the mascot of the city of Dimmsdale. He was originally kept in captivity inside Dimmsdale City Hall, but after Timmy freed him, he returned and was allowed to come and go as he pleases.
First Appearance: Dream Goat!
Last Appearance:Dimmsdale's Got Talent?
Veronica is Trixie Tang's best friend, and a girl who is described as "pretty and popular but less so than Trixie". She has a secret crush on Timmy Turner, but will never admit it to anyone, and she literally wants to become Trixie because Timmy is in love with her and not Veronica. After Poof's birth, she has all but disappeared from the series and her romantic angle with Timmy was never touched upon again.
First Appearance: A Wish Too Far!

Last Appearance: Spring Break-Up (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): You Doo

Tad and Chad
Tad and Chad
Tad and Chad are two similar looking boys at Timmy Turner's school. They are richer, more popular, and a lot more snobbier than any of the other children, including Trixie and Veronica who are members of their group. Tad is blonde and Chad is dark haired. They mainly appear to make fun of Timmy or his friends during humiliating moments.
First Appearance: A Wish Too Far!

Last Appearance: The End of the Universe-ity

Principal Waxelplax
Principal Waxelplax
The Principal of Dimmsdale Elementary School, she is often more concerned about whats for dessert rather than the well being of her students. In her youth, she dated Mr. Crocker, but dumped him when she learned about his crackpot theories on the existence of fairies.
First Appearance: TransParents

Last Appearance: Dimmsdale's Got Talent? (cameo)
Last Appearance (Speaking Role): One Flu Over the Crocker's Nest

Mr. Bickles
Mr. Bickles is the art teacher at Dimmsdale Elementary School. He often proclaims that his dream has been ruined whenever one of his students messes up something in his class or one of his school plays.
First Appearance: Chip Off The Old Chip

Last Appearance Dimmsdale's Got Talent

Flipsie is a toy robot dog that has one function: flipping. Dark Laser loves it and keeps it as his companion, going as far as to consider it a living being.
First Appearance: Hard Copy
Last Appearance: Crockin' The House
The Bouncer
The Bouncer
This big fellow acts as a bouncer and security guard for the popular kids at Timmy's school, and he is often the one to send Timmy flying into the trash when Trixie rejects him. He never finished college and works for ten year olds, which is why he is so mean.
First Appearance: A Wish Too Far!

Last Appearance: Five Days of F.L.A.R.G.

Crash Nebula
Crash Nebula
Crash Nebula is a comic/cartoon hero of Timmy Turner's. He is often seen battling space aliens, saving planets, and other science fiction related plots. The pilot episode to a possible spin off called "Crash Nebula" was shown as a part of The Fairly OddParents, but the series was never picked up by Nickelodeon.
First Appearance: Spaced Out

Last Appearance: Meet the OddParents

The Bronze Kneecap
Bronze Kneecap
Once called Ron Handbone, a famous Jai Lai player who always ended up in 3rd place Bronze, until one day the Crimson Chin participated in a celebrity competition against him. During the match Ron seemed to have the upper hand until the Chin accidentally tripped him causing him to break his knee which caused him to lose, and once again earn him the 3rd place bronze trophy. To get revenge on the Chin, Ron melted all his bronze trophies into a bronze suit and became an enemy of the Chin's.
First Appearance: Chin Up

Last Appearance: Chindred Spirits

H2Olga is a woman who is an enemy of the Crimson Chin. She speaks with a Russian accent and seems to made entirely out of water.
First Appearance: Crime Wave

Last Appearance: Chindred Spirits

The Tooth Fairy
Tooth Fairy
The Tooth Fairy is the wife of Jorgen Von Strangle, who is in charge of all teeth-related wishes. According to her, Chip Skylark's teeth are her proudest work.
First Appearance: The Zappys!
Last Appearance:Fairy Con
Doctor Bender
Dr. Bender
Dr. Bender is the local dentist in the town of Dimmsdale. He has perfect teeth, and loves to make fun of patients of his that don't.
First Appearance: The Same Game

Last Appearance Teeth for Two

The April Fool
The April Fool
The April Fool is a fairy who is the "embodiment of comedy". He is the ultimate prankster, although he tends to go to far as once he gets going he does not know when to stop. His catchphrase is "Whats up with that?". He is a parody of Jerry Seinfeld.
First Appearance: Christmas Everyday!

Last Appearance: The Fairly Oddlympics

Mr. Birkenbake
Mr. Birkenbake is a hippie-like teacher at Dimmsdale Elementary School that loves a substance called "smoof". He is in charge of the school's news paper. He was the principal of Dimmsdale Elementary School before Waxelplax took over. He also had Norm's genie lava lamp in his possession for a short time before it was found by Timmy Turner.
First Appearance: The Big Scoop!

Last Appearance: What's the Difference? (cameo)

Happy Peppy Gary and Betty
Happy Peppy Gary and Betty
Happy Peppy Gary and Happy Peppy Betty are two singing and rhyming workers at Flappy Bob's Camp Learn-A-Torium, a facility where parents drop off their kids when they cannot get a babysitter. Betty and Gary are so annoying that Timmy goes through great lengths to get Vicky back rather than spend a moment with them. After Flappy Bob disowned the Learn-A-Torium, Gary and Betty have not been seen in the series since.
First Appearance: Totally Spaced Out

Last Appearance: School's Out!: The Musical

Binky Abdul
Binky is a tiny fairy that is often the subject of abuse by Jorgen Von Strangle. He was also one of the judges during Fairy Idol, where it was revealed his last name is Abdul, a reference to Paula Abdul.
First Appearance: Cosmo Con

Last Appearance: Wishology!

Bucky McBadbat
Bucky McBadbat
Chester McBadbat's father, who was once a baseball player who was regarded as "the worst ever", and was so infamously bad that he is always seen wearing a brown paper bag over his head and rarely appears in public. Bucky does not have much money, and lives in a trailer park where vandals frequently destroy his mailbox.
First Appearance: Foul Balled

Last Appearance: Dadbra-Cadabra

Vicky's pet dog, she treats him much better than she treats any of the children she babysits. Timmy and Doidle switched bodies one episode, where it was revealed that Doidle can think, has a personality, and is just as evil as Vicky.
First Appearance: Dog's Day Afternoon

Last Appearance Presto Change-O

Kevin Crocker
Kevin Crocker
The nephew of Denzel Crocker.
First Appearance: Chip off the Old Crock!

Last Appearance Dimmsdale's Got Talent?

A.J.'s Dad
A.J.'s father who is also a super genius just like his son, although he tends to be a little dimwitted like the other parents too. He seems a little overprotective of his son, as he puts a child lock on his television that prevents A.J. from watching anything non-educational.
First Appearance: Sleepover and Over

Last Appearance: Birthday Battle (cameo)

Mr. Tang
Trixie Tang's father, who is a short bald man with glasses. Not much is known about him.
First Appearance: Information Stupor Highway

Last Appearance: Dadbra-Cadabra

Sanjay's Step-father
Sanjay's Stepdad
Sanjay's step father, a tough looking Marine that lives on an army base and makes his son do physical training early every morning.
First Appearance: Who's Your Daddy?

Last Appearance: Add-a-Dad

Nicky, Vicky and Tootie's Mom
Vicky and Tootie's mother, who closely resembles her younger daughter but with Vicky's pink pupils. She is extremely fearful of her daughter Vicky, and often caves into her every wish. According to the game Breakin' Da Rules!, her name is Nicky, and in her youth, she behaved a lot like Tootie.
First Appearance: Channel Chasers

Last Appearance: Oh, Brother!

Vicky and Tootie's Dad
Vicky & Tootie's Dad
Vicky and Tootie's father. He resembles a male version of Vicky, but with green eyes. He is extremely fearful of Vicky, and will do anything she says, including reading from a card that she wrote a lie to say to other parents in case they become suspicious of Vicky.
First Appearance: Channel Chasers

Last Appearance: Oh, Brother!

King Gripullon
King Gripullon
King Gripullon is Mark Chang's father and the ruler of Yugopotamia. When threatened with conflict, he employs a number of traditional Yugopotamian diplomatic moves such as writing an angry letter, pouting, and bombing the enemy with candy.
First Appearance: Spaced Out
Last Appearance:Force of Nature
Queen Jipjorrulac
Queen Jipjorrulac
Queen Jipjorrulac is Mark Chang's mother and the ruler of Yugopotamia. Both Mark and her husband seem to take advantage of her until she one day meets Poof and uses his cuteness to instill fear on her subjects until Timmy and his fairies rescued Poof.
First Appearance: Spaced Out
Last Appearance:Force of Nature
Britney Britney
Britney Britney
Britney Britney is a pop singer who was featured in a celebrity star search magazine when she was just a fetus. She hates being upstaged, and once even became a supervillain called the Platinum Princess to take revenge on Mr. Bickles for stealing her spotlight. She is a parody of Britney Spears.
First Appearance: Cosmo Con

Last Appearance: One Man Banned (cameo)

Eddie the Furry Gerbil
Eddie the Furry Gerbil
Eddie is Timmy Turner's pet gerbil who died when he was left in Timmy's parents' care while he was away at summer camp. Eddie was resurrected accidentally by one of Timmy's wishes. He also appeared alive in a few prior episodes.
First Appearance: Chin Up

Last Appearance: Timmy's Secret Wish!

Billy Crystal Ball
Billy Crystal Ball
Billy Crystal Ball is the host of the Fairy World show "This is Your Wish". He has also appeared in several other episodes. He is a parody of Billy Crystal.
First Appearance: The Zappys!

Last Appearance Wishology!

Dr. Rip Studwell
Dr. Rip Studwell is a doctor from Fairy World that Cosmo and Wanda visit often. He helped Cosmo by performing his Fagiggly Gland transplant, as well as helping Cosmo give birth to Poof, although he had no idea what he was doing. He is a caricature of Butch Hartman.
First Appearance: Hard Copy
Last Appearance:Summer Bummer
Blonda is Wanda's twin sister who is a famous Fairy World television actress. Despite her name, she has blonde hair (dyed). She is a direct parody of Susan Lucci
First Appearance: Blondas Have More Fun!

Last Appearance: Fairy Idol

Fairy Hart
Fairy Hart
Fairy Hart is a news reporter for FNN, a news station for Fairies. She was present to report on the birth of Poof, as well as Foop's assault on Fairy World and subsequent imprisonment. She is a parody of Mary Hart.
First Appearance: Blondas Have More Fun!

Last Appearance: Balance of Flour

Nana Boom Boom
Nana Boom Boom
Nana Boom Boom is a relative of Jorgen Von Strangle that closely resembles him, although she is female. She runs a bakery that specializes in explosive pies.
First Appearance: Balance of Flour

Last Appearance: Cosmo Rules

Mrs. Powers
Mrs. Powers is the school teacher at Spellementary School, a school for young magic beings that both Poof and Foop attend. She is very cheery and constantly praises Poof.
First Appearance: Spellementary School
Last Appearance:Two and a Half Babies
Wendell Bender
Dr. Bender's carbon copy looking son. According to Wendell, his father's weird behavior is the reason he has no friends.
First Appearance: The Same Game
Last Appearance: Shiny Teeth
Jeff and Erik
Two Yugopotamian friends of Mark Chang, who speak and act like stereotypical teenagers, such as calling their journey through space to Earth a "road trip". They were only seen in two episodes.
First Appearance: Totally Spaced Out
First Appearance: Scary Godparents
Ricky Squirrely Scout
Ricky (Squirrely Scout)
One of the members of Mr. Turner's Squirrely Scout troop
First Appearance: Girly Squirrely
Last Appearance: Goldie-Crocks and the Three Fair Bears
Kevin Squirrely Scout
One of the members of Mr. Turner's Squirrely Scout troop.
First Appearance: Girly Squirrely
Last Appearance: Goldie-Crocks and the Three Fair Bears
Stuart Squirrely Scout
One of the members of Mr. Turner's Squirrely Scout troop.
First Appearance: Girly Squirrely
Last Appearance: Goldie-Crocks and the Three Fair Bears
Mother Nature

First Appearance: "The Zappys!"
Last Appearance: "Fairy Con"
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Simon Sparklefield

First Appearance: "Timmy TV"
Last Appearance: "Fairy Idol"

One-Time Characters[]

These are characters that have only appeared in one episode, but played a major or supporting role in their lone appearance. Some of them have also appeared in other episodes in background shots.

Click on the show button to bring up the one-time characters from a given season.

Season 0
Picture Name
A fairy reporter for a Fairy World news station called FTV.
One-time Appearance: The Zappys!
Jorgen Von Strangle's wimpy former godchild.
One-time Appearance: The Zappys!

One-time Appearance: The Zappys!

One-time Appearance: The Zappys!
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan
The infamous real-life historical warrior Genghis Khan was wished into Timmy's house when he was looking for someone to teach Cosmo to be bad. After a few hours of fierce training, Genghis Khan turned Cosmo into one of his mindless Mongol warriors, but was forced to return to his era when Vicky Khan, his evil babysitter, found him and threatened to cancel the Yak Roast.
One-time Appearance: The Really Bad Day
Vicky Khan
Vicky Khan
Vicky Khan is the babysitter of Genghis Khan. She is the first of many Vicky Clones that appear throughout the series, and is said to be a distant ancestor of her. Vicky Khan looks, sounds, and acts just like her modern counterpart, but is wearing warrior's armor.
One-time Appearance: The Really Bad Day
Season 1
Picture Name
Robot Vicky
A robot version of Vicky that appeared as the final boss in a video game Timmy wished for.
One-time Appearance: Power Mad!
Dr. Snipowitz
A veterinarian that employs a variety of painful looking tools to fix animals. He later became a doctor at an even scarier hospital.
One-time Appearance: Dog's Day Afternoon
The Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny

One-time Appearance: Christmas Every Day!

One-time Appearance: Christmas Every Day!
Baby New year
Baby New Year

One-time Appearance: Christmas Every Day!
Mrs. Claus
The wife of Santa Claus. She appears throughout the series in several different incarnations. She is shown once resembling a very attractive secretary at Santa's business. In later incarnations, she is her traditional elderly appearance.
One-time Appearance: Christmas Every Day!
Season 2
Picture Name
Internet Chaplain
After Timmy and Vicky kidnapped Chip Skylark, she hired a chaplain off the Internet to marry herself and Chip immediately. The chaplain was a geeky kid that looked younger than Vicky.
One-time Appearance: Boys in the Band
Super Bike
Super Bike

One-time Appearance: Super Bike
The President
The President of the United States has shown up in several episodes, usually as a form of comic relief. The first time he appeared he was similar to George Bush, while his next appearance he resembled George Washington.
One-time Appearance: That Old Black Magic
The Sandman
The Sandman

One-time Appearance: Beddy Bye
King Arthur Libowitz
King Arthur Liebowitz

One-time Appearance: Knighty Knight
Sir Finkleburg
Sir Finkleburg

One-time Appearance: Knighty Knight

One-time Appearance: Knighty Knight
William Shakespeare
One-time Appearance: Hail to the Chief
Dale Dimmadome
Doug Dimmadome's estranged son who was used by Vicky in a sweat shop to create lemonade.
One-time Appearance: Nectar of the Odds
The Jack-O-Bots were villainous robots from a Crash Nebula special that aired on Timmy's television before Halloween. He wished to have one of their costumes, but they were taken by the popular kids. Later, when Timmy wished for everyone's costume to be Real and Scary, the popular kids were transformed into real Jack-O-Bots, and began to wreak havoc on everyone's Halloween.
One-time Appearance: Scary Godparents
The Pumpkinator is the form the Jack-O-Bots take when they combine together, becoming a planet destroying Doomsday Device. The Pumpkinator resembles a giant pumpkin, which has mechanical vines that dig into the ground of the planet as it prepares to blow up. It was shown successfully doing this in a Crash Nebula special Timmy watched, and when Timmy's Real and Scary wish turned the popular kids costumes into actual Jack-O-Bots, they merged to form the Pumpkinator and nearly succeeded in destroying Earth, but were stopped by Timmy and Wanda.
One-time Appearance: Scary Godparents
Season 3
Picture Name
Vicky the Kid
Vicky the Kid
Vicky the Kid is a Vicky look-a-like from the Old West era. She stole the deed to Dimmsdale Flats hundreds of years ago, and terrorized the town and its children. Eventually the deed was lost. Timmy traveled back in time and won the deed from her in a rock-paper-scissors duel done Old West style, but she refused to hand it over anyway, so Wanda knocked a barrel on her head and she was bounced away by Cosmo. Her exact relation to Vicky is never stated.
One-time Appearance: Odd, Odd West
The Carnies
The Carnies

One-time Appearance: The Grass is Greener
Alden Bitterroot
Alden Bitterroot
Alden Bitteroot was a man eerily resembling Mr. Crocker who was obsessed with capturing witches who lived in colonial era Dimmsdale. Unlike Crocker, Bitterroot was apparently more successful at tricking the townspeople, but was otherwise a complete fraud. When Timmy tried to expose him, Bitterroot accused Timmy of being a witch, before soon revealing he himself to be a real witch. Bitterroot was stopped by Dale Dimm, the future founder of Dimmsdale, and thrown down a well, but apparently survives for hundreds of years as he is seen trying to crawl out of it back in modern times.
One-time Appearance: Which Witch Is Which?
Dale Dimm
Dale Dimm was the founder of Dimmsdale many years ago in colonial times. He appears to be the village idiot, a big dumb buffoon with large bare feet, and a stark contrast to Alden Bitteroot who was regarded as a town hero. However, Alden turned out to be a witch, and Dale Dimm stopped him by stomping on him. When speaking normally, Dale Dimm appeared more intelligent than originally thought, and spoke with a cultured British accent. The city of Dimmsdale was named after him.
One-time Appearance: Which Witch Is Which?
Dimmsdale Ballhogs
Dimmsdale Ballhogs

One-time Appearance: Odd Ball
Beverly Boulevard
Beverly Boulevard is a reporter for the same news paper company that the Crimson Chin works as under his alter ego, Charles Hampton Indigo. He tries hard to impress her and gives into her every whim, but she seems indifferent to him.
One-time Appearance: Crime Wave
The Baby
The baby was an unnamed baby girl that Beverly Boulevard gave to the Crimson Chin to watch over.
One-time Appearance: Crime Wave
Skip Sparkypants
Skip Sparkypants is a rival singer to Chip Skylark. The two look exactly alike, except that Skip Sparkypants has different colored clothes and hair.
One-time Appearance: Shiny Teeth
Abominable Snowman
The Abominable Snowman was a man in a snow costume that Timmy and Vicky ran from, thinking he was an actual monster, but he was really a pizza delivery man.
One-time Appearance: Snow Bound
Stormy Raynes & Johnny Downpour
Stormy Raynes and Johnny Downpour are former weathermen for Dimmsdale's local news. They're both run out of town by an angry mob after making incorrect predictions on the weather.
One-time Appearance: Mother Nature
Evil Bug
Evil Bug
The evil bug was a small beetle like insect that crawled out of Vicky's butt when Timmy wished all her evilness away. The bug then began to search for a new host, going from Timmy's dad, to Principal Waxelplax, and finally setting its sights on the President of the United States before Vicky hopped in the way and it returned to her.
One-time Appearance: Vicky Loses Her Icky
Ryan McCain
Ryan McCain
Ryan McCain is the star of an action film called "Ryan McLane: Loose Cannon Cop Who Doesn't Play By The Rules". After Timmy watched his movie, he wished for his life to be just like an action movie.
One-time Appearance: Action Packed
Bippy the Monkey
Bippy the Monkey
Bippy is a lab monkey owned by A.J. that he accidentally brought to school with him, mistaking "muffin day" for "monkey day". Bippy found a Fairy-versary Muffin and took a bite, which caused the entire world to become a jungle and be ruled by primates until Timmy and Bippy were able to reverse the effects of the wish muffin. Bippy still sided with Timmy during the events, although eventually left him to get more muffins after the monkey arc of the movie was over.
One-time Appearance: Abra-Catastrophe!
Season 4
Picture Name
Tom Sawyer

One-time Appearance: Shelf Life
The Turnbaums
The Turnbaums

One-time Appearance: Parent Hoods
Winston Dunsworth
Winston Dunsworth

One-time Appearance: A Bad Case Of Diary-Uh!
Pops the Adult
Pops the Adult is a man who was left at the Learn-A-Torium when he was just a kid, and his parents never returned to pick him up. He has been trying, with futile attempts, to escape from the Learn-A-Torium ever since.
One-time Appearance: Baby Face

One-time Appearance: The Odd Couple
The Seemingly Harmless Plant
The Seemingly Harmless Plant

One-time Appearance: Class Clown
Crimson Chin Author
Crimson Chin Author

One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
The Power Pals
The Power Pals

One-time Appearance: Power Pals!
Dr. Vulkan
Dr. Vulcan was a villain who captured Trixie and Chester after Timmy wished away all his emotions, so he didn't really care. Timmy eventually rescues Chester, and Dr. Vulcan later appears on a newspaper with Trixie hugging him, proclaiming him her new boyfriend.
One-time Appearance: Emotion Commotion!
Luthor Lex
Luthor Lex

One-time Appearance: Truth Or Cosmoquences
Fairy Mason

One-time Appearance: Genie Meanie Minie Mo
A robot version of Vicky was seen in the twenty year look into the future in Channel Chasers, babysitting Timmy's kids with all the same means of torment its creator once applied.
One-time Appearance: Channel Chasers
Tammy and Tommy Turner
Tammy and Tommy Turner
Tammy and Tommy are the future children of Timmy Turner, seen in a flash forward twenty years after the present. They're babysat by a robot Vicky look-a-like, and have two familiar magic goldfish as pets.
One-time Appearance: Channel Chasers
Flappy Bob
Flappy Bob

One-time Appearance: School's Out!: The Musical
Flunky and Flooky

One-time Appearance: School's Out!: The Musical
Season 5
Picture Name
Tommy Turner
Tommy Turner
(Timmy's wish-created brother)
Tommy is an eighteen year old older brother that Timmy wished for, mainly as a safeguard from Francis. Tommy turned out to be the perfect brother, a little too perfect, as his overly charitable behavior soon got on Timmy's nerves. When Timmy tried to protest, Tommy instead convinced their parents to send Timmy to the same out-of-country program that molded Tommy into what he was. Timmy could not wish Tommy away at first, because Tootie had developed a crush on Tommy for being nice to her, so Timmy distracted Tommy in order to have him break a promise to Tootie. With Tootie back in love with Timmy, he was free to wish Tommy away, and he was returned to "Tibecuador", a country Timmy had wished for to explain Tommy's earlier absence.
One-time Appearance: Oh, Brother!
OhBrother060 (1)
A.J. built this older brother robot to protect him from Francis. It self destructed when it saw how much cooler Timmy's wished-up older brother was.
One-time Appearance: Oh, Brother!
FLARG scene68

One-time Appearance: Five Days of F.L.A.R.G.
King Greg
King Greg

One-time Appearance: Something's Fishy!

One-time Appearance: The "Good Old Days!"
Peg-Foot Vicky
Peg-Foot Vicky

One-time Appearance: The "Good Old Days!"
Chippington Skylark

One-time Appearance: The "Good Old Days!"
Big Brain
Big Brain

One-time Appearance: Future Lost
The Bad Parent Hunter
The Bad Parent Hunter is a man who exposes bad parents on national television by hunting them in a manner similar to the The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, whom he is a parody of.
One-time Appearance: Nega-Timmy

One-time Appearance: Hassle in the Castle

One-time Appearance: Hassle in the Castle

One-time Appearance: Hassle in the Castle
Stephen Hawking
A professor from real history, he made so that 2+2 could equals five.
One-time Appearance: Remy Rides Again
Blondashavemore 50
Dr. Poof Everwish

One-time Appearance: Blondas Have More Fun!
Ms. Sunshine / Ms. Doombringer

One-time Appearance: No Substitute For Crazy!
Season 6
Picture Name

One-time Appearance: Odd Pirates
Dirtybeard's Parrot

One-time Appearance: Odd Pirates
Dimmsdale Pirates
A professional baseball team for the city of Dimmsdale. They play in Pirate Stadium.
One-time Appearance: Odd Pirates
Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton

One-time Appearance: The Fairly Oddlympics

One-time Appearance: Wishing Well

One-time Appearance: Wishing Well
Swizzle is a fairy. She is Molly's fairy godparent, who only appeared briefly at the end of her godchild's lone episode in the series.
One-time Appearance: Wishing Well
Irving is Dwight's fairy godfather, who appeared briefly at the end of the only episode Dwight was in.
One-time Appearance: Wishing Well
Golden Locks
Hair Razol
Golden Locks / Hair Razor

One-time Appearance: Chindred Spirits

One-time Appearance: Wishology
Turbo Thunder
Turbo Thunder

One-time Appearance: Wishology
The Darkness
The Darkness

One-time Appearance: Wishology

One-time Appearance: Wishology

One-time Appearance: Wishology
Mr. & Mrs. Dinglefitz
Mr. and Mrs. Dinglefitz are Turbo Thunder's parents, who were captured by the Darkness, and then later freed when the Darkness became good.
One-time Appearance: Wishology!
Polar Bear Guardian

One-time Appearance: Wishology!
Rock Guardian

One-time Appearance: Wishology!
Season 7
Picture Name
Dr. Phyllis Fancyfree
Dr. Fancyfree is a psychiatrist that temporarily cured Mr. Crocker of his obsession with fairies. Timmy eventually appeared on a flying carpet outside her window and she started screaming fairies and spazzing out, just like Mr. Crocker.
One-time Appearance: Crocker Shocker
Lauren Ledergerber
Lauren Ledergerber was the leader of B.R.A.T., an evil babysitter's club, who kicked Vicky out for letting Timmy save her life. After she saw Vicky tormenting Timmy again, she offered Vicky a chance to rejoin, but Vicky took that opportunity to take over B.R.A.T. herself.
One-time Appearance: Frenemy Mine
Alyssa is a member of B.R.A.T.
One-time Appearance: Frenemy Mine
Melvin was a kid that told Timmy's Dad many years ago that he was "too cool for school", so Mr. Turner quit the 5th grade. Decades later, when he is trying to complete the 5th grade again, Mr. Turner runs into Melvin, now a janitor, who tells him he is still too cool for school, nearly causing Timmy's Dad to flunk out again.
One-time Appearance: Old Man And The C-

One-time Appearance: Freaks & Greeks

One-time Appearance: Freaks & Greeks

One-time Appearance: Freaks & Greeks

One-time Appearance: Freaks & Greeks
Grandpa Vlad & Grandma Gladys
Grandpa Vlad and Grandma Gladys are Timmy Turner's maternal grandparents. They originate from the country of Ustinkistan, and does not appear to be that wealthy at first, until they reveal they own a chain of restaurants called Yak in the Box and are actually very rich.
One-time Appearance: Timmy Turnip

One-time Appearance: Double-Oh Schnozmo!
Big Dave
Big Dave

One-time Appearance: Crocker of Gold
Dash Baxter
Dash Baxter, a character from Danny Phantom, made a cameo appearance in the episode Fly Boy where he was featured in a television movie everyone in Dimmsdale but Timmy was allowed to watch.
One-time Appearance: Fly Boy
Saber-Toothed Tigers With Night Vision

One-time Appearance: Lights Out

One-time Appearance: Dad Overboard
Sergeant Flinch

One-time Appearance: Dad Overboard
General McCloud

One-time Appearance: Dad Overboard
Hairy Hobo

One-time Appearance: Farm Pit
Professor Olaf Gunderson

One-time Appearance: Crock Talk

One-time Appearance: Crock Talk
Swamp Monster

One-time Appearance: Crock Talk
Octopus Robot Kidnapping Poof
Octopus Robot

One-time Appearance: Double-Oh Schnozmo!

One-time Appearance: Beach Blanket Bozos
Mrs. Hembel
Mrs. Hembel is a decrepit looking old woman that races against Mrs. Turner (Actually Timmy in her body) when they are making a mad dash for the last pair of socks on sale at the mall.
One-time Appearance: Manic Mom-Day
Chef Bradwurst
Brad Wurst

One-time Appearance: Food Fight
Hal Apeño
Hal Apeño

One-time Appearance: Food Fight
Sue Shi
Sue Shi

One-time Appearance: Food Fight
Crepe Suzette
Crepe Suzette

One-time Appearance: Food Fight
Mrs. Turner's Meatloaf

One-time Appearance: Food Fight
Caged Alien Animals
Alien monsters that were seen in the cages in Dark Laser's Alien Zoo. They were later freed by Timmy.
One-time Appearance: Please Don't Feed The Turners
Mrs. Marinelli

One-time Appearance: Operation: Dinkleberg
Season 8
Picture Name
Goldie Goldenglow

One-time Appearance: Love Triangle
Season 9
Picture Name
The Anti-Fairy counterpart of Sparky.
One-time Appearance: Man's Worst Friend
A magical smartphone that Timmy wishes for when he realizes everyone but him has one.
One-time Appearance: App Trap

One-time Appearance: Finding Emo
Season 10
Picture Name
A legendary monster who lives in a cave on Mount Stinkfoot in Stinkfoot National Forest.
One-time Appearance: Girly Squirrely
Crockeroos are a formerly endangered species of mammal. Chloe Carmichael wishes for them to flourish again so the animal can be saved.
One-time Appearance: Animal Crockers
Hummanah is a woman wished up by Timmy and Chloe to be Crocker's girlfriend
One-time Appearance: Married to the Mom
One of the most vicious predators in the galaxy, one escaped Dark Laser's ship on earth while he was transporting it.
One-time Appearance: Clark Laser
Nurse Quack
Nurse Quack
The school nurse of Dimmsdale Elementary School, One quirk about her is the fact that she tends to act like a duck, even to the point of occasionally quacking. A few people even say that she may secretly think she is one. However, she is still able to function as the school nurse.
First Appearance: A Sash and a Rash (mentioned)
Last Appearance: One Flu Over the Crocker's Nest
Juan the Fish
Juan is a big fish in the Dimmsdale Lake that has eluded Timmy's Dad for years. He becomes anthropomorphic as a result of Chloe's wish that the fish in the lake could fight back against the fishermen.
One-time Appearance: Fish Out of Water
Crockeroos are a species of animals that Chloe wishes were no longer endangered. They look inexplicably similar to Mr. Crocker.
One-time Appearance: Animal Crockers
Mindy and Mo Wienergristle
Mindy and Mo Wienergristle are old "friends" of Cosmo and Wanda they, Timmy and Chloe run into while on a camping trip. They're obsessed with bocce ball and only speak in rhymes.
One-time Appearance: Spring Break-Up
Cat N' Mouse 20561
Mouse Man
Mouse Man is a villain from Catman's TV show who's wished to life after the latter inadvertently wishes he was a real superhero.
One-time Appearance: Cat N' Mouse
Space Ca-Dad 154
Glorg is an alien Timmy and Chloe's Squirrely Scout troop comes across.
One-time Appearance: Space-CaDad
Hare Raiser 079
Mr. Cuddles
Mr. Cuddles is a class rabbit at Dimmsdale Elementary School that everyone's afraid of. They go on a "rampage" after being wished free by Chloe.
One-time Appearance: Hare Raiser
Herrscherin Chloe (20)
Berry Rosenbell Hip Hop Hedgehog

One-time Appearance: Chloe Rules!

Other Characters[]

These are characters that have only made a few appearances, usually as a bit characters, and have little to no effect on the story. This also includes one-time characters who were not major characters in an episode, often only appearing for a one off gag. There is usually not much known about these characters.

Alter egos[]

Several alternate egos have appeared of characters, often as a direct result of wishing.

Picture Name
Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder
Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder
Cleft is Timmy Turner's superhero alter-ego that he masquerades as whenever he wishes himself into the comic book world of the Crimson Chin. He is able to deploy a variety of gadgets and weapons from his chin.
First Appearance: Chin Up!
Last Appearance: Timmy's Secret Wish (cameo)
Ace and Clefto the Chin-Hounds The Chin-Hounds
Ace, Clefto and Puppy Poof are pink, green and purple colored dogs that Cosmo, Wanda and Poof disguise themselves as whenever they assist Timmy after he becomes Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder. They can grant wishes in this form, and thus their power is sought by some villains.
First Appearance: The Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad (Ace & Clefto) / Chindred Spirits (Puppy Poof)
Last Appearance: The End of the Universe-ity (cameo)
Mighty Mom & Dyno Dad
Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad

First Appearance: Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad

Last Appearance: The Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad

Galactimus, Eater of Planets
Galactimus, Eater of Planets

One-time Appearance: Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad
Naked Lad
Naked Lad
Naked Lad is a superhero that wears no clothes. He may or may not be Timmy, who was mistaken for Naked Lad when he appeared naked running through the streets of Dimmsdale after being wished to a comic book store in the middle of a bath.
One-time Appearance: Crime Wave
Timantha is Timmy Turner's female alter-ego that he was turned into by Wanda after making fun of girls. He used his female identity to get closer to Trixie Tang so he could find out what gift she wanted for her birthday.
One-time Appearance: The Boy Who Would Be Queen
Professor A.J.
Professor A.J.
Professor A.J. is the superhero form that A.J. took when he was given superpowers by Timmy's superhero wish. His giant brain allows him to create forcefields that deflect attacks, but his powers are useless against dumber enemies.
One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
Matter Muncher Lad
Matter Muncher Lad
Matter Muncher Lad is the superhero form that Chester McBadbat took up when he was given superpowers by Timmy's superhero wish. He says "Munch Munch Munch" while he chews through the ground with his sharp drill dental braces.
One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
The Bouncing Boil
The Bouncing Boil
Elmer became The Bouncing Boil after Timmy's superhero wish gave him powers. His power is to simply bounce around on his over-sized boil.
One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
The Sonic Youth
The Sonic Youth
Sanjay became The Sonic Youth after Timmy's superhero wish gave him powers. He can move at high speed, and has a shouting attack.
One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
Wonder Gal
Wonder Gal
Trixie Tang became Wonder Gal after Timmy's superhero wish, her powers were "super speed, super strength, and super popularity".
One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
Hawk Gal
Hawk Gal
Hawk Gal is Wonder Gal's teammate, her real identity being Trixie's best friend Veronica. She was given "powers" by Timmy's superhero wish, but they consist of only being able to fly at slow speeds.
One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!

One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
Doctor Crocktopus
Doctor Crocktopus

One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
The Baby Shredder
The Baby Shredder

One-time Appearance: The Big Superhero Wish!
Adult Timmy
Future Timmy

One-time Appearance: Channel Chasers
Dictator Vicky
Dictator Vicky

One-time Appearance: Channel Chasers
Nega-Timmy is the result of Timmy being told by his dad to be good after he wished to do opposite of whatever his parents told him.
One-time Appearance: Nega-Timmy
Justin Jake Ashton
Justin Jake Ashton
Justin Jake Ashton is a teen idol alter-ego Mark Chang takes on to date Vicky. This later becomes his main earthside disguise.
First Appearance: King Chang
Last Appearance: Marked Man
Super Not-Cosmo
Super Not-Cosmo
Super Not-Cosmo is an alias Cosmo assumes during a brief stint as a superhero in Dimmsdale.
One-time Appearance: Super Zero
Timmy Triangle
Timmy Triangle
Timmy Triangle is the stage name Timmy uses after wishing he was a talented musician, most known for playing the triangle.
One-time Appearance: One Man Banned
Dr. Maybe
Dr. Maybe is an alias used by Timmy when he helped Schnozmo by convincing Cosmo that he was a secret agent.
One-time Appearance: Double-Oh Schnozmo!
Curlfinger is an alias used by Wanda when she helped Schnozmo by convincing Cosmo that he was a secret agent.
One-time Appearance: Double-Oh Schnozmo!
Rex Perfection
Rex Perfection
Rex Perfection is a prince with a smile that can heal plants. Timmy turned into him using Mark Chang's fake-i-fier in order to win Trixie Tang's costume party.
One-time Appearance: Take and Fake
The Falcon
The Falcon
The Falcon is an alias Crocker uses in two episodes. Once as a codename while on a neighborhood watch with Mr. Turner, and once as a full costumed "superhero" that hunts fairies.
First Appearance: Lame Ducks (mentioned?)
Last Appearance: Whittle Me This!
Chloe assumes on the role of Catman's sidekick on two occasions. Once by result of mistaken identity, and once by choice to get a part in a movie.
First Appearance: Whittle Me This!
Last Appearance: Nuts & Dangerous
Angel is a "popular middle school girl" alter-ego Foop takes on when he's tasked by the Anti-Fairy Council to "break" Chloe.
One-time Appearance: Blue Angel
Nuts is a character Timmy plays in a movie written by Catman (and directed by Mr. Turner). He's described by Catman as a "giant squirrel with the face of a human boy".
One-time Appearance: Nuts & Dangerous
Ketchup Everdream
Ketchup Everdream
Ketchup Everdream is a character in the in-universe movie The Hungry Games. Chloe plays her when Timmy wishes she could live out the movie in real life.
One-time Appearance: The Hungry Games
Lord Crockpot
Lord Crockpot
Lord Crockpot is an alter-ego Denzel Crocker takes on as a result of Timmy's "Hungry Games" wish. He's assumedly based on the villain of The Hungry Games.
One-time Appearance: The Hungry Games
Tina is an alter-ego Timmy is wished into when Chloe wishes they were mermaids.
One-time Appearance: Dadlantis

Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour Characters[]

​These characters only appeared in the crossover trilogy with fellow Nickelodeon show, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. Most are from the main Jimmy Neutron series, though a few are exclusive to these specials.

"Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour" Trilogy Characters
Picture Name
Vlcsnap-2012-12-05-07h46m01s52 Jimmy Neutron

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-10-19h35m02s6 Cindy Vortex

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-05-08h20m18s130 Carl Wheezer

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-05-08h20m43s129 Sheen Estevez

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-11-14h09m44s133 Libby Folfax

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-11-09h04m16s134 Professor Finbarr Calamitous

Appears in: "When Nerds Collide!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-05-08h17m33s252 Goddard

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", "When Nerds Collide!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-07-20h17m43s179 Hugh and Judy Neutron

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour", "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-07-20h16m47s163 Shirley

Appears in: "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-05-14h09m08s6 Eustace Strych

Appears in: "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2016-02-04-13h12m40s170 Blix

Appears in: "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2016-02-04-13h33m33s456 Sam Melvick

Appears in: "The Jerkinators!"
Vlcsnap-2012-12-11-07h52m52s61 Sydney Moist

Appears in: "When Nerds Collide!"
Betty Quinlan Betty Quinlan

Appears in: "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!" (Non-speaking cameos)
D0AB1738-6DDD-4C8B-B9CB-675E32216842 Bolbi Stroganovsky

Appears in: "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!" (Non-speaking cameos)
Butch Pasovski Butch Pakovski

Appears in: "When Nerds Collide!", "The Jerkinators!" (Non-speaking cameos)
4A06A3E2-8E40-4374-8E19-51A68DD2A863 Nick Dean

Appears in: "The Jerkinators!" (Non-speaking cameo)
Alter-egos & Alternate forms
Vlcsnap-2016-02-04-19h38m37s046 Brain Boy

Appears in: "The Jerkinators!"
Open Fire Goddard Decimator Goddard

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour"
Vlcsnap-2016-01-12-23h40m32s745 Fairy Boy

Appears in: "When Nerds Collide!"
Vlcsnap-2017-02-09-23h55m42s903 Mighty Mom

Appears in: "Jimmy Timmy Power Hour"

Crash Nebula[]

Main article: Crash Nebula

These are one-time characters that appeared in the show-within-a-show spin-off, "Crash Nebula", which was broadcast as part of Season 5. However, the spin-off was never picked up as a series by Nickelodeon, and none of these characters have appeared since.

"Crash Nebula" Characters
Picture Name
Sprig Speevak
Sprig Speevak
Sprig was just a normal earthling until one day he was sent to the "Celestial Academy". There, he must survive space school, earn the crash suit, and become: "Crash Nebula; Space Hero"!
Sprout Speevak
Sprout Speevak
Sprig's annoying, bratty sister. Like most siblings, she and Sprig tend to get into fights.
Ma Speevak
Ma Speevak
Pa Speevak
Pa Speevak
Another alien Sprig met in the Celestial Academy, Chuck's a turkey, but he's not just any turkey. Upset him, and he'll get his missiles out. So don't mess with Chuck... especially about treating turkeys in a "harmful" way.
An alien that Sprig met in the Celestial Academy, he's just one big blob with a big heart. He immediately became friends with Sprig.
A girl from an anti-matter universe. At first, she didn't like Sprig. After he saved her life, she begins to warm up to him. Ving claims that she's his soon-to-be girlfriend, but Ani wouldn't date him even if he were the last guy in the universe.
The big, bad bully at the Celestial Academy, he became Sprig's enemy right away. Ving wears a black cape & has pointed ears, making him look like a vampire. Ving's jealous of Sprig because he saved Princess Galaxandra and became her favorite student. Ving has the power to turn into a huge giant and do some massive damage.
He, Felos, and Ving are the destructive trio. Rockwell's the strong one, but his weakness is his brain, and he has no ears.
One of Ving's pals. He's a big blue cat with black stripes, and huge claws. He can give you quite a scratch with those claws, but he's easily distracted. So if you're Felos's enemy, be sure to have a ball of yarn handy.
Princess Galaxandra
Princess Galaxandra
The Headmistress of the Celestial Academy. Sprig saved her life when she was being chased by little buglike androids (bugdroids). She shows her gratitude by having Sprig enroll in the Celestial Academy. She sees true greatness in Sprig.
Brock Rocket
Brock Rocket
Brock Rocket is a science fiction superhero that Sprig Speevak admires, similar to how Timmy Turner admires Crash Nebula.
Pam Dromeda
Pam Dromeda
The toughest teacher in the Space Celestial Academy. She teaches Galactic Defense 101. Princess Galaxandra assigned her to tutor Sprig on the Nebula 5 Battle Suit.