Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "It's A Wishful Life" from Season 5, which aired on November 5, 2004.


[The scene start off with a school, Timmy painting the Seascape backdrop, with Cosmo and Wanda.]

  • Timmy: Phew, finally, the perfect Seascape backdrop for the school play.
  • Wanda: You know Timmy, painting this for Mr. Bickles was really nice of you.
  • Cosmo: But look what it did to my hair!
  • Mr. Bickles: Aah! My dream! It's...it's...it's...-
  • Timmy: Fabulous? Scrumptious? Delectable?
  • Mr. Bickles: Ruined! Those clouds are too puffy and the water isn't violet blue, it's practically teal! My dream of doing the ballet version of Waterworld is ruined! Kevin! Forgive me!
  • Timmy: Happy Birthday, A.J.!
  • A.J.: This computer, it's...-
  • Timmy: Amazing? Astounding? State of the art?
  • A.J.: Obsolete as of four seconds ago.
  • A.J.: Thanks for the high tech doorstop. That doesn't work.
  • Timmy: Ta-da! My friends and teacher might be unappreciative, but wait until my parents see the lawn.
  • Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner: Timmy! The lawn! It's...it's...-
  • Timmy: Perfect? Beautiful? Amazing?
  • Mr. Turner: Ruined! And on the same day as the Dimmsdale worst lawn competition! Kevin! Forgive me!
  • Chompy: Baah.
  • Mayor: You're right, Chompy, Even I wouldn't eat this lawn. First prize!
  • Mr. Turner: Dinkleberg!
  • Mrs. Turner: And my butt is not that big!
  • Timmy: Agh! For once in my ten year old life I decide to do some good deeds and nobody even appreciates them!
  • Wanda: We appreciate you, Timmy.
  • Cosmo: Yeah, if you were to do something nice for us like clean out our fish bowl, I'd totally notice.
  • Timmy: I did that yesterday!
  • Cosmo: Huh, you call this clean?
  • Timmy: That's it! You guys don't appreciate me either, fine! Let's see how everyone would like it if I weren't around to not appreciate!
  • Cosmo: You missed a spot here, and here-
  • Timmy: Fine! You know what? I wish I was never born!
  • Cosmo: And you missed a spot here, and here.
  • Timmy: Alright, Time to see how miserable everybody is in a world without Timmy Turner!
  • Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner: Woo-hoo! Hahahahahahah!
  • Timmy: A mansion? Where's my house?
  • Mr. Turner: Oh, check it out, honey, it says here that out beautiful, talented, not-boy daughter Sophia is going to get nominated for another academy award!
  • Mrs. Turner: Ooh, really? What for this time, acting, writing, or directing?
  • Mr. Turner: All three!