Today, I'm going to bake a disgusting yamsberry pie!
Timmy asks his mother if she will play Surgeon General with him.
Not right now. I have to let this pie bake. And while I'm at it, I'll root for it!
These are some stuff I had when I was five years old.
I had an imaginary friend I named Gary.
Hey! Where the heck am I?
Gary! You're real! Can we play?
Well, there goes the yamsberry pie. (No one wanted to eat it anyway)
Timmy wants to know why Gary is acting different to how he acted five years ago.
Oof! We're tied up in a ton of chain monkeys!
Aw, how cute! TV-tubbies!
Gary snaps his comb in two.
Gary, meet Vicky. "Icky" with a "V".