Grump is a fictional character who appeared in a cartoon within The Fairly OddParents universe. He is the main character of a holiday special called, "How the Grump Stole Wishmas", that aired during Wishmas.
He is the main character of the Wishmas special, "How the Grump Stole Wishmas", a reference to the Dr. Seuss book/special, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. He looks like the popular Christmas character "Grinch", but is purple instead of green.
On Wishmas Eve, Timmy Turner tried to make Santa get back to the North Pole and bring Christmas back, so he turned on the TV to cheer Santa and the Elves up, but he just found a TV news station talking good about Wishmas and then he changed to a cartoon channel. There, a version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas was on, but instead of Christmas, it was about Wishmas, and instead of starring "Grinch”, it was starring Grump. On the few scenes of the show that were shown, we can see that he tried to ruin Wishmas stealing a giant mailbox. There should be all the letters sent to the Magic Mailman. At the end of the show, Grump becomes good and a sweet person.