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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Finding Emo" from Season 9, which aired on July 9, 2014.
- [Fade in on the Turners' house. Timmy floats into his room with hearts in his eyes]
- Timmy: Ah... [Cosmo, Wanda and Poof appear] Hey, guys, guess what? I'm totally head over heels in love!
- Cosmo: I was head over heels once. But that's because I walked into some weird trap in the jungle.
- Wanda: Awww, so who's the lucky girl?
- Timmy: Her name is Missy. She's beautiful! At least I think she's beautiful. I sit behind her, so I mostly see the back of her head.
- Wanda: Have you talked to her?
- Timmy: Of course I talked to her. I said— [babbles spastically] I may have been a little nervous.
- Cosmo: I was nervous once. But that's because I walked into some weird trap in the jungle.
- Mr. Turner: [offscreen] Oh, Timmy! [the fairies poof into their fishbowl. He puts the ladder he is on against the window from outside] Did I just hear you tell your fish that you're in love?
- Timmy: Yeah, Dad. So, do you have any advice?
- Mr. Turner: Well, if you want to get a girl, quit talking to your fish! More importantly, what are you doing in Dinkleberg's room?
- Timmy: Uh, this is my room, Dad.
- Mr. Turner: Ooh! Then I'm going to need that bomb back. [Timmy notices the bomb beside him, screams, and kicks it into his father's hand. The ladder falls over, making Mr. Turner shout, and the bomb explodes offscreen. The window closes, and he goes flying into it and slides down]
- Cosmo: Timmy, if you want to win Missy over, do what I did with Wanda. Serenade her with a beautiful song. If you sing it long enough, she'll marry you just to shut you up.
- Wanda: It was a horrible song.
- Timmy: Guys, [showing a photo of Missy on a phone] look how beautiful she is! [a picture of her in The Birth of Venus appears, then one of her as Mona Lisa]
- Wanda: How'd you get so many pictures of her?
- Timmy: It's her cell phone. She dropped it at school. And when I called after her to give it back, all I could say was— [babbles spastically]
- Cosmo: [to Wanda] The song wasn't that bad.
- Wanda: It wasn't even about me! You wrote a song about a tractor! [an alarm blare]
- Cosmo: Oh no! It's the pretty girl alarm I installed last week. [outside, bluebirds chirp as Missy walks past them and start following her. She lets one land on her finger]
- Timmy: [looking out the window] Oh no! It's Missy! She must be here for her phone! I got to say something other than [babbles spastically] this time!
- Wanda: Just take a deep breath and be yourself, Timmy.
- Cosmo: Don't be ridiculous, Wanda. That's never gotten him anywhere.
- [Cut to the living room. The fairies watch from behind a chair]
- Timmy: [at the front door] Okay. I can do this. [the doorbell rings, to his surprise. He peeks outside and sees Missy, who has a chirping bird in her hand] Take a deep breath and be myself. [as he takes a deep breath, a moth flies into his mouth. He faces Missy and hacks]
- Missy: Hi. Timmy, right? Sorry to bother you, but I think you have my phone. [he hacks and gets spit on her nose] Are you okay?
- Timmy: [coughing] I... ate... a... [holding out the phone] moth.
- Missy: That's different. My after-school snack is usually carrot sticks. [taking the phone] But thanks, Timmy. Bye! [leaves. Timmy sighs, closes the door and starts hitting his head against it]
- Cosmo: Well, on the bright side, moths are filled with protein... and sometimes baby moths! [sees Wanda glaring at him] Never mind!
- [Fade to Dimmsdale Elementary]
- Fat Kid: [on a playground slide] Yay! Ha ha! [rolls down the slide and lands on the ground]
- Timmy: [to the fairies, school supplies] Alright, guys. I'm going to need a new strategy with Missy.
- Cosmo: Ooh, I think that coughing thing was really working for you.
- Wanda: I'm telling you, just be yourself.
- Timmy: I don't have to be myself. I have fairies. I can be exactly the kind of guy Missy likes. [a basketball hits him in the face. It bounces to a boy who shoots it into a hoop, and he then catches a baseball, throws a javelin with his leg, catches a dumbbell and catches the basketball with his foot]
- Missy: [chuckles] Wow, Brandon. I think it's cool you play so many sports.
- Timmy: That's it! Missy likes athletes! I wish I was a jock! [Cosmo turns him into a jockey] Not a jockey! A jock like Brandon!
- Cosmo: Well, excuse me! I'm a songwriter, not a magical fairy! [clears his throat] ♪ Tractor ♪
♪ You're like a hot nuclear reactor ♪
♪ And here's another factor ♪
♪ I'm a tractor to you ♪ [kisses a toy tractor and grants the wish, giving Timmy a football uniform and helmet] - Timmy: Thanks, guys! Now to impress Missy. [a man grabs him by the head, and he screams]
- Coach: Kid, you're late for practice! Go tackle that kid who looks like a gorilla. He may actually be part gorilla. We haven't had him genetically tested yet. [the kid hoots and pounds his chest, and the coach drops Timmy behind him and runs away. The kid smells Timmy and growls. Cosmo is holding a sign reading "You can do it!" Timmy screams as the kid hits him offscreen and he slides up to the fairies. Cosmo changes the sign to read "It's OK to stink"]
- Timmy: Please tell me Missy didn't see that.
- Cosmo: Nope, she's too busy listening to that kid play the guitar.
- Dakota: [playing a guitar] ♪ It's hard to get up in the morning ♪
♪ With all the global warming ♪ [sheds a tear] - Missy: Wow, Dakota. I think it's cool that you're so sensitive.
- Dakota: Thanks. You know, your belt is made from an animal. [Missy gasps]
- Timmy: That's it! Missy likes sensitive guys. I wish I were a sensitive guy. With no belt! [the fairies grant the wish, and his pants fall down]
- Wanda: We should probably rethink the belt thing. [the pants are poofed back on]
- Cosmo: You sure look different, Timmy. How do you feel?
- Timmy: I feel... sad... [cries] and happy! [laughs] and scared... [screams] and sad again! [cries] Hey, Missy. I wrote you a song. [strums a guitar] Ow! These strings hurt my sensitive fingers. [runs away crying]
- Cosmo: Ooh, he's a basket case, Wanda. But he's our basket case.
- [Fade to the school]
- Timmy: [to the fairies, books in his locker] Well, the sensitive thing was a bust.
- Cosmo: Yeah, your sensitive songs are supposed to make other people cry. My song made everybody cry!
- Wanda: It was a horrible song. [cries]
- Cosmo: ♪ Tractor! ♪
♪ Like a movie star actor! ♪
♪ Here's another factor ♪
♪ I'm attracted to you! ♪ [Timmy closes the locker on him] - Missy: Hey, Bobby. Do you want to be my lab partner?
- Bobby: Science is a pointless theoretical construct in this empty black hole we call life.
- Missy: Oh. We're studying black holes in science.
- Bobby: You don't get me at all. [leaves]
- Missy: [to another girl] Hm. He's cute.
- Timmy: [opens the locker] Hear that? I want to be like the black hole guy!
- Cosmo: Are you sure, Timmy? That guy seemed kind of... what's the word?
- Wanda: Pretentious, phony and full of himself?
- Cosmo: Oh, I was just going to go with stupid.
- Timmy: Just grant my wish. [Cosmo and Wanda do so. Timmy sits]
- Wanda: So, sport, are you going to talk to Missy?
- Timmy: Who cares about Missy? [lies down]
- Wanda: Well, you do. Remember? You love her.
- Timmy: Love is an empty emotion in this black hole we call life.
- Cosmo: Timmy, this is no time to recite my wedding vows!
- Wanda: Timmy, I hate seeing you like this. Why don't you wish for something to cheer you up?
- Timmy: Oh, I'm not making' any more wishes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to slip into a deep melancholy. [scoots away]
- Cosmo: Have fun!
- Wanda: I'm worried about Timmy. We got to make him care again.
- Cosmo: Don't worry, Wanda, I have a... a... uh, what's the word?
- Wanda: Idea?
- Cosmo: I was going to say stupid again. That's kind of my go-to word.
- [Fade to Timmy lying on his bed. The window curtains are closed. The fairies appear]
- Cosmo: Oh no, Timmy! [opening the curtains] Your dad is trapped under a car. [poofs up a car above Mr. Turner, who is standing outside. The car falls on Mr. Turner] Do you want us to wish it away?
- Mr. Turner: Help! It's raining cars!
- Wanda: Get out there, Timmy! Help him!
- Timmy: What for? Aren't we all in a sense trapped under a car?
- Cosmo: Uh... well, that's not all! We somehow tied ourselves to a bomb that's about to go off! You got to wish it away!
- Wanda: Wait, what?! [Cosmo magically straps the fairies to a bomb. Timmy closes his eyes, and the bomb explodes] That's enough! Timmy, you can't act like you don't care forever!
- Timmy: Obviously. Nothing is permanent.
- Cosmo: Except this tattoo I got of Wanda's name on my back.
- Wanda: That says "Window"!
- Jorgen: Timmy Turner, we have a problem. And I'm not talking about the typo on Cosmo's back. The weird part is I was once in love with a girl named Window. In fact, I even got a tattoo of her name on my back.
- Wanda: That says "Wallet"! I think the real problem is there's an illiterate tattoo artist in Fairy World.
- Jorgen: No, the problem is Turner hasn't been making any wishes. And as a result, you two are going to be reassigned to another fairy godkid. [Cosmo, Wanda and Poof gasp]
- Timmy: Who cares?
- Jorgen: You should. Look at the fairy godkids poor Cosmo and Wanda could be reassigned to. [referring to photos in his hand] This one is a biter. This one starts fires with his mind. And this is the worst one of all.
- Wanda: Uh, there's no one in this picture.
- Jorgen: Yes, there is. That kid is so spooky, he doesn't show up in photographs. The only way you know he's around the smell of sulfur and the gathering of flies.
- Wanda: We don't want another godkid. We want Timmy!
- Jorgen: If Turner doesn't make another wish by sunset, I'll have to reassign you. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get my tattoo fixed. [disappears and reappears] How's it look now?
- Wanda: It says "Waffle".
- Jorgen: Okay, it's time to start a daunting search for a girl named Waffle. [disappears]
- Cosmo: Have fun!
- Wanda: Cosmo, we've got to do something or we're going to lose Timmy!
- Cosmo: Don't worry, Window. [raising his wand] I have a plan!
- [Fade to a field at sunset]
- Sparky: Hey, Timmy. Can you help me bury this bone and this bag of evidence? I know what you're thinking', but they're unrelated.
- Timmy: What's the point?
- Sparky: Oh, the point is I thought it'd be fun for us to do something together. Also, I don't want the FBI to find this. I was never here. [leaves. Missy approaches Timmy, and a bluebird lands on her finger]
- Missy: Hey, Timmy.
- Timmy: Whatever.
- Missy: [laughs] You're so funny. Do you mind if I kiss you?
- Timmy: I don't care. [they kiss]
- Missy: So... how do you feel?
- Timmy: Sad... as always.
- Wanda: Oh, Cosmo, it didn't work, and the sun is about to set! I can't believe even making Timmy think he kissed Missy didn't snap him back to normal. [Timmy's eyes widen]
- Timmy: What? I kissed Cosmo?
- Cosmo: You sure did, sugar lips! [turns back to normal, laughs, and kisses the air]
- Timmy: [spits and shouts] I kissed Cosmo! That's worse than eating a moth!
- Wanda: Cosmo, your idiot plan worked! You grossed Timmy out and made him care again!
- Jorgen: Alright, Cosmo and Wanda. Say goodbye to Timmy. It's time to meet your new godkid, the fire starter. [in a portal made by Jorgen, the kid smiles maliciously at them] By the way, this is my new girlfriend, Waffle.
- Wallet: My name's Wallet.
- Jorgen: It's Waffle now!
- Wanda: Please, Timmy, make a wish!
- Timmy: Well, that's easy. I wish I were my old self! [Cosmo, Wanda and Poof grant the wish] Woo-hoo! I care again.
- Jorgen: Ooh, you really dodged another bullet there, Turner. See you later. Let's go, Waffle. [he and Wallet start to leave]
- Wallet: By the way, I got your name tattooed on my arm.
- Jorgen: [offscreen] That says "Janitor"!
- Wanda: It's good to have you back to normal, Timmy.
- Timmy: Thanks, Wanda. And you were right. From now on, I'm just going to be myself. [a bluebird fly past him. Wanda and Poof turn into flowers and Cosmo turns into a tractor]
- Missy: Hi, Timmy! I like your tractor.
- Timmy: Uh... thanks, Missy.
- Missy: Wow, Timmy. That's the most normal thing you've ever said! Wanna go to a movie with me?
- Timmy: Sure! [they hold hands and start walking into the sunset] Does this mean you like me?
- Missy: I've always liked you! Do you like me? [Timmy chuckles, then babbles spastically and falls on the ground]
- Timmy: Ah! Yeah, I do!
- [Iris out on Timmy and Missy]
- Cosmo: Everybody! ♪ Tractor ♪
♪ Gotta call the chiropractor ♪
♪ He's going to crack my backtor ♪
♪ He's attracted to you ♪ [kisses Wanda] - Wanda: He's a basket case, but he's my basket case.
- [The end title card is shown. Fade to black]
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v - e★ Season 9 Transcripts ★ | ||
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10 | ||
#01 Fairly OddPet | #02 Dinklescouts | #03 I Dream of Cosmo |
#04 Turner & Pooch | #05 Dumbbell Curve | #06 The Terrible Twosome |
#07 App Trap | #08 Force of Nature | #09 Viral Vidiots |
#10 Scary GodCouple | #11 Two and a Half Babies | #12 Anchors Away |
#13 Finding Emo | #14 Dust Busters | #15 The Bored Identity |
#16 Country Clubbed | #17 Dog Gone | #18 Turner Back Time |
#19 Cosmonopoly | #20 Hero Hound | #21 A Boy and His Dog-Boy |
#22 Crock Blocked | #23 Weirdos on a Train | #24 Tons of Timmys |
#25 Let Sleeper Dogs Lie | #26 Cat-Astrophe | #27 Lame Ducks |
#28 A Perfect Nightmare | #29 Love at First Bark | #30 Desperate Without Housewives |
#31 Jerk of All Trades | #32 Snack Attack | #33 Turning Into Turner |
#34 The Wand That Got Away | #35 Stage Fright | #36 Gone Flushin' |
#37 Fairly Old Parent | #38 School of Crock | #39 Dimmsdale Tales |
#40 The Past and the Furious | #41 The Fairy Beginning | #42 Fairly Odd Fairy Tales |
#43 Man's Worst Friend |