Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Fairy Friends & Neighbors!" from Season 4, which aired on November 27, 2004.


[The Dinklebergs are looking around in their house, and then they get in their car. They try to drive off but Mr. and Mrs. Turner jump in front of them.]

  • Mr. Turner: Hey, Dinkleberg! Up for a game of extreme Twisty? (holds up Twisty game board)

[On The Dinklebergs in their car, Dinkleberg wears a neck brace.]

  • Mr. Dinkleberg: Sorry Turner, still sore from last night's game.

(They quickly drive off)

  • Mr. Turner: (to Dinklebergs) Wimp! (the Turner walk up to Timmy) Guess what you're doing tonight!

[Timmy gulps, then seconds later Timmy is bent and tied up in a weird position on the Twisty mat.]

  • Timmy: (strained) Can't feel my legs!

[Mr. and Mrs. Turner are also tied as a knot and twisted position.]

  • Mr. Turner: Wimp!

[The Feifers tries sneaking out the house and hides in the bush without being noticed, but Mr. and Mrs. Turner approached them in their yard.]

  • Mrs. Turner: Hey, Feifers! We want to take you to a fancy French restaurant!
  • Mr. Feifers: Quick! To the Turner Shelter! (presses the button)

[After the button was pressed, the door from the cover of the lawn was open and The Feifers dive in. The door was covered by lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Turner eye on Timmy as he is wearing neck brace.]

  • Timmy: Oh no. My snail sense is tingling...

[In a French Restaurant, Timmy sits in front of a huge plate of snails. Mrs. Turner shoves a snail into Timmy's mouth.]

  • Timmy: I can't swallow with this neck brace!
  • Mrs. Turner: Wimp!!!

[The Chamberlains opens the only to see Mr. and Mrs. Turner standing on the sidewalk.]

  • Mr. Turner: Hey, Chamberlains! The incredibly dull opera that kids would hate is in town and we've got extra tickets!

[The Chamberlains hides from them as they close the door. The house has a moat with alligators and a sign that reads "No Turners!". As the drawbridge rises, a large picture of Mr. and Mrs. Turner with a red circle appeared.]

  • Mrs. Turner: Hmm, the alligators are new...

[On Timmy.]

  • Timmy: Oh, great! My parents are so annoying they don't have any adult friends to hang out with! And now they're going to drag me to the opera where I'll die of boredom!

[Cosmo and Wanda as gophers, poof next to Timmy]

  • Wanda: Oh, come on, Timmy. No one has ever died of boredom.

[Later at the Opera House, a Soprano dressed up as a Viking shrieks as Mrs. and Mr. Turner watch the opera. Next to them, Timmy almost died as he holds a Playbill booklet with Cosmo and Wanda, who are also dressed as Vikings.]

  • Wanda: I stand corrected.

[A vulture lands on the back of his chair. Meanwhile, in Timmy's bedroom, Timmy still has a neck brace and a vulture sitting on top of him.]

  • Timmy: (furious) Opera? Snails? (The vulture pecks at his neck brace as Cosmo and Wanda float nearby.) Vultures pecking at my neck brace! (to Cosmo) Could you get this thing off me?
  • Cosmo: Wimp! (waves his wand and the vulture disappears)
  • Timmy: I'm sick of having to hang with my parents all the time! I wish they had adult friends!
  • Wanda: Man, I feel sorry for whatever suckers get stuck with that job!

[They poof themselves as "ADULT FRIENDS!". Mr. and Mrs. Turner reads as they heard Cosmo on the door.]

  • Cosmo: (voiceover) Ding dong!

[Mr. and Mrs. Turner opened the door to reveal Cosmo and Wanda as humans.]

  • Wanda: (glares at Cosmo) Let me ring the bell next time!
  • Cosmo: (introduces) Hi! I'm Cosmo!
  • Wanda: (also introduces) And I'm Wanda!
  • Cosmo and Wanda: And we're your Fairy... (raises the wand but hides the wand) ...Fairly new neighbors!
  • Mr. Turner: I didn't see any houses for sale!
  • Cosmo: We're in the one... Uh... Right above you!

[Wanda rolls her eyes and swings her wand behind her back. They step outside to see a floating house above the Turner's.]

  • Mr. Turner: Wow! I never noticed a floating house above ours.
  • Mrs. Turner: Not much of a yard.
  • Cosmo: Ding dong!
  • Wanda: (covering) So, who wants Chinese food? Like right now?

[At the Chinese Restaurant, pagodas and the Great Wall of China is seen in the background as Mr. Turner, Mrs. Turner, Cosmo, and Wanda eat dinner.]

  • Mrs. Turner: I can't believe we're actually in China eating Chinese food!
  • Wanda: It's the best place for Chinese food.
  • Cosmo: But here, it's just called food!
  • Mr. Turner: And we got here so fast! Good thing Vicky was able to babysit at the last minute!