Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Cosmo unverified "Or something about wanting a banana. I forgot which, I could be paraphrasing..."

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Timeena, Timmy's new female fairy form.

Elmerella is a Fairly OddParents comic that was printed in the June/July 2004 issue of Nickelodeon Magazine and later reprinted in the special Nickelodeon Magazine Presents the Fairly OddParents: Bustin' Out!


Timmy Turner wants to help Elmer get a date so he wishes to be Elmer's fairy god--- and before he finishes the sentence, Cosmo grants the wish and makes him (now a her) Elmer's Fairy GodMOTHER, where Timmy grows fairy wings, long feminine hair, female breasts, and female eyelashes, and Timmy's pink hat and blue jeans turn into a pink girls hairband and blue girls skirt, alongside a crown and fairy wand. Timmy is now a female fairy named Timeena. The wishes granted end in disaster; for example when Timeena gives Elmer a hot car, it turns out that it's "hot" as in "stolen". Then, she tries to give Elmer some "cool" clothes which put Elmer in a suit made of ice. This last thing she does is try to get Elmer to "dance like crazy" which results in Elmer dancing in a strait jacket with his tongue hanging out.




  • Chester, A.J. and Tootie have slightly different styles to their design.
  • Timeena's (Timmy as a female fairy) design appears to be based on the design of Tammy Turner, rather than Timantha from the episode, The Boy Who Would Be Queen. Her differences from Tammy Turner include Timmy's clothing colors (blue skirt and pink shirt/hairband, rather than Tammy's pink skirt, white shirt, and lavender hairband), buck teeth, a very feminine body with large breasts, lack of glasses, and fairy wings/crown.
  • Wanda has her hairstyle when she is a balloon when in the series, she doesn't have a hairstyle.