Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Dinklescouts" from Season 9, which aired on April 14, 2013.


  • [The episode starts with an exterior shot of the Turner Residence. In his room, Timmy is packing everything for a Squirrely Scouts camping trip. Sparky comes in.]
  • Sparky: "Hi, Timmy."
  • Timmy: [screams] "Don't eat me!"
  • Sparky: "I would never eat you Timmy. Besides I just ate the dog food your Mom made for dinner.
  • Timmy: "That was meatloaf."
  • Sparky: "Boy, that took a bullet for you there."
  • [Then Cosmo, Wanda and Poof appear, but Timmy screams again.]
  • Wanda: "Sport, you've been screaming all morning. Why are you so jumpy?"
  • Timmy: "Because, I'm going on a camping trip with my Squirrely Scout troop and my Dad is the troop leader."
  • [Timmy screams again, this time with all of his fairies. But Sparky does not, because he has not been on a camping trip before.]
  • Sparky: "What's wrong with your Dad?"
  • Timmy: "Every time we go on a camping trip, my Dad puts us in terrible danger!"
  • [Flashbacks to where Mr. Turner puts the Squirrely Scouts in terrible danger. First, he is teaching the Squirrely Scouts that involves a beehive, an eye mask and a baton where Mr. Turner is holding.]
  • Flashback Mr. Turner: "Watch and learn, scouts. Beehives are nature's pinata."
  • [He hits the beehive and lots of bees come out of it. All the Squirrely Scouts scream as they run from the bees. Another flashback shows Mr. Turner with dynamite, which he mistakes for sticks, and Timmy, Chester and A.J. are watching him.]
  • Flashback Mr. Turner: "To start a fire, just rub two sticks together!" [starts rubbing the dynamite.]
  • Flashback Timmy: "That's dynamite, Dad!"
  • Flashback Mr. Turner: "Thanks, Timmy." [rubs the dynamite faster] "You're pretty groovy yourself!"
  • [Then the dynamite explodes and Mr. Turner, Timmy, Chester and A.J. are covered in smoke. Back to the present, Timmy is sucking his thumb.]
  • Wanda: "Oh, come on, Timmy! Your Dad's not that dangerous!"
  • Cosmo: "At least not to us because we're immortal!"
  • Mr. Turner: "Oh, Timmy!" [opens the door to Timmy's room, which it bangs on the fairies.]
  • Cosmo: "Am I dead?" [His face is red, along with Wanda and Poof, and they all go down on the floor.]
  • [A poster for Faultline National Park is shown. A volcano is erupting and people scream from the lava that's about to go to them.]
  • Mr. Turner: "Check out the extremely challenging campground we're going to. We'll be looking at combat with our Saturday intact."
  • Timmy: [takes the poster from his Dad and reads it] "Faultline State Park. If you have a bad time, it's not our fault; unless there's another earthquake. Dad, this place sounds dangerous!"
  • Mr. Turner: "Ooh, the earthquakes are not that bad.