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Dinklescouts is the second episode of Season 9.


Mr. Turner is a terrible Squirrel Scout leader, and as such Timmy feels worried about the recent camping trip to the dangerous Faultline National Park, He wishes that the more responsible Mr. Dinkleberg would replace his dad as the leader of the Squirrely Scouts. No sooner than Timmy makes his wish than his father finds himself replaced by his arch-rival, who proves to be far more competent than Mr. Turner could ever hope to be. and gets himself into trouble. Timmy's upset dad runs away in shame- just as disaster strikes.


Timmy (in his Squirrely Scout-uniform) is packing up gear and other supplies for his troop's upcoming annual camping trip. But, as noted by Wanda, he's been acting super jumpy all morning -- Timmy reminds his fairies of how his dad's the scout leader for his troop, which causes Timmy and his godfamily (minus Sparky) to start screaming in unison. When Sparky questions them on it (figuring that Mr. Turner couldn't be that bad of a troop leader), Timmy explains to his dog how his dad's antics pretty much always put him and the rest of his troop in terrible danger (albeit unintentionally).

Timmy's Dad eventually comes in and reveals the place he's planning on taking Timmy and the rest of the Squirrely Scouts in their trip for their annual camping trip: a place called Faultline State Park, whose slogan is "If you have a bad time, it's not our fault...unless there's another earthquake," and the poster shows that it apparently even has a volcano -- Timmy's dad also claims that there are apparently "vicious, inbred mountain men" at the park. Timmy, excusing himself, goes to talk to his fairies and wishes that someone more responsible would replace his dad as his troop's leader -- but Cosmo advises Timmy to be more specific, noting that even Faultine's "vicious inbred mountain men" are more responsible compared to Mr. Turner.

After thinking it over, Timmy ultimately wishes that Sheldon Dinkleberg, his family's saintly next-door neighbor, was the new leader of his Squirrely Scout-troop. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof make this come true by way of Timmy's dad getting a call from the Squirrely Scout Association informing him that he's being replaced as the scout leader of his son's troop -- Mr. Turner's saddened by this and becomes enraged when he learns that Dr. Dinkleberg is his replacement.

Mr. Dinkleberg drives Timmy and the rest of his troop, including Mr. Turner, to their camping trip destination -- upon noticing how sad his dad is, Timmy tries helping him feel better by noting that, even if he's not troop leader, the SSA at least still allowed him to come on the camping trip with them. But Mr. Turner notes that he's only being included as a "junior scout" who has to "stay away from fire, sharp objects and children," causing to exclaim, "Where the fun in that!" The troop soon arrives at their destination, but instead of Faultline State Park, Mr. Dinkleburg has taken them to Safety Canyon (which, despite the name, doesn't have a canyon), which is obviously a much safer place than Mr. Turner's original choice for the trip.

During the course of the camping trip, Mr. Dinkleberg does all kinds of fun but safe activities with Timmy and the other scouts while Mr. Turner tries doing more dangerous activities but only gets himself hurt. Timmy's dad eventually acknowledges that Mr. Dinkleberg is a better candidate for being the Squirrely Scout-troop leader and eventually runs away into the woods, leaving a note behind in his tent. When Timmy finds the note and realizes the kind of danger that his dad's currently in ("My dad can't survive alone in the woods! He can barely survive alone in our house!" Timmy claims), Timmy sends Sparky out to go save his dad and bring him back their campsite. During this, the food that Mr. Dinkleberg prepared for lunch attracts some bears from a nearby cave -- the bears eventually start chasing after the kids and Mr. Dinkleberg, cornering them at a cliff.

Sparky brings Timmy's dad back, who manages to save Timmy and the others with his weird methods -- after the bears run away and everyone's safe and sound, Timmy and the others thank Mr. Turner for saving them, with Mr. Dinkleberg going so far as to claim that Mr. Turner is more deserving of being the Squirrely Scout-troop leader.

In the end, Timmy plans to undo his wish and make his dad the troop leader again once the trip is over and the episode ultimately ends with Timmy's dad getting carried off by a hawk and (somehow) hitting an iceberg.


