Dimmsdale Gym is a gym in Dimmsdale.
The Dimmsdale Gym is a place where people exercise which appeared in four episodes.
In Kung Timmy, Timmy wandered into the gym to beat up a few people who were exercising. Billy was impressed with Timmy's work, and told Timmy to "give him five". Timmy thought he meant a high-five, until Billy said "...a hundred push-ups", and then made Timmy do push-ups with cinder-blocks on his back, slashed by Billy while playing piano with his bare left foot.
In Where's Wanda?, Francis was beating on a punching bag with Timmy's likeness painted on it. Francis denies that he stole the godfish and punches the bag so hard that it falls down on Timmy.
In Vicky Gets Fired, it is one of the places where Vicky is determined to get a job at. She was, of course, fired for firing a cannon.
In Jerk of All Trades, Jorgen went here to find a new job. He tried making Mr. Crocker fit by giving him a gym lifting equipment but failed. The equipment was too heavy for Mr. Crocker, and he fell down through the floor. Jorgen was subsequently fired.