Fairly Odd Parents Wiki

The Death Mall is a shopping mall next to the Death Ball Alien Zoo that is filled with retail stores.


The Death Mall is a mall built on the Death Ball. Dark Laser pointed out, in quote, "I call it 'The Death Mall on The Death Ball'. It was built by my best friend Saul last Fall; He's tall, I should give him a call". When Timmy's fairies come to rescue him, they got distracted and went on a spending spree in it.


Head on a Stick[]


Head on a Stick is a restaurant located on the Death Mall. It is a parody of "Hot Dog on a Stick." When Cosmo and Wanda made it to the Death Ball to rescue Timmy, they first got into the Death Mall and agreed to meet him again an hour to save him.

70 minutes later, Wanda and Poof came across this restaurant where Cosmo was working at the register. Wanda wondered why he wasn't where they agreed to meet and he said he got a job there. He was already paid and got free tickets to see the water-show.

Other Locations[]

  • Wanda pointed out there is a store called "Doomingdales"
  • Cinnabomb
  • Slaughtery-Barn
  • Mace-y's
  • 1000 Theatre Multiplex
  • Dead, Bath and Beyond


  • The closed captions mistake it as "Hell on a Stick"
    • Their most common food is a fried space roach head on a stick.
  • All store locations are parodies of popular real life stores.
    • Doommingdale's - Bloomingdale's
    • Cinnabomb - Cinnabon
    • Slaughtery-Barn - Pottery Barn
    • Mace-y's - Macy's
    • Dead, Bath and Beyond - Bed, Bath and Beyond


Death Mall[]

Head on a Stick[]
