"You never disappoint to disappoint, Turner."
"But I'm not going to give you an F."
"I'm gonna give you three F's."
"Cause I find it funny you're failing!"
"You are strictly forbidden from inviting your robot and baby friend over."
"You mean Foop and Dark Laser?"
"You make them sound weird, mother."
"They're a bad influence, Denzel."
"They're more like worsties."
"You're the worstie, Mother!"
"Don't let that door hit you on the way out."
"GAAAHH! I spill the beans!"
"Who do we knows how to put our hair down?"
"Get rid of the girl, and I'll give you a B."
"Hello, Principal Waxelplax..."
"Come to my party, or else."
"Oh, you're coming alright."
"I will hunt you down, woman!"
"I'm gonna get into a lot of trouble for this."