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Not the egg sac!
— Denzel Crocker

Crock Blocked is the twenty second episode of Season 9.


Timmy wishes Crocker would disappear, but he becomes invisible. Due to this, Dad thinks the house is haunted.


Timmy is at School and Mr. Crocker says it's time to show and share, a girl says she has something to show, a priceless vase that her father bought in China but Mr. Crocker tells her to forget it and that this it's his show so he's going to show something, his new device for trapping fairies: The Crock Duster (a portable crank crusher), he turns to Timmy and explains that his device turns fairies into fairy dust and he can put it on his face, Mr. Crocker puts powder on his face and the powder makes Cosmo, Wanda and Poof (who are in pencils {Cosmo and Wanda} and eraser {Poof} form) sneeze.

Timmy asks Mr. Crocker why he looks at him and says he doesn't have fairies, Mr. Crocker tells him not to lie to him, that he knows that his pencils sneeze and that he will find his fairies, which he thinks aren't there and when he did, he planned to use his device on them, Mr. Crocker starts turning the crank which makes the saws spin and the fairies get scared, Mr. Crocker starts laughing while the saws continue spinning and then his tie gets stuck in the saws and starts to get crushed, Mr. Crocker panics and tries to free himself, he goes out into the hallway and is hit by the school bus, Mr. Crocker asks who diverted the traffic into the hallway and Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are relieved to see that they are safe.

At his House during the night, Timmy is in the bathroom with Cosmo, Wanda and Poof (in the form of a toothbrush, comb and soap dispenser respectively), Timmy is worried since Mr. Crocker never gives up, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are also worried and Wanda suggests that Timmy make his wishes at home where it is safe, Timmy takes Cosmo and mentions that he hates brushing his teeth and wishes he never had to do it, then a periscope comes out of the toilet and Mr. Crocker's laughter is heard which makes Timmy scared, Mr. Crocker comes out of the toilet and says that Timmy made a wish on his fairies, Timmy flushes the toilet and the toilet begins to flush, Mr. Crocker turns counterclockwise while telling Timmy that he couldn't get rid of him and that he survived the bus crash in the hallway at 10:30 that morning and mentions that in Tasmania he would be spinning in the toilet clockwise, Timmy yells at his father that the toilet is full of Crocker, luckily, Mr. Turner was crouching by the door with a toilet plunger, Mr. Turner starts using the plunger on Mr. Crocker, he flushes the toilet and Mr. Crocker goes down the toilet.

At bedtime, Timmy tells Cosmo, Wanda and Poof (who are in their fish tank) that Mr. Crocker is driving him crazy but at least he's gone, he proceeds to lie down in his bed and when he moves the blanket he discovers that Mr. Crocker is in his bed dressed as a bedbug, Mr. Crocker says goodnight to Timmy and not to let the bedbugs take his fairies, Timmy screams and tells his father that there is a giant bedbug in his bed, luckily, Mr. Turner was crouched next to Timmy's door along with a baseball bat to hit bugs which he bought when he played baseball for the Dimmsdale Bedbugs, Mr. Turner proceeds to hit Mr. Crocker and Mr. Crocker screams in pain like a woman, Mr. Turner thinks he is a female bedbug so he decides to drag him outside and hit him in the egg sac and Mr. Crocker asks not to in the egg sac.

Timmy gets tired of Mr. Crocker watching him and wishes he would disappear, Wanda thinks the wish could be drastic but Timmy reminds her that Mr. Crocker wants to turn them into dust and use them as nose powder, she agrees with Timmy, they wave their Wands and say "Goodbye Mr. Crocker".

Timmy's wish is fulfilled but as it could be understood in different ways, instead of making Mr. Crocker leave, the magic makes him invisible, Mr. Crocker doesn't realize he's turned invisible and walks down the street thinking about catching Timmy's fairies, stops in the middle of the road and is hit by a bus, Mr. Crocker asks the driver if he is blind and that he wears a flashy insect suit, then he is hit by a sedan and flies away to Dimmsdale Stadium, through the team banner and is trampled by the football players and the band and Mr. Crocker says he hates the sport.

The next morning, Timmy arrives at school and tells his classmates that he has a hunch that Mr. Crocker won't be teaching again, then Mr. Crocker arrives and tells Timmy that he also has a hunch and he's right there, Timmy gets scared and tells Mr. Crocker that he hears him but doesn't see him, Mr. Crocker still doesn't know that he is invisible and thinks it's strange and says that he had been ignored before but he never heard that no one could see him, Mr. Crocker decides to start class and reveals that he plans to give everyone F's, the kids get scared and run away, Mr. Crocker tells them to come back since he doesn't have fun giving them F's if he doesn't see them cry.

Then Mr. Crocker sees a mirror behind him, notices that he is not reflected in the mirror and discovers that he is invisible, which explains why his mother was scared when he gave him a hug at night, Mr. Crocker asks Timmy what he did to him and he believes that Timmy and his fairies are behind it, but Mr. Crocker believes it is worse for Timmy since he can catch his fairies and Timmy does not see him approaching and he laughs, Timmy screams in terror and runs away, Mr. Crocker laughs and goes out into the hallway but suddenly he is hit by a train and Mr. Crocker asks who diverted the train into the hallway.

Timmy comes home and hides in his room, he tells Cosmo, Wanda and Poof that he told them to make Mr. Crocker go away, not make him invisible, Cosmo says the line: "When the cat comes out the mouse has fun" and no one understands what it has to do with it, Timmy blocks the door with boards, his furniture, his things and Sparky, he thinks that will stop Mr. Crocker and decides to wish that he would be visible again but Wanda tells him that according to Da Rules fairy magic doesn't work on invisible teachers, which annoys Timmy and Cosmo says a list of people his magic doesn't work on, Wanda says they need to see Mr. Crocker for their magic to work, Timmy comes up with a plan and says that he can't risk Mr. Crocker seeing Cosmo, Wanda and Poof but so he tells them to hide in the fish tank, they do and Cosmo believes that no one will see them through the clear glass.

In the living room, Mr. Turner is sitting, eating dinosaur-shaped pieces of chicken and drinking a beer while Sparky wants to eat one, then, Mr. Crocker arrives in his Unsuspecting Van, laughs and enters the house, Mr. Crocker proceeds to look for Timmy's fairies but then he smells the pieces of chicken, he says that his mother never lets him eat them (not because they are high in cholesterol but because she doesn't want to see him happy), Mr. Crocker takes the pieces of chicken and Mr. Turner thinks there is a ghost in the house, Sparky says he wants Mr. Crocker to leave one and Mr. Turner hears him talking, he asks him if he can talk, Sparky tells him no and that he is just hysterical for having seen a ghost and Mr. Turner decides to believe him, Mr. Crocker starts going "Boo" and tells Mr. Turner that he is a thirsty ghost and to give him his beer which his mother does not allow him to drink, Mr. Turner gives it to him and Mr. Crocker is happy to see that it is a Root Beer and drinks it, Mr. Turner tells him that he is very strange and thinks that not everyone misses him.

In the bathroom, Timmy He has a trap prepared and tells his fairies to prepare their wands, when Mr. Crocker enters the bathroom Timmy will throw a bucket of paint on him so they can see him, Timmy says out loud that he hopes Mr. Crocker doesn't catch him talking to his fairies to lure him and waits for him to arrive, Cosmo comes out of the fish tank and asks Timmy if he needs helps, this scares Timmy and he accidentally knocks over the bucket and it falls on his head while Cosmo eats Tasmanian deviled eggs and mentions that Tasmanians call Tasmanian food: "Food".

In the garden, Timmy prepares another trap, he places cutouts of Cosmo, Wanda and Poof in front of a puddle of mud hidden under some leaves and a rope tied to some posts, when Mr. Crocker see the cutouts he will trip over the rope and fall in the puddle, but Cosmo, Wanda and Poof can't understand which cutout belongs to whom and this bothers Timmy, luckily they have cutouts of themselves for emergencies like that, they give them to Timmy and he sees that the cutouts are exaggerated but he decides to use them, Timmy walks towards the trap and accidentally trips over the rope, he falls into the puddle and the cutouts go flying, Mr. Crocker walks by when the cutouts collided with him, he thinks that they are the fairies, mentions that they are much flatter than he expected and tells them to fulfill his wishes, Timmy sees that Mr. Crocker holds the cutouts and tells them to stop looking at him with dead white eyes, Timmy takes the fish tank and runs to the house.

In the kitchen, Mr. Turner shows Sparky that he made an altar of ceremonial dip sauces in the kitchen to appease the ghost but he decides to try the flavors, he takes a piece of chicken, puts sauce on it and it tastes delicious so he decides to eat them himself and Sparky wants Mr. Turner to leave one.

Timmy enters the house and tells Cosmo, Wanda and Poof that his plans are not working and that he must think of another way to make Mr. Crocker appear before he finds them, then Mr. Crocker arrives laughing and takes the fish tank, Mr. Crocker tells Timmy that he caught him, that when he collided with the cutouts he realized that they were fake and when he saw Timmy talking to his fish tank he concluded that his fairies are there, he thought they are behind Timmy's fish (without knowing that the fish are Timmy's fairies), Timmy tells the invisible crazy man to give him his fish, he tells him good try and to throw the fish tank in his Crock Duster, Mr. Crocker throws Timmy in the trash, runs away and Timmy goes after him but collides with Sparky who licks the sauce off of himself since Mr. Turner threw it at him when Sparky pushed him to get some pieces of chicken, Timmy notices that the sauce is very sticky and then it occurs to him how to make Mr. Crocker visible, Sparky thinks it's great and asks him if he knows how to make a giant diet soda since he's thirsty for the pieces of chicken that he says he didn't steal.

Mr. Crocker takes Cosmo, Wanda and Poof to his Non-Suspicious Van, he is glad to finally have the fairies and says that soon he will have their magical power in manly duster, then he takes his Crock Duster and starts laughing while the fairies scare and Cosmo says that Mr. Crocker must be a ventriloquist since he doesn't see him move his lips when he talks but then Mr. Crocker smells more pieces of chicken and decides to eat them one more time before the fairies literally bite the dust.

Mr. Crocker leaves his Non-Suspicious Van with the fish tank and finds the pieces of chicken in the window and sees that they are star-shaped, he mentions that his mother doesn't let him see the stars either (because she is afraid that he will make a wish) and he takes them but then he activates Timmy's trap and a bucket of dip sauce falls on him, then a feather pillow breaks and a fan turns on, causing the feathers to fly and stick to him, making them see him and making him look like a chicken, Mr. Crocker begins to run and scream and then Timmy wishes that Mr. Crocker would be visible again, the fairies wave their wands to grant Timmy's wish and Mr. Crocker becomes visible again, Mr. Turner sees him, says that he can see the ghost and that he can finally use his Ghost Chicken bat, it turns out that he also played baseball for the Dimmsdale Ghost Chickens, he cheer on the Chickens and goes after him, Mr. Crocker gets scared, tells him to leave his egg sack alone and runs while Mr. Turner chases him and proceeds to beat him.

The next day at school, Timmy tells Cosmo, Wanda and Poof that he won't be looking forward to seeing Mr. Crocker but at least he can still see them which makes them happy too, then Mr. Crocker enters to the classroom being completely naked and apologizes for being late and says that it is useless to put on clothes when you are invisible without knowing that he has become visible again, Timmy screams in horror and begs to stop, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are horrified too, quickly wave their wands and fulfill Timmy's wish, putting a blindfold on him which relieves him.

The kids scream in horror and Mr. Crocker asks them what is happening and if they can see him, Mr. Crocker looks at his body and discovers that he is already visible, which explains why his mother screamed when he hugged her in the night, Mr. Crocker screams in shame, covers himself with the F's on his desk and goes out into the hallway when he is suddenly hit by a race car and Mr. Crocker asks who diverted the Dimmsdale 500 into the hallway, Cosmo tells Timmy that in Dimmsdale the Dimmsdale 500 is just called: "500" and tells him to ask a cat next to his desk, the cat grabs Cosmo and Mr. Crocker asks that not the egg sac.

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