Cosmo: Ooooh, Wanda, this is so exciting! Our baby's coming home from Spellementary School for spring break!
(He and Wanda raise their wands and they magically decorate Timmy's room as a welcome party.)
Wanda: I've missed Poof so much.
Cosmo: Who's Poof?
Wanda: Our son!
Cosmo: Of course! Baby Prune! (pupils turn into apples) The apple of my eye, (holds wand on both of his hands) the light of my life, the wind beneath my wigs! I have to keep a fan under my wigs while he's gone.
(Three green wigs on a hanger are shown to be drying out by a fan and Timmy enters the room.)
Cosmo: Poof, you're home! (hugs Timmy) And you grew a body!
Timmy: 'Cause I'm Timmy!
(Chloe enters the room.)
Cosmo: Poof, you're home! And you're a (hugs Chloe) girl!
Chloe: 'Cause I'm Chloe!
Wanda: Cosmo, (holds up a picture frame of Poof) THIS is Poof!
Cosmo: Poof, you're home! And you've been (grabs the picture frame) framed! Wanda, we gotta get a baby lawyer!
Chloe: Ooh, Poof! I’m so excited to finally meet him! I love babies. I like to smell their heads..And from the looks of poof, HE’S ALL HEAD!
Timmy: Poof is awesome. He’s still learning how to be a fairy, so he’ll let you wish up totally inappropriate but super cool stuff, Like Punchy the Boxing Kangaroo!
(Punchy jumps into the room.)
Punchy: Shrimp on the barbie!
Cosmo: Poof, you're home! And you have a (points the punchy’s stomach) stomach pocket!
(Punchy punches Cosmo.)
Cosmo: Gah! (lands onto a wall) Ooh, you got a good right hand! You got that from your mother!
(Honking is heard in the distance.)
Wanda: It's the Spellementary School bus!
(The bus parks outside of Timmy's window)
Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, and Chloe: Poof's here!
Cosmo: Poof, you're home! (hugs a balloon) And you're torso's a string! (the balloon pops) AAH! I popped my baby! I'm going to JAIL!! GET THE BABY LAWYER!
(The bus drives away. Cuts to poof as Cosmo, Wanda, and Timmy hug him.)
Wanda: You’ve grown so much, Poof! Wait till you hear him talk, Timmy, his voice is starting to change.
Poof: That’s right, mama. Thank ya, thank ya very much. (Flies over to Chloe) Well, GOLLY! It’s good to be home. Is this Chloe? Nice to meet ya! SHAZAM!
Chloe: Um..Poof, it is a privilege to make your acquaintance. Would it be alright if I could possibly…SMELL YOUR HEAD?
Poof: Knock yourself out, lady!
(Chloe sniffs Poof.)
Chloe: Ahh…it smells like bunnies and springtime…JUST LIKE I THOUGHT IT WOULD! Ahhh… (faints)
Poof: (poofs up Donald Trump’s hair and imitates him) I brought some friends home. Well, one friend and one harbinger of doom. It’s gonna be HUGE.
(One of poof’s friends poof in the room as Foop uses a laser to get in. He blows his bottle.)
Sammy Sweetsparkle: Hello, and howdy! I’m Sammy Sweetsparkle! I can make anything sour and make it sweet.
Foop: Expect me of course. (Turns around and points his bottle at Chloe) FYI, Blondie, smell my head and PERISH!
Punchy: Shrimp on the Barbie! (Punches Foop)
Timmy: Good job, punchy! And Poof, just a suggestion, maybe next time, don’t bring a harbinger of doom.
Foop: Well, I would have gone home, but Mommy and Daddy moved without leaving a forwarding address…Again. Oh, melancholy sigh.. Feelings of REVENGE!
Wanda: (flies up to Foop) I have a fun idea! I say we put Foop in some nice (puts out handcuffs) safety restraints and all go for Ice cream!
Sammy Sweetsparkle: Yay! I love Ice cream! Let’s enough to share with all the children of the world.
(Punchy punches Sammy)
Foop: Haha! Nice work, Punchy. Now, let’s get spring break busy with madcap fun and debauchery! (Poofs up some boat show girls) We’ll poof up some boat show girls, (poofs up a lake of fire) a lake of fire, (poofs up some dogs), and let the dogs loose.
Wanda: You will be doing NO SUCH THING with the dogs!
(Wanda poofs away all the things Foop poofed up)
Wanda: Here’s how spring break’s gonna go down. It’s gonna be chock full of WHOLESOME, AGE-APPROPRIATE FUN FOR EVERYONE!!!
Foop: WOW. You are KILLING me, Lady! If you excuse me, I need a little one-on-one time with Skullberry (Wanda raises her eyebrow in the background) to plot your demise- Uh! I MEAN cuddle. Let’s put out skill and head together with a diabolical plan. Before this day is done, there WILL be fire and dogs! OH, AND BOAT SHOW GIRLS!
Timmy's mom: Chloe, I hear you're baby-sitting. Would you mind watching Timmy's dad? I can't take him grocery shopping anymore. He (Timmy's dad wanders off) wiggles in the cart (pulls him back with a leash) and grabs candy off the shelves!
Timmy's dad: Candy is good! [tries to run but Timmy's mom restrains him] Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!
Timmy's dad: Oooh, candy! (picks up a pinecone and starts eating it)
Chloe: That's a pinecone, which is (reads book) not a super sitter approved snack!
(Poof charges at Timmy's dad and headbutts his stomach, causing the latter to spit out the pinecone which lands on Foop's left eye, to which he lets out a scream.)
Punchy Shrimp on the barbie! (punches Foop)
Timmy: Oh no! The entire floor's a treadmill! (cries) She's making me exercise!
Mr. Crocker: Gah, what's going on? Why am I running on my hands?!