"Certifiable Super Sitter" is the 35th episode of Season 10 and the season's third and final half hour special. It is also the final half hour special of the series. This episode marks the return of Poof and his only appearance in Season 10. This is also the first episode to premiere on Nicktoons instead of the main channel.
The episode starts in Timmy's room. Cosmo and Wanda are excited because their son, Poof is coming home on Spring Break. They decorate Timmy's bedroom in celebration of his return. When Timmy enters his room, Cosmo mistakes him for his son. He does the same thing with Chloe. Wanda then shows Cosmo a picture of Poof, and he thinks it's actually their son. Chloe then shows her excitement towards meeting Poof. Timmy says Poof is awesome, because he can wish up "totally inappropriate but super-cool stuff". He then shows Punchy the Boxing Kangaroo to Chloe. Cosmo then mistakes Punchy for Poof, and Punchy proceeds to punch him. Then, the Spellementary School bus arrives at Timmy's house, and everybody is excited to meet Poof. Cosmo mistakes a balloon for Poof, and he pops it. Poof gets out of the bus, and Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda proceed to hug him. Wanda tells Timmy that Poof's voice is changing. Poof proceeds to do various impressions. Chloe then asks Poof if she can sniff his head, and Poof allows her to do so. Chloe describes the scent as smelling like "Bunnies and spring-time." Poof does a Donald Trump impression, and says he has brought a friend and a harbinger of doom with him. Then, Sammy Sweetsparkle and Foop proceed to enter the room. Foop wants revenge. Foop said he would have went home, but Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda moved without leaving a forwarding address for him again. Then he poofs up a league of fire and girls with dogs loose then Wanda takes it away and yells at him by grabbing his shirt, while outside Foop tricks Cosmo and Wanda in winning a French dinner while using his Skull Phone to do so. So Chloe gets to babysit Poof and his friends. Cosmo and Wanda get pushed in a black hole. Mrs. Turner asks Chloe to babysit Mr. Turner, while she goes grocery shopping because she can’t take him with her to the store anymore. Chloe tells a joke which made everyone (except Foop) laugh. Chloe thinks Foop is good. Back inside Sammy Sweetsparkle is playing with toys. Foop destroyed it. Timmy asks Poof to poof up something. He poofs up a Mr. Crocker punching bag and Punchy punches it really hard. Chloe sings a nursery rhyme, Foop puts up a spider but Poof got rid of it. Chloe hugs Foop. Foop didn't hate it. Suddenly Vicky arrives. She wants to destroy everyone because she has twerp alert on her Skull Phone, Chloe then walks up to her and Vicky spreads her super sitter book in half, She takes Poof's rattle and Foop's bottle. Vicky pushes Timmy and Chloe by using a mobile trap door causing them to fall down a basement. She makes Timmy run on the treadmill-floor and Chloe pick up garbage. Meanwhile, Vicky is baking cookies and Sammy adds sprinkles on the cookies and Vicky starts being mean again while eating all of the cookies in front of her victims and Mr. Turner tries to escape but stopped. She then uses them as furniture so she can watch her favourite TV show called The Very Real Housewives of Dimmsdale. She finally uses Mr. Turner, Sammy, Poof and Foop run on a treadmill which powers a makeover machine to look hot for her date tonight. Meanwhile, Timmy and Chloe get a plan by picking up garbage so more of it will fall to fill up the room and then Chloe jumps off of the trap door and Chloe fights Vicky, luckily Foop saves Chloe by getting Vicky into saying "here Punchy" and Punchy punches Vicky really hard right into the wall Poof then gets his rattle and blasts Vicky away. Outside Mr. Turner, Sammy, Timmy, Chloe and Foop are in the pool tossing Poof like a beach ball. Chloe thanks Foop for saving her. Wanda and Cosmo and Wanda thanks Foop for the dinner recommendation. Wanda asks Poof if anything happened. Poof said that nothing happened. Mrs. Turner comes back. The episode ends with Punchy punching Cosmo.
Jeff Bennett as Poof as Elvis/Poof as Gilbert Gottfried/Poof as Harvey Fierstein/Poof as Jackie Mason/Poof as Jean Stapleton/Poof as Scarface/Poof as Jim Nabors
This is the first episode of the show (in airdate order) that used Flash animation rather than its traditional animation.
This episode first premiered on Nicktoons and then premiered on the regular Nickelodeon channel on April 6, 2018. It was also the last episode to be premiered on Nickelodeon as Goldie-Crocks and the Three Fair Bears and Fancy Schmancy weren't a part of the 2018 airings.