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"Lie! Quickly!"
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Brandy-Lynn is a minor character in the first season of The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder. She is voiced by Mia Castillo.


Season 1[]


When Roy gets turned into a living puppet, Cosmo suggests they contact Brandy-Lynn for help, but Wanda adamantly refuses, confident that they can resolve this without outside help. Of course, they eventually call on Brandy-Lynn to help them out of this problem. Brandy-Lynn agrees, and explains that she's dealt with this situation before. In order to break the spell, Roy must tell a great truth. After Roy is restored to normal, Brandy-Lynn tries to reminisce with Cosmo over something that happened during their relationship before Wanda hits her with a rocket punch, knocking her off-screen and leaving her to moan in pain in a bush.


She is shown to be quite flirty, as well as a bit smug about her magical abilities. Despite the fact she and Cosmo are exes, she still holds a great deal of affection towards him, as evidenced by how she calls him "Cutesmo"; as such, she doesn't really like Wanda, whom she calls "Wand-dumb".



She and Cosmo used to date at some point before he and Wanda got together, but the exact details of their relationship are unknown. Despite the fact they are no longer together, Brandy-Lynn is always willing to come and help her ex out...as long as Cosmo is willing to give her a kiss, that is. It is implied that Cosmo is the one who ended the relationship as Brandy-Lynn still expresses affection for him.


Brandy-Lynn and Wanda have an adversarial relationship, both being interested in Cosmo. While Brandy-Lynn reveals her dislike to be lighthearted, Wanda's is real.



  • "Hey, Cutesmo...hey, Wand-dumb."


  • Despite the fact that they are not at the Turner residence, Brandy-Lynn falls into a bush.


