Fairly Odd Parents Wiki
Trivia Page


  • This is the fourth crossover episode featuring The Fairly OddParents.
  • Although characters from FOP do appear, this is not an official FOP episode, as the series was over by the time this was produced. It's only a Bunsen is a Beast episode in terms of production.
  • This is currently the last appearance of a ten-year-old Timmy Turner outside of a flashback at the beginning of The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder. This is also the last time Tara Strong voiced Timmy.
  • Chloe Carmichael is notably absent from this crossover. While it could be because of bad reception from the public (which was Sparky's fate), it's unlikely she would've been included anyway. This crossover is more focused on the Bunsen is a Beast cast, and is juggling a large number of characters as is, so the FOP end of the crossover is limited to the core and more well-known characters.
    • This is the first episode since "Jerk of All Trades" to only feature Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda.
  • This episode is dedicated to the memory of Kevin Iwaki.
  • This episode reveals that Crocker wears a toupee.
  • This is the last Fairly OddParents episode to air in the 2010s.

Continuity & Easter Eggs

Running Gags

  • Amanda getting hit by pianos.
  • Amanda using Boom-Boom Powder and saying "Where's the Boom-Boom?" before it goes off.
  • Timmy's Dad calling Mikey a hotdog head.
  • Crocker snaring himself in mousetraps.
  • Mikey poofing from one place to another.


  • When Amanda came out of the portal, she should sprout out a third arm.

