Episode | Trivia | Appearances | Gallery | Transcript |
- Timmy Turner
- Denzel Crocker
- Bippy the Monkey
- Cosmo Cosma
- Wanda Fairywinkle-Cosma
- Mr. Turner
- Mrs. Turner
- Jorgen Von Strangle
- Chester McBadbat
- A.J.
- Chet Ubetcha
- Geraldine Waxelplax
- Cupid
- Tooth Fairy
- Jeff the Elf
- Fairy Cowlick Jr.
- Easter Bunny
- Sanjay
- Elmer
- Juandissimo Magnifico
- The April Fool
- Baby New Year
- Food Cart Guy
- Apes
- Students
- Citizens of Dimmsdale
- Fairies
- Two kids in example explanation that Jorgen showed to Timmy
- Denise and Craig (the fairies of the two kids above) (Names revealed in commentary on DVD)
- Medical Officials
- Francis
- Meesa
- Mama Cosma
- Vicky the Babysitter
- Santa Claus
- Trixie Tang
- Veronica
- Tootie
- The Unknown Teacher
- Mean Looking Kid
- Animated Butch Hartman
- Fairy Council (mentioned)
- Dolores-Day Crocker (mentioned)
- Earth
- United States
- Dimmsdale
- Chimpsdale
- Slavesdale
- Asylum that Crocker got locked up into at end of movie
- San Francisco
- Mt. Rushmore
- New York
- Washington D.C.
- Egypt
- Hollywood (cameo)
- Paris, France
- London, England
- United States
- Fairy World
Previous Episode | Abra-Catastrophe! |
Next Episode |
v - e★ Season 3 Appearances ★ | ||
OY!C ★ 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ 6 ★ 7 ★ 8 ★ 9 ★ 10 | ||
#01 Ruled Out | #02 That's Life! | #03 Shiny Teeth |
#04 Odd, Odd West | #05 MicroPhony | #06 So Totally Spaced Out |
#07 Love Struck! | #08 Cosmo Con | #09 Wanda's Day Off! |
#10 Odd Jobs | #11 Movie Magic | #12 Abra-Catastrophe! |
#13 Sleepover and Over | #14 Mother Nature | #15 Crimson Chin meets Mighty Mom & Dyno Dad |
#16 Engine Blocked | #17 Most Wanted Wish | #18 This Is Your Wish |
#19 Beddy Bye | #20 The Grass is Greener | #21 Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker! |
#22 Kung Timmy | #23 Which Witch Is Which? | #24 Pipe Down! |
#25 The Big Scoop! | #26 Crime Wave | #27 Odd Ball |
#28 Where's Wanda? | #29 Imaginary Gary | #30 Chip Off The Old Chip |
#31 Snow Bound |