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Timmy Chloe Cosmo Wanda Poof Sparky
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Timothy Tiberius Turner, or simply Timmy Turner, was born on March 21, the same day as his celebrity friend, Chip Skylark. He is age 10, although he has had many birthdays over the course of the series. Timmy's parents used to pay very much attention to him, but when they told a lie, Timmy called Vicky to be his babysitter, and she remained it as he grew up. But then Timmy received two fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda who granted his every wish throughout his childhood, sometimes sending Vicky into a comical rage. Timmy is defined as proud and arrogant but yet he is scrawny and weak but makes up for it by being extremely witty and clever. He can be lazy and selfish, but is truly brave and heroic proving to be rather caring and loving. Unlike his friends, Chester and A.J., who are quite comfortable with being unpopular, Timmy desperately tries being cool in high hopes that he will win Trixie Tang over and be accepted as one of the popular kids. Timmy is also stalked by Vicky's little sister, Tootie, who is deeply infatuated with Timmy, although he does not openly return this affection. In Wishology, Timmy was revealed to be "The Chosen One" by a fairy prophecy.
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Recientemente Destacado: Alma GemelaMascota MágicaUna Enemiga Amigable¡Navidad Todos los Días!Kung Timmymás...

"And now that I can talk, I got a bunch of things to say. Mom, no more string beets. Dad, stay away from the oven! And Timmy...buddy...I love ya, but you gotta lose the pink hat."

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